
Kinds of Monkeys are in Bali You will Find

Bali has many unique and interesting sights to visit. An exotic stretch of beach ready to greet your visit, beautiful valleys that spoil the eye as far as looking at it, and other sights await your visit. Visiting the tourism in Bali sometimes we will accidentally meet the residents of the sights such as monkeys. So before coming to tourist attractions in Bali, it is advisable to know the information whether the tourist spot that there is a monkey or ape, so we can be more vigilant. Here are some kinds of monkeys are in Bali.

Black Ape in Bali Barat National Park

It kind of monkey is being cultivated in Bali Barat National Park. You will possibly meet them in this park. This species is on endangered status in Indonesia. Here are the detail information about these monkeys.

  • Family and species

Another name of the Black Ape is commonly known as Presbytis cristata, but lately some scholars have pointed out that there are errors in nomenclature, the difference in the size of the skull circle and the dental arch between the Black Ape in Java and the Black Ape on the Malay Peninsula and the Asian mainland, so the Latin name of the Black Ape becomes Trachypitechus auratus kohlbruggei. This type of monkey in Indonesia has 3 (three) types of children, they are T. auratus sondaicus in West Java, T. auratus auratus in east Java, and Trachypitechus auratus kohlbruggei in Bali and Lombok.

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  • Characteristics of Black Ape

The characteristics of the Black Ape or better known as the budeng in Bali is the adult black monkey has black to silver black hair color. The difference between the female and the male lies in the Velvik part (groin), which is on the pelval part of the female is pale white while in the male is black. The newborn has an orange body hair and on the white face of the hands and feet that gradually turn black. This change process occurs between 3 to 5 months. Black apes of adult males have a head length size up to an average body of 571 mm (467 – 650 mm) and an average tail length of 742 mm (680 – 810 mm).

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  • Habits

This monkey species live in a group consist of 30 to 60 heads and the group is usually led by some dominant male monkeys, sometimes if the amount of food supporting this group of monkeys can grow up to 300-400, after which the large group will break to form a new, smaller group. The size of the group is determined by the available food source and the area of forest it occupies. If space and food sources allow for frequent occurrence, a number of apes separate themselves from large groups and form new groups. Each group will maintain its territorial territory from other group interventions, even to fights between groups in the territorial border area.

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Long-Tailed Monkey (Macaca fasciularis)

This kind of monkeys can be found in Sangeh, Alas Kedaton, Uluwatu Temple, Monkey Ubud Forest, and other parts of Bali. You can also call them by long-tailed monkeys since they have pretty long tile that used for hanging on the tree. For the full descriptions you can read below.

  • The characteristics of Macaca fasciularis

Long-tailed monkeys or Macaca fascicularis are indeed popular monkeys. This long-tailed monkey we often see. In addition to this type of monkey populations tend to be many, its ability to adapt to make long-tailed monkeys accustomed to the presence of human beings so much maintained. Even these monkeys are popularly used in the “monkey mask” attraction. In English, a long-tailed monkey is called Crab-eating Macaque or Long-Tailed Macaque. While in Latin (scientific name) primates are named Macaca fascicularis are synonymous with Macaca irus. These monkeys live in three groups (east, central and west) that would cause conflict if they crossed into the territory occupied by other apes.

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  • Different between male and female

This type of monkey as an adult has a body length that varies between 38-55 cm (15-22 inches) with the arms and legs are relatively short. Male apes are much larger than females, weighing 5 to 9 kilograms compared with females between 3-6 kg. Has a tail longer than its body, usually between 40-65 cm (16-26 inches), it  used for Equilibrium when they jump up to a distance of 5 meters (16.4 feet). The upper body is dark brown with light golden brown. The lower part is light gray with dark gray / brown on the tail.

This type of ape has occasional hair-sometimes a short, short peak line from head to back on his back. Their skin is black in the legs and ears, while the skin on the snout is a pinkish-gray color. The eyelids often have prominent white asteric and sometimes there are white spots in the ear. For males, they have the characteristics of mustache and cheek whiskers, while in females only have a mustache on cheek. This monkey has a cheek pouch that they use to keep Boga while foraging. And in females, it does not show swelling of the perineum.

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  • The long-tailed monkey has been found since long time ago

These monkeys are also referred to as cynomolgus monkeys in the laboratory, and have a long history with humans. They are also regarded as agricultural pests, as sacred Fauna in several temples and temples, and also as subjects of medical experiments. This type of monkey is biological in a matrilineal social group with female hierarchy dominance in the wild, and male members will leave their group as they reach puberty / adulthood.

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  • The special habits

Long-tailed monkeys that inhabit the environment around Pura Uluwatu, Bali, have a surefire trick to get food from the tourists. They seized tourist goods, such as glasses, hats, cameras, even a bundle of money from ticket booths. They will be their slaves.The monkeys will wait until finally the temple managers offer them food, to be exchanged for the belongings of the visitors they hostage. This kind of behavior is unusual in monkeys and has never been scientifically researched. Therefore, Fany Brotcorne, the primate expert at the University of Liège in Belgium and his colleagues conducted a study to uncover how and why the behavior is spread among monkeys.

Those are the kinds of monkeys that you possibly meet in Bali. Don’t be afraid of them. If you act aggressively, they would possibly attack you with their sharp claws. Be friendly with them is the solution to safe yourself from their attack.

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