Food and Beverage

The Most 8 Healthier Indonesian National Dishes

Indonesia contains so many rich main dishes that taste deliciously amazing. Most of them are tourism-friendly that can consume regularly. Moreover, they come with some natural ingredients that make you healthier than before.

Speaking of Indonesian dishes, sometimes we hard to decide which one becomes the national dishes. That is why the government decides on some of the most Indonesian dishes that almost exist in most Indonesian regions.

Now, check some of the most delicious and healthier Indonesian national dishes below. Most of them are originally made by Indonesian that mix perfectly with Indonesian spices. See them out below!

1. Nasi Pecel

In most regions in Java island, you can find Nasi Pecel easily. Most of them have a basic ingredient with some boiled vegetables that mix with peanut sauces. That makes this Indonesian dish is healthier than you thought.

Commonly, you can consume the Nasi Pecel with another Indonesian main dish by adding some fried or sunny egg, fried chicken, or so. That makes it more delicious and perfect for breakfast. Since it is so easy to find, the government decided to make it one of the Indonesian national dishes a long time ago.

2. Soto

Soto becomes one of the most delicious Indonesian national dishes that you can find easily in most Indonesian regions. Commonly, every region has its specific name to make it different. But, the taste still the same as the common Soto with the same ingredients. It is made by some chicken or beef soup contains some sprouts beans and vermicelli.

Since Indonesia contains so many tribes, that makes the Soto has a different type that cooked with some Indonesian traditional kitchen tools. That is why there are so many variant Soto such as Soto Betawi, Soto Medan, Soto Banjar, and many more depend on its regions.

3. Nasi Goreng

Nasi Goreng becomes the most popular Indonesian national dish for both local and international tourists. It is made of rice that is stir-fried properly mix with some most common spices in Indonesian dishes. You can add some chicken, sunny or scramble eggs, beef, cabbage, or even sausages.

For Indonesian, most of them prefer the Nasi Goreng with some chili pepper the most to risen their appetite. The taste will more delicious with the ingredients of another Indonesian spice. Not only you can be made it by yourself, but it is also easier to find in a most Indonesian restaurant.

4. Sate

Sate becomes one of the most delicious Indonesian national dishes made by chicken or goat meat. Some people even made it from beef, pork meat, mushrooms, or even scallops. Both of them have a delicious taste that mixes with the peanut sauce as the characteristic of Indonesian cuisine.

Some people believe that consuming goat meat is capable to make your blood tension higher than before. That is why some people recommend it when you have low blood tension even though there is not much research to prove it yet.

5. Gado – Gado

Gado – Gado becomes one of the Indonesian national dishes that contain fresh vegetables such as lettuce and cabbage, boiled potato, sprouts bean, one boiled egg, that pour with the peanut sauce. It makes this dish has a healthier type of Indonesian dishes that good for your diet.

Gado – Gado is popular with Indonesian salad for international tourists. This dish also becomes one of the magnetic tourism that loves by both domestic and international tourists.

It doesn’t hard to get the Gado- Gado which is available in most Indonesian regions. You can easily find the Gado-Gado restaurant that spreads in most of Indonesian city.

6. Lotek

Lotek becomes one of the Indonesian national dishes made by some boiled vegetables that grind properly with the peanut sauce. It has a sweet taste and a bit spicy if you add some Indonesian local chili pepper.

With the vegetables basic on its ingredients, make Lotek becomes the most favorable Indonesian national dish that healthier to consume daily after Gado – Gado. Commonly, Indonesian use some spinach, cabbages, some sprout beans, tofu, and Bakwan.

Just like the Gado-Gado, you can also easily find Lotek in most Indonesian regions. The Lotek’s restaurant is commonly available in most Indonesian cities that you can find them without any difficulty.

7. Rendang

Rendang is not only the main dish from West Sumatra but also becomes one of the most delicious Indonesian national dishes that you should try. It is made from meat that is cooked perfectly with some Indonesian spices. It also becomes one of the Indonesia intangible cultural heritage in 2013 by UNESCO.

Even though the taste of Rendang is a bit spicy, but most Indonesian loves it the most. Moreover, if you eat the sauce and combines it with another main dish, it will be the most delicious food to consume.

8. Nasi Uduk

Nasi Uduk becomes one of the Indonesian national dishes that perfect to consume for breakfast. It is made from rice that mixes with some coconut milk so that it has a delicious taste. Commonly, Indonesian consume it with some fried chicken, sunny or scramble egg, Tempe stir-fries, and other Indonesian main dishes.

You can easily find the Nasi Uduk in most of the Indonesian region. Moreover, if you try to find breakfast in the morning, you will find so many Nasi Uduk sellers around the street.

So, there are some of the most Indonesian national dishes that you can easily find in most Indonesian regions. Most of them are healthier to consume daily with a delicious taste. Which one from those Indonesian national dishes becomes your favorite?

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