
List of 17 Best Sundanese Restaurants in Jakarta : Homes of West Java’s Delicacies

What a beautiful country. Indonesia always stands to be this colorful region with a lot of things to explore, starting from getting close to the people of Indonesia to the wonderful culinary world. As you may know already, the foods in this country are always so variative. Each region brings a unique characteristic that may differ from others.

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However, this time we want to explore the Jakarta city once again. Jakarta, you can find the Betawinese traditional meals, like the most common ones Kerak Telor or maybe the Semur. But, because it’s a location which is closer to the nearby province, West Java, you can also find the Sundanese foods that are also known for their delicacy. You can enjoy them all in these best Sundanese restaurants in Jakarta.

1 – Gubug Makan Mang Engking

So let’s start the list of best Sundanese restaurants in Jakarta with a restaurant called Gubug Makang Mang Engking. Gubug in English basically means A Hut. So, from the name, you can get the meaning of a hut that means to be a place to eat, owned by none other than Mang Engking. Usually, people are referring to this place for its view.

It has this scenic natural view that is not a common thing in a metropolitan city like Jakarta. The view of BSD area of Jakarta is a very nice addition of this restaurant. However, Gubug Mang Engking also known for having delicious Sundanese menus starting from fried chicken to the special Udang Bakar Madu, the fried shrimps that added with honey sauce.

2 – Warung Nasi Ampera

Next one is Warung Nasi Ampera. To be honest, there are so many warungs or small restaurants named Warung Ampera. So you need to be sure to visit this one if you want to try Sundanese foods, because the other ones usually sell Padang foods. There is a lot to pick here, from the Gepuk or Fried Chicken but special with Ampera’s taste.

Also, the other things to notice when visiting this restaurant is the sambals. You can pick starting from the spicy-less on to the hottest sambal you could’ve to imagine. Even though the restaurant does look very simple, but it actually has a lot to offer, especially for the customers who love to eat Sundanese foods.

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3 – Ikan Bakar Cianjur

Talking about Sundanese foods, we can’t separate them with the kinds of seafood. In Sunda, there’s a popular dish, Ikan Bakar, or you may as well call it as Grilled Fish. The Grilled fish is not just a usual thing. Ikan Bakar Cianjur can server you a grilled fish with the addition of many kinds of spice you can pick.

From the Pesmol, Asam Manis, or maybe the sweet soy sauce, all is fine and must-try.

4 – Sambara

In the area of Taman Mini and Fatmawati of Jakarta, you can visit one of the best family restaurants called Sambara. This restaurant is known as a buffet Sundanese restaurant. From the entrance, you can pick whatever you want. Better come early if you want to try them all because the supply is always sold during the afternoon.

Also, there’s a menu called Sayur Asem that is a must-try here. It’s fresh, tasteful, and a nice addition to your menu.

5 – Dapur Sunda

Moving from there we’re going to Dapur Sunda. Dapur Sunda basically means Sundanese Kitchen, you know what it is. Many said that all foods in Dapur Sunda are the best. Is that a truth or nut? Let yourself decide what it is. However, there’s a menu called Gurame Terbang, which is a fried fish that served in an unusual position. It’s really unique and, of course, delicious.

You can find this Dapur Sunda restaurant in Gatot Subroto, Fatmawati, and also SCBD.

6 – Talaga Sampireun

The next one in the list of best Sundanese restaurants in Jakarta is may be included as one of many popular Sundanese restaurants not only in Jakarta but also in Java island. The name is Talaga Sampireun, known with its outstanding view of Talaga (Lake) in the center of the location.

The view is not the only that’s good here. Eating Sundanese foods like Bebek Goreng or Gurame Bakar Cobek is surely an amazing experience.

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7 – Riung Sunda

As you may know already, the city of Jakarta is filled with malls, bigger and more than other cities around. You can even find several malls located on the same line. However, if you want to try to eat Sundanese foods while inside those big malls, you can certainly visit Riung Sunda, located in most malls around Jakarta.

Even though you can’t get the best natural view, you still consume the best foods it has like Ayam Bumbu Rujak.

