
Top 15 Charming Mangrove Conservations in Indonesia

Like many said from many references, Indonesia is indeed a one country that has some everal natural beauty that must be kept save from any danger. Say it, rivers, lakes, and the other natural spots or gits that given to us that we must protect to maintain their own beauty. Some of them like the mangrove forest is also very useful for humans life.

Not only to become a great place for holiday, those mangrove forest can protect the people for upcoming waves that can come in every time, especially in the land of the ring of fire, Indonesia. Mangrove forest can be a great help to prevent Tsunami sweeping all the areas. At leats, those forest can hold the high waves for a while, or maybe just prevent them all for coming to land. But sadly, those mangrove forest seemingly destroyed by some people that use the land for their own purpose. The forest beeing cutted down for the economic purpose.

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Just some informations for you, Indonesia has lost 5,58 hectares mangrove forest per year due to that condition. Some people ignoring the fatc, and some of them also try to make a little hope by bringing back those forest by doing conservations. And that is what we are gonna tell you today, about some beautiful mangrove conservations in Indonesia. Here’s some of them :

1. Mangrove Forest of Kulon Progo

The first magrove forest that we want to introduce to you is the one located around Yogyakarta city, called Kulon Progo. The geographical location of this city is near the sea, or what many people refer to as the southern beach.

The beach is located just about a few meters from the land, making it considerably dangerous when the tide is high and the weather is stormy. In the Mangrove Forest, they develop some kind of wooden road for you to get closer to the mangrove forest.

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2. Muara Gebong Mangrove Forest

Another mangrove forest that you shoul checkout is the forest that located on the Bekasi city, known as the Muara Gebong Mangrove Forest. Even thogh the Bekasi itself is a very busy city with tons of factories and such, this mangrove forest an be a great refresher.

Inside, you can feel the same atmosphere as the feel that you inside the forest in Borneo. Other than the well maintained forest and facilities, you can also find so many kinds of bird in here. There are about 158 kinds of them here. Some of them even rare, and protected by IUCN.

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3. Bali Mangrove Forest

Beside the beaches you can enjoy in here, or some epic souvenir shops you can get in, it’s better to lookat Bali with different perspectives. Aside from those busy and fun activities, maybe it’s the right time to finally rest your mind out.

It’s located so close from the Ngurah Rai Airport. So, if you having a delay for hours, you should check this place out. Take a little boat ride to explore a bit about Balinese Mangrove Forest. This Mangroe Forest is a protector for many beaches in Bali.

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4. Wonorejo Mangrove Forest

Then it’s time to check another Mangrove forest, but we’ll go to the East Java Province this time. In the capital city of Surabaya, there’s one forest called Wonorejo Mangrove Forest. It’s about 40 minutes from the International Airport.

In weekend, there’sa little boat tour that can take a 40 people or more to circling around and take look closer to the mangrve forest itself. There’s also a carefully made track for the people to walk on. You should bring your own snacks though, because in here, there’s no shop. But remember, don’t make mess when leaving the place.

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5. Marguwaluyo Mangrove Forest

Different from the other Mangrove Forests above, this one Marguwaluyo Mangrove Forest has something special for you. Locayed ina  very reachable area, just behind the 8 High School of West Balikpapan. It’s so easy to notice it.

With such a cheap entrance ticket, you can find a picturesque view and atmosphere. But not only those, youc an also find a family of Bekantan in here. This rare type of animals area also protected within this forest.

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6. Kebumen Mangrove Forest

Built as an educational attraction with the name of Javanese Mangrove Education Center, this spot is also a very fun place to visit, increasing our knowledge aswell. Located not far from the famous Ayah Beach, it’s also getting its huge fame in a short time.

Because it’s an educational spot, the people in here also can be educated with some informations about the mangrove forest, especially the one that protect their beach. Also, people can get involved in the development by planting the mangrove seeds.

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7. Kampung Laut Cilacap Mangrove Forest

This place is graciously existed in the land of Cilacap. The place looks empty, making it more mysterious and also stunning at the same time. If you wan to go here, you should take a car and go for about one hour from the city of Cilacap.

Because this is a villlage (Kampung Laut = The Sea Village), the visitors can also see the life of the traditional people in here. To see the natural way of life not touched by modernization is an eye opening. Also, the sea cratures there will greet you if you have a good luck.

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8. Pantai Indah Kapuk Mangrove Forest

Located in our belved capital city of Jakarta, the mangrove forest giving a lot of contribution to us. It protected the people from the sea abration. Not only that, the mangrove forestis giving people a new alternative for their vacation.

Beside visiting malls or waterparks the people can open their mind a bit by visiting the Mangrove Forest that located in Pantai Indah Kapuk. The view here is so exclusive, that’s why you’;l be charged with high penalty if you bring your camera around. The phone camera is fine though.

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9. Muara Angke Mangrove Forest

After we tell you about the Pantai Indah Kapuk Mangrove Forest, we want to tell you again about another mangrove forest that located not far from there called Muara Angke Mangrove Forest. This one is actually still included in the area of Pantai Indah Kapuk.

This can be a cheap yet satifying attraction for the people around Jakarta. The habitat that can be found within this forest is still very virgin. You can even see some monkeys playing around the brenches, before starting some funny things to visitors.

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10. Tarakan Mangrove Forest 

And then for the number ten, we put the Tarakan Mangrove Forest in here. Located in the East Borneo, this mangrove forest is of course having the beautiful sight of a mangrove forest. It reaches 21 hectares in wideand having a lot of mangrove plantations.

There’s some study in here and there about improving the mangrove forest. While visiting there you can se some staff in a suit that checking condition of the forest. But here’s the thing, you can also find the some Bekantans in here. Some of them are also rare ones.

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If those 10 mangrove forest were not enough, we can introduce you again to some magrove forest that left in our list below. We can’t hold ourselves to tell you this information, so here they are :

  • Tapak Tugu Rejo Mangrove Forest
  • Rembang Mangrove Forest
  • Tarakan Mangrove Forest
  • Kampoeng Nipah Mangrove Forest
  • Wanasari Mangrove Forest

So, those 15 mangrove conservations in Indonesia covered up our meeting today to talk some more about the Indonesian facts. As a good human being, we can’t just ignoring the fact that the number of mangrove forests in Indonesian keep decreasing through years. We can do a small, little steps to help them by doing a charity work in those forest. You can join some of the event that held in there, and satifsy yourself by helping another living beings.

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