
10 Kinds of Weather in Indonesia You Must Know

Because Indonesia is a tropical country, it has two seasons: dry season and rainy season. The change of the season happens once during 6 months. Most of the islands in Indonesia are mountainous, with many volcanic peaks and other mountains exceeding 3,000 m / 10,000 feet. Consequently there are many sharp local differences regarding the climate in Indonesia; not only lower temperatures in the hills, but the maximum number and rainy seasons vary with different exposures from the islands of the two major seasonal wind systems.

The entire archipelago is alternately dominated by the northern monsoon, blowing from China and the northern Pacific between November and March, and the southern rainy season, blowing from the Indian Ocean and the Australian continent between May and September. Because of those various seasons, here are 10 Kinds of Weather in Indonesia that might occur.

  1. Sunny

 The characteristic of sunny weather are the bright sun, bright sky, very few clouds in the sky, and warm air. In general, the rain will not go down when the sunny day. The wind blows breezy. During the day, there are clouds that are piled skimpy, similar to clean white cotton.This sunny weather conditions normally happen in the middle of the dry season. There is not much moisture formed into clouds to form the rain. With this sunny weather many activities can be done. When you traveling to Bali, this is the best weather for having Activities to Do in Bali Indonesia.

  1. Hot weather

Hot weather is the weather that occurs when the sun is shining  very hot. Air outside the room will feel warm to hot. The heat of sun outside of the room during the day could burn the skin. Especially at 12 pm upwards.

During the day, the sun’s light falls straight up to the earth so it feels painful.In the hot weather, the wind will blow faster than usual. The dust will be everywhere because it is blown by the wind. For that, it is advisable to use a mask for bikers, bicycles, or pedestrians to avoid the dust. To avoid sunburn, you could apply sunblock. To cover up your part of body, use the glasses or hat would be okay.

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3. Cloudy

Cloudy weather is a condition when the sun is often covered by clouds on the sky.Slow but sure, it will thicken. Then the sky would change into the dark grey. The cloud is formed by the amount of water vapor that moves into the sky. A number of clouds can be clustered so they will form a large number of cloud. If nearby places support, dark clouds can turn into rain.This cloudy weather usually indicates that the rain will fall on that day. Cloudy weather frequently happened in rainy season of Indonesia. Don’t forget to prepare an umbrella when it is cloudy.

4. Cold weather

Cold weather is the condition when the air temperature getting lower, so it feels cooler than usual. The temperature would be at the under normal level. It usually occurs during the transition of the dry season into the rainy season. However, sometimes the cold weather also happen during the rainy season and dry season. Make sure to wear jacket when you are getting cold.

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5. Rainfall

Rainy weather occurs when the grains of water that stored in the clouds fall to the earth. When it is raining, the sky usually turns dark and the sun is covered by clouds. The temperature becomes cold. The rain happens because of much vapor water in the clouds is no longer able to accommodate until the water falls into the surface of the earth. Light or heavy rain is usually affected by wind speed. The rainfall with the wind will be followed by the storm. It is a strong wind with thunder and lightning. The big wind can make bad destruction on earth.

6. Windy

The wind is blowing but in the normal intensity. It ran through all the delicate objects it passed. If the wind blows very strongly, trees and huts will be destroyed. The wind rate can be measured with anemometer. On windy weather, the sky is generally a bit overcast and the air temperature is low. Don’t go anywhere during windy weather. It is not good idea to hang out during this weather.

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7. Drizzle

Drizzle is usually happen when the rain just starting. Be careful of drizzle if you are on the road. The condition when drizzle can be more dangerous than the conditions of during heavy rain. This is because the road surface still has dust and sand then added water from drizzle. As a result the road is more slippery than when heavy rain. Heavy rain has removed the dust and sand from the highway, drizzling adding the water element with sand. The slick potential is bigger.

8. Thunderstorm

Thunderstorm in Indonesia usually happen when heavy rain blown by the fast wind. Tropical cyclone is one of the storms that usually occur in rainy season.  It could bring the extreme weather such as long period of heavy rain that could make several potential natural disasters such as flood, tornado, even landslide. During this weather, don’t go outside of building. It would be dangerous to go outside when stormy day. (Read also: Disaster in Indonesia )

9. Lightning and thunder

Lightning and thunder usually happens before or after the rain. However, there is also the condition of heavy rain and lightning occur at the same time. Lightning and thunder often occurs during the rainy season. Although you don’t understand how the process of lightning, surely you’ve seen a lightning strike right?

Well after lightning struck, soon there will be a voice following the lightning. It is called thunder. The sound of thunder is created when lightning passes through the air causing the air to become hot and cold to produce such a huge pressure wave. Don’t stand at the open space or under the tree during the lightning, you would probably get struck by the lightning.

 10. Foggy

For those who like of Hiking in Indonesia, you would frequently find the thick fog on the top of the mount. Fog could block the view of your eye direction to see the location or destination. Actually, this weather is usually happen in the high land of Indonesia.

While you visit the place which has height above of 1000 meters from the surface of the sea, you would probably get the foggy weather. Generally, foggy would happen in the morning. However, at the hill or mountain, foggy weather would occur in the evening too. During foggy weather, make sure not to continue your trip or trekking because of the limitation of your eyes sight.

Those are the kinds of weather in Indonesia. Before going out and taking a walk in Indonesia, it is good to see the forecast first. The weather in Indonesia couldn’t be correctly predicted sometimes. You should take care good of yourself at the possible bad weather that might occur.

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