Food and Beverