
Best Weather in Bali Indonesia – Seasons

Bali is a Paradise Island with a tropical climate situated near the equator, with 2 seasons of Rain and Dry or better known as Hot and Cold seasons because the sun is shining all day long. Both of these seasons have their own pros and cons which can influence the decision when planning a trip there. Below will be explained the characteristics of each season pertaining to tourist arrival and their experience there.

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1. Dry Season

Dry season usually occurs from April to October. this is the best time of the year for surfers, with consistent waves hitting the beach suitable for surfing almost daily. The dry season is the best time to surf, but it is more crowded and can be over-priced when booking places there. Furthermore, in the dry season, you should have SPF waterproof sunscreen and wear a cap to protect your head against sunlight. Some of the best places to surf during this dry season are like Uluwatu, Balangan and Bingin. Fresh air also makes tourists who visit feel more enjoyable and even air conditioning is not required.

Prices rose during the dry season, however, especially during the peak period of July and August. It’s much more crowded than in previous months, with an exciting surfing competition from surfers from various countries. It’d be a good idea to book accommodation for at least for a few nights beforehand as many places will be full during this period.

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2. Wet Season

Monsoon wind brings rain to Bali from November to march, with the biggest rainfall in December and January. It’s also the hottest month there and the temperature every day can reach 30 degrees. Coupled with rain make the situation very humid, and you’d better find accommodation with AC facilities if you can afford it to feel cool.

The streets of Bali become slippery during the rainy season and are often flooded. If you are not comfortable driving on a motorcycle on a sunny day then you should take extra care on a rainy day. Heavy rain also brings waste from the mouth of the river to the sea, which is then brought back to shore. In addition, it seems the mosquito is worse during the rainy season, therefore, you should use a mosquito coil and make sure to have raincoat at ready. Dark clouds cover part of the drowning sun, use effective anti-mosquito spray and make sure your bed has a proper mosquito net and no holes in it.

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Time To Visit

There are good time and bad time to visit Bali. Dependent on the festive moods there, as Balinese observe Hinduism so there are certain aspects of this religion that you must respect when going on vacation in Bali. So some culture shock can make you understand things that Balinese are doing in their faithful life.

1. Do Visit Bali At Dry Season

If sightseeing, trekking, snorkeling, or other outdoor activities are the things that you love, it might be better to travel to Bali in the dry season. In this season the days can be very moist and wet. Temperatures range between 26 and 35 degrees Celsius, and it usually rains every day for at least a few hours. The dry season usually runs from May to October when the days are usually sunny and temperatures range between 23 and 31 degrees Celsius. This is the perfect time to visit there and do all the activities outdoors.

Bali is a cheerful surfing destination in Southeast Asia so it’s no wonder that many surfers plan their trip to Bali just to hunt exciting waves. Well if you’re one of the surf lovers it’s good to know the wave pattern there. During November-April the east coast of Bali will be forged with big waves, so this is a good time for experienced surfers to conquer the fierce waves of Bali. Then in April to October, Bali’s west coast gets heavy winds and large for medium-sized waves, which is good for middle and advanced surfers. For beginners, the month between March and November is a good time to learn how to surf on the south coast, such as friendly waves and pleasant weather.

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In addition to being aware of weather patterns in Bali, it is also important for the traveler to be aware of the busy seasons there. Because of its popularity as a tourist destination then Bali is very famous in the world, Bali has a high holiday season and low holiday season. If you want a relaxing holiday there then avoid visiting Bali in the months of July, August, and September. This is the busiest month there because many tourists are vacationing that month. Plus Christmas and New Year’s holidays also regarded as busy season, as Bali will be congested with foreign visitors.

For peace and quiet, you can come in other than the high holiday season. At that time there is also the possibility of you to get a discount when come visiting and booking a hotel. Overall if you want a perfect holiday in Bali that includes nice weather, lots of outdoor activities, freedom from crowds and cheap prices, the best time is in May, June or October. Let’s plan a vacation there soon

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2. Do Not Visit Bali at Nyepi

In Bali, there’s a period which is called Nyepi. Nyepi is the Silent Day in Bali which is commemorated every Saka Year according to Bali calendar. Starting from 6 am to 6 am the next day, Nyepi is a day of contemplation, where there are restrictions on things that can interfere with that goal. All activities stop completely for one day to commemorate Nyepi Day. Hindus are forbidden to work, never to travel or to have fun, and are forbidden to light fires and lights.

As a result, the streets were quiet during Nyepi. You can enjoy the fresh air without pollution from any traffic and the night sky starred only on Nyepi day. The effects of these restrictions make the streets of Bali that are usually very crowded then went on to be deserted for the whole day and has very little activity that can be seen. The people outside were only Pecalang, the traditional security officer who wandered around to make sure the Nyepi rule was done by every person.

Although Nyepi is a feast day for Hindus, non-Hindu residents living in Bali participate in celebrating this feast day to honor local people and not to mention also tourists. Even they can perform various activities within the hotel but are not allowed to go to the beach or to the streets, and the only airport in Bali is closed for a full day.

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3. Visit Bali During Festivities after Nyepi

After a period of silent in Nyepi then there’ll be a tradition of mass kisses or more known as Omed-omedan, in the day after Nyepi celebration done by Banjar Kaja Desa Sesetan, Denpasar. A couple of local youths will take turns to come forward to kiss and other citizens will try to pull and push, then there will be village elders who come to flush them with water until thoroughly wet. This ritual is believed by locals that can block their village from getting an outbreak of disease or disaster. You can come to Bali and see this festive celebration to feel the happy atmosphere that permeated through every corner there.

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Other Known Facts about Bali that You should Know

Beside what I explained above about weather in Bali, there are also other interesting facts about Bali which you may want to know, as follows:

1. Language in Bali

Balinese, Bahasa Indonesia, and English are the most widely spoken languages in Bali and most Balinese speak 2 or 3 languages. The most commonly used language around the tourist area is Indonesian. The use of different Balinese languages was originally determined by the caste system. Kawi and Sanskrit are commonly used by some priests in Bali and Hindu literature are mostly written in Sanskrit.

2. Transport or get around in Bali

The best way to get around in Bali is to choose a safe taxi and use an official meter system, or you can rent a car. Driving a car or motorbike in Bali requires an official international driving license accepted by law enforcement in Indonesia. You can ask the embassy or local authority before hiring a car or motorbike.

3. Visa Information

There are about 40 countries granted free entry visas to Indonesia. You can inquire at the Indonesian Embassy in your respective country. This free entry visa is valid for 60 days and can be extended for USD 35, the Indonesian government may grant visa on arrival which is valid for maximum 30 days stay in Indonesia and can be extended for 30 days.

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Vacationing in Bali will be a great decision that you had and will increase your social level by getting to know more people there, both foreigners and locals. Furthermore, the attractions of pristine beaches and also great village views with a unique culture that Balinese has will entice fellow travelers around the world to embrace the experience as spiritual enlightenment.

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