
14 Best Local Restaurants Which Still Open in Jakarta During Ramadhan

Still in the month of Ramadhan, we want to give you articles about this holy month. After talking about the activities you can do in Yogyakarta and also the things you should know and remember when visiting Bali island on this month, we want to give another related topic about Jakarta city.

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In Jakarta, the existence of restaurants that can sell you the foods is undoubtedly good. There are so many of them. But if you are non-muslim, you may seem to be confused to pick which one of them for lunch or breakfast, because as we know, most of them decided to close their shops during the day. We got you out, so don’t worry about anything. Pick your favorite one from the list of local restaurants which still open in Jakarta during Ramadhan.

1 – Sulaiman Resto

So, the first one on the list of local restaurants which still open in Jakarta during Ramadhan is Sulaiman Resto. There are some Chinese restaurants that also serving Halal foods, including this one. The name Sulaiman is taken from a Muslim from Shaanxi. With that, the menu here is Halal, such as Xinjian, Lanzhou noodles, and Mopo tofu.

Location: Batu Ceper st. 73

Average Price: Rp60.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Chinese foods

2 – The Duck King

Another Chinese restaurant is the Duck King. Duck meat is Halal, that’s why it’s really recommended to try the best dish that the Duck King has, which is the Duck meat that served from the complex and long cooking process. The meat is really tender and it tastes wonderful. Even though they have alcohol, but they don’t use any of it for their meals.

Location: Central Park Mall, S.Parman st. 28

Average Price: Rp150.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Chinese foods

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3 – Ta Wan

For anyone who loves to eat porridge, either for daily basis or a special moment for breaking the fast, you should come to a place named Ta Wan. Ta Wan has a special name as they claimed to be the Porridge Place. The name’s not just a title, Ta Wan is ready to serve you with its best kinds of porridge.

From the menu, the best dish of all is Tawan Porridge that has three different flavors. Interested to try it? Prove it yourself.

Location: Hr. Rasuna Said st. 63, Setiabudi

Average Price: Rp65.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Chinese foods

4 – 48 Dimsum Place

And the other one in the local restaurants which still open in Jakarta during Ramadhan is 48 Dimsum Place. Even though it has “48” in front of it, this restaurant is not related for anything to the 48 Idol Group. However, this restaurant is another Chinese restaurant that you can try for breaking your fast.

The menu is really interesting though. From the Dimsum, Deep Fried Dimsum, to the sushi-like steamroll, all is good.

Location: R.P. Soeroso st. 48

Average Price: Rp150.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Chinese foods

5 – Dharma Kitchen

From that name, you can guess that this is also a Chinese restaurant in Jakarta. But that doesn’t mean it has not Halalf foods at all in their menu. Dharma Kitchen is one of all those Chinese Halal restaurants because serving vegetarian meals. They are easy to consume and also highly beneficial for your body.

Aside from vegetables, you can also try the menu which contains a lot of fruits, which is so fresh and really healthy.

Location: Grand Indonesia Mall

Average Price: Rp60.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Chinese foods

6 – Kwang Tung

And the other one on the list is Kwang Tung. You can see the sign that tells you, “HALAL”. Kwang Tung is known for having the porridge that is so great that the place is always crowded thanks to it. Their porridge is served with some seafood meats, resembling the Hong Kong porridge.

The making process is a bit complex because cooking a portion of it needs so many different ingredients. Plus, the exclusive sauce from Hong Kong can be hard to get.

Location: Pecenongan st. 671

Average Price: Rp75.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Chinese foods

7 – Bebek Ginyo

The seventh restaurant in the local restaurants which still open in Jakarta during Ramadhan is Bebek Ginyo. Bebek Ginyo mainly serves Indonesian meals with their top menus, Chicken and Duck Noddle. Aside from those two, you can always pick the other iconic Indonesian meal like Nasi Goreng or Balado Terong.

During breaking fast time, you can pick anything you want from the display. It’s a buffet restaurant, so make sure you can fill your tummy happy.

Location: Tebet

Average Price: Rp30.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Indonesian

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8 – Abu Nawas Restaurant

If you looking for a restaurant that has this kind of Arabic and Middle East theme on it, you should try to come to Abu Nawas restaurant. Not only decorations, but the restaurant also gives you a touch of Arabian on the menu. So, you can see that the menu actually is written in both English and Arabic.

However, the best menu from this restaurant is not far from the originality like Lahm, Lahm Mugalgal, and also Maqli.

Location: Mampang Prapatan

Average Price: Rp90.000,-

Kinds of Meal:  Middle Eastern meals

9 – Warung Rawit

With the iconic chili on it, does this Warung Rawit can actually give you the burning Indonesian taste? Located on Bukit Golf Mediterania, this Warung Rawit is a favorite place to eat by people who live nearby. Even though the structure of it is European, the menu here is mostly Indonesian.

Warung Rawit is specialized in serving Kalimantan foods, that are famous for their delicacies like Pete with Sambal Ebi, and others.

Location: Pantai Indah Kapuk

Average Price: Rp150.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Indonesian meals

10 – Al Nafoura

Still having the Middle-Eastern theme, Al Nafoura is the next best restaurant for breaking your fast. Located inside the hotel named Le Meridien, Al Nafoura stands firmly with its own uniqueness in the building decoration, which is really similar to the buildings in the Middle East and also its interesting menu.

You can get some of the best Middle Eastern traditional foods such as Hommos, Labneh, Babaganoush, and the special traditional cheese, Halome.

Location: Jendral Sudirman st. 18-20

Average Price: Rp80.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Middle Eastern meals

11 – Kaihomaru

The next one restaurant is called as Kihomaru. From that name, we can understand that this place basically sells Japanese foods. Some even claimed that Kaihomaru is the best places if you want to eat Sashimi or Sushi, with an affordable price of course. That’s why Kaihomaru is one of lovable places in Jakarta

The price starts from 98 thousand rupiahs per portion. From all the choices, you can pick from Udon, Sashimi, Sushi, Tanpin, Yakimono, and Tenpura.

Location: Kebayoran Baru

Average Price: Rp98.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Japanese foods

12 – Sate Senayan

And the twelfth location on the list of local restaurants which still open in Jakarta during Ramadhan is Sate Senayan. For you who want to eat this traditional food or Satay in general, try a portion of Sate Senayan. You can choose from three different types of meat like goat, cow, or chicken, just like the usual Sate.

However, thing that makes them way better is the special sauce called Blora sauce. When combined with the meats, it’ll be wonderful.

Location: Senayan

Average Price: Rp30.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Indonesian foods

See also:

13 – Bengawan Solo Restaurant

Inside Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, you can find a legendary restaurant that can give you a nice touch of Indonesian meals called Bengawan Solo restaurant. The place looks so fancy with wonderful decorations. The price that will be paid by customers is traded to the comfiness and delicacy of its exclusive meals.

In Bengawan Solo Restaurant, customers can enjoy themselves with portion of Indonesian snacks and meals like Lumpia, Soto ayam, Sosis Solo, etc.

Location: Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel

Average Price: Rp100.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Indonesian foods

14 – Soto Betawi Ratu Plaza

And the last one on the list is Soto Betawi. This legendary food still exists and sold in a place called Soto Betawi Ratu Plaza. Unlike the other Soto, Soto Betawi is a unique dish that you should try when coming to Jakarta. It’s really tasteful and refreshing, suitable for breaking your fast.

However, aside from Soto Betawi, this place can sell you other things like Chicken Satay, Fried Tofu, and the others.

Location: Tanjung Duren

Average Price: Rp55.000,-

Kinds of Meal: Indonesian foods

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