Food and Beverage

8 Menu for Birthday Celebrations in Indonesia

Menu for birthday celebrations in Indonesia becomes one of the most important things that should exist in every birthday celebration. The menu is commonly related to the traditions and custom culture that represent so many pearls of wisdom.

Menu for birthday celebrations in Indonesia should choose carefully to make the birthday wishes come true. That is why, commonly in most menus, Indonesian will discuss it with family members.

Speaking of which, this time, we will bring you into the most popular menu for birthday celebrations in Indonesia from time to time. Let’s see some of them below!

1. Nasi Tumpeng

Nasi Tumpeng becomes one of the most popular menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia. It is almost available in most birthday celebrations not only for someone’s birthday but also for the company, anniversary, and other typical Indonesian birthday celebrations.

Nasi Tumpeng contains rice that steamed properly in yellow color and some Indonesian dishes such as fried chicken, tempeh, tofu, and other vegetables side dishes. Most of them come with Indonesian recipes that bring the culture from the local traditions which become the national Indonesian dishes.

2. Mie Goreng

Fried noodles or it is popular with Mie Goreng in Indonesia become one of the most popular menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia. You can find it the most in some Chinese Indonesian people that celebrate their birthdays.

Mie Goreng in Chinese Indonesian tradition becomes one of the menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia that belief will bring a longer life. That is why this menu is always available for birthday celebrations as well in most Indonesian regions. The food even becomes one of the traditional food in Central Java that is influenced by Chinese traditions.

3. Kue Bolu

Chiffon cake or which is popular with Kue Bolu in Indonesia become one of the most popular menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia. It looks similar to a common chiffon cake that is decorated with some fancy things for birthday occasions.

Kue Bolu becomes one of the traditional Indonesian menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia a very long time ago. It looks that the cake the culture using this cake for celebrations comes from the Dutch colonization in the past. This becomes one of the traditional Dutch Indonesian food that is so popular in the country.

4. Jajanan Pasar

Jajanan Passar becomes one of the most popular menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia. It contains some traditional snacks that arrange properly in the bamboo pan. Indonesian commonly call the pan with Tampah that is covered with banana leaves.

Jajanan Pasar commonly contains Klepon, Cecil, Tiwul, and so many typical Indonesian traditional snacks that are commonly sold at the traditional market. This type of Jajanan Pasar is perfect to use in the menu for birthday celebrations.

5. Bakso

Bakso or Indonesian meatball soup becomes one of the favorite menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia. Not only for adults and elders, but the kid also love this typical soup so much.

Bakso contains meatballs, yellow noodles, celeries, and fried onion that are poured with the beef broth soup. Indonesian commonly add some juicy Sambal of Indonesian local chili peppers.

Bakso can be easily found in most Indonesian regions with the same common recipes. That makes most Indonesian can make their favorite Bakso that meets their taste and traditions.

6. Ayam Betutu

Ayam Betutu becomes one of the most popular menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia that you can find in most Balinese traditions. It’s using chicken as the main ingredient that is cooked properly within hours using the traditional cooking method in Balinese tradition.

Ayam Betutu has an aromatic taste of Balinese traditional spices and herbs that becomes one of the food you have to try in Bali. It is mixed properly with a chewy texture and is rich in common Indonesian spices and herbs that represent Balinese culture.

Ayam Betutu is not only available for common birthday but also Indonesia’s birthday as well. Every year Balinese will provide the menu to accompany the Nasi Kuning when a celebration of Indonesia Independence Day.

7. Coto Makassar

Coto Makassar becomes one of the most popular menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia, and you can find it at the birthday celebration for the Bugis tribe in Makassar. It becomes the main menu for most celebration parties in their traditional culture.

Coto Makassar contains soup filled with beef and some typical Bugis spices and herbs. The unique serving of Coto Makassar is the Buras which is made of rice wrapped with banana leaves that are similar to Ketupat.

Coto Makassar has commonly become one of the most popular main dishes in Indonesia. It has a rich flavor which makes so many Indonesian love it the most. Just like a common typical birthday celebration in Indonesia, this menu is also available at the celebration of Indonesia Independence Day.

8. Rujak Natsepa

Rujak Natsepa becomes one of the most popular side dish menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia. You can find this menu in most celebrations in Ambon traditional culture, which comes from their original recipes.

Rujak Natsepa contains some diced Indonesian fruit such as mangoes, pineapple, papaya, and many more. It is poured with the juicy Sambal of peanut sauce and Indonesian local chili peppers that makes it has a unique taste of sweet and spicy.

Rujak Natsepa does not only appear in the most menu for birthday celebrations in Indonesia but also for the celebration of Indonesia Independence Day. It becomes one of the Indonesian food with peanuts sauce that is worth trying.

You can find it easily in most of Ambon regions which are commonly available during the celebration of Indonesia Independence Day around august.

So, there are some of the most popular menus for birthday celebrations in Indonesia that you can find in most Indonesian regions. Have you ever tasted them all? Which one that become your favorite so far?

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