8 – Sandjaja Seafood & Ayam Bakar

There’s a good Sundanese restaurant in the area of Kelapa Gading Jakarta called Sandjaja Seafood and Ayam Bakar. Just like its name, this restaurant is the heaven of Sundanese kinds of seafood, and of course, it’s a signature dish, Ayam Bakar. They sell an extraordinary Ayam Bakar that you can taste in Jakarta.

The meat absorbs the spices nicely, even you can feel it to the bones.

9 – Muara Kuring

If you want to go to a reputable restaurant, you should look at its history. If that restaurant is known as a good restaurant for so long, that could be the best restaurant you need to visit. Just like Muara Kuring restaurant that still able to amaze its customers after all these years. This joint was built from 1980 and still has its name even today.

People usually enjoy seafood (mostly shrimps) and its famous Ayam Bakar.

10 – Gubug Udang Situ Cianjur

And in the 10th point, we want to introduce you to a restaurant named Gubug Udang Situ Cianjur. Just like its name, this restaurant is located close to Situ (Lake) Cianjur, which is famous for its refreshing and calming atmosphere. You can eat all kinds of seafood with the best view possible.

Gubug Udang Situ Cianjur also has its own signature dish, Udang Madu Bakar.

11 – Saung Sunda Alam

Next one on the list is a restaurant named Saung Sunda Alam. Just like the words “Sunda Alam” in it, the restaurant offers a calming atmosphere with the dense of trees around it. It can make the temperature a lot cooler than the other restaurants. Saung Sunda Alam also has the signature dish, the crispy fried duck.

The meat is really tender and tastful. It’s a must-try dish out there.

12 – Ampera 2 Tak

Just like many other buffet-type restaurants, the Ampera 2 Tak restaurant also displays the menus right near the entrance. So, the customers can directly see the meals they want to order. There are a lot of things that can be pick from the display such as vegetables, inners, kinds of Pepes, and also Sambal.

There’s also a pot with Sayur Asem that located on the corner.

13 – Bumbu Desa

The next one in the article of best Sundanese restaurants in Jakarta is Bumbu Desa restaurant. This place has very modern-like architecture. But, of course, just like its name Bumbu Desa (Village Spices), this restaurant also has this kind of villager vibes. About the meals, they serve kinds of seafood, fried chicken, duck, and also soups.

For the grilled menus, you can choose them on the buffet table.

14 – Waroeng Sunda

Restaurants do look so fancy sometimes. With a look like that, no wonder the prices are always hitting the roof. However, things are different at Waroeng Sunda. Even though it has such an elegant design, the prices for menus here are always affordable. You can check them out yourself by visiting it at Kebon Jeruk area.

However, this restaurant has some signature menus such as Nasi Punclut Empal, and Nasi Punclut Ayam.

15 – Bebek Asap/Balcon

Who doesn’t love to eat a duck? The meat that said to be way tender than chicken meat and its ability to absorb the spices nicely are two of many things why we love to eat ducks. However, there’s a specialized restaurant that can serve you delicious menus called Bebek Asap Balcon.

The duck that served here is specially preserved with banana leaves, which makes it way better.

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16 – Dapur Kuring

In the area of Slipi, Jakarta, you can find this restaurant called Dapur Kuring. Dapur Kuring is a place to consume the classic Sundanese meals, like Karedok for example. It’s not easy these days to find a delicious Karedok, except in this restaurant. You can also try their Cumi Asam Pedas which is a combination of sweet, tasteful, and sourness.

The restaurant is highly notable with its classical Sundanese architecture.

17 – Sambel Hejo Sambel Dadak

And the last one in the best Sundanese restaurants in Jakarta is a home for Sundanese sambals called Sambel Hejo Sambel Dadak. If you don’t know, Sambel Ijo is considered to be one of the hottest sambals you can get in Indonesia. It consists of young chilis that smashed together to bring out the spiciness.

With only less than thirty thousand rupiahs, you can get yourself a complete menu consists of chicken, rice, along with sambel dadak and hejo.

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