Food and Beverage

9 Traditional Dutch-Indonesian Food that Surprised You!

For so many years in the past, Dutch colonialism had been invaded Indonesia in so many ways. Through that sad history, Indonesia still capable to take some advantages such as adopt some of the secret recipes of their favorite foods.

Most of those foods commonly call as traditional Dutch-Indonesian food because Indonesian mix the ingredients with Indonesian recipes. That makes the food has a special taste of Indonesian but still in a Dutch way.

Speaking of traditional Dutch-Indonesian food, surprisingly we may see them daily near our neighborhood. If you love to consume Indonesian traditional food, you may know one of them. So let’s take a look over them and see some of the lists below!

1. Selat Solo

Selat Solo becomes one of the traditional Dutch-Indonesian food that so popular in Indonesia. It contains potato wedges, lettuces, snaps, and beefsteak which are poured with a special sauce that full of Indonesian spices and herbs as the most popular traditional food in Central Java.

Most Indonesia perceived that the sauce on Selat Solo comes different from the Dutch recipe which has a thicker texture. Moreover, Indonesian mixed it with some vegetables inside so that they call it the Selat or Salada.

You can find Selat Solo in so many Indonesian regions and sometimes in some wedding parties.

2. Any Kind of Semur

Semur becomes one of the traditional Dutch-Indonesian food that so popular in Indonesia that becomes one of the most popular Indonesian national dishes. It contains any kind of main ingredients that you can add to the soup that has a sweet taste complete with Indonesian spices and herbs.

There are so many types of Semur such as Semur Jengkol, Chicken Semur, Beef Semur, Tahu or Tempe Semur, and many more. Indonesian believe that Semur comes originally from Dutch food which they called Smoor.

3. Brenebon Soup

Brenebon soup becomes one of the most popular traditional Dutch-Indonesian food that comes from the east part of Indonesia, Manado, Sulawesi island. Indonesian believe that those Manadonesse adapted the soup from Dutch foods that call as Bruine Bonensoup.

Brenebon soup contains red beans cooked perfectly with some beef or chicken mixed with some vegetables. The taste is a bit savory but giving you some fresh vibe when consuming it. if you are visiting Manado, don’t forget to try this popular food.

4. Senerek Soup

Senerek soup becomes one of the most popular traditional Dutch-Indonesian food that exist in Indonesia. It contains beef or chicken soup filled with some red beans, carrots, beef or chicken, cabbage or spinach, and some vegetables.

You can find the Senerek soup at most wedding parties or home cooking food as one of the most popular Indonesian traditional chicken dishes. The soup has simple ingredients that make Indonesian love it to cooked themselves. Most Indonesian believe that this kind of soup comes from Magelang which you can find in most of every corner of Magelang city.

5. Perkedel

Perkedel becomes one of the most popular traditional Dutch-Indonesian food that you can find it in most of the Indonesian region. It contains some potatoes, corn, Tempe or Tahu, chicken or beef that mixed perfectly with some eggs and wheat flour.

Perkedel has a crunchy taste outside but soft inside with a bit savory taste. It is perfect for snacks or even as part of a side dish on lunch. So many Indonesian loves it the most because the ingredient comes easier to cook.

6. Klapetart

Klapetart becomes one of the most famous traditional Dutch-Indonesian snacks that comes from Manado, North Sulawesi. It contains coconut, coconut milk, wheat, salt, sugar, and butter that becomes the most popular Indonesian dessert so far.

Some Indonesian believe that Klapetart becomes the most popular desert when the Dutch invaded Indonesia a very long time ago. Indonesian then adapt the recipe and still exist until now as the part of the richest traditional food.

7. Lapis Legit

Lapis Legit becomes one of the most popular traditional Dutch-Indonesian food that you can easily find in most Indonesian regions. The most tastier Lapis Legit you can find in Surabaya, Lampung, and Medan.

Lapis Legit is a kind of cake that has so many layers with a sweet taste. It takes longer than you think to make one Lapis Legit which can almost take about eight hours. Indonesian believe that this cake used to calls as the Spekkoek from the Dutch.

8. Onbijtkoek

Onbijtkoek becomes one of the most popular traditional Dutch-Indonesian food that perfect for breakfast. It has a sweet taste that comes from the sugar in its with the combination of rye and some Indonesian spices.

Indonesian believe that Onbijtkoek comes from the words of Onbijt from the Dutch language that mean breakfast. That is why Indonesian call it the breakfast cake that perfect to consume with a cup of tea or coffee in the morning.

9. Kroket

Kroket becomes one of the most popular traditional Dutch-Indonesian food that perfect to consume as a snack. Commonly, it contains some beef, chicken, potatoes, and many more as the main ingredient then mix perfectly with wheat and Panir wheat.

Kroket has a savory taste which is perfect for a snack or even a main dish on breakfast. You can even find it in so many markets during Ramadan because this food becomes so popular as the Indonesian snack for break the fast at Ramadan.

So, there are some of the glances about traditional Dutch-Indonesian food that surprisingly exist in Indonesia. Most of them have a great taste that becomes the unique character of the richest Indonesian traditional food. That because Indonesian modify the recipes through Indonesian spices and herbs.

 Which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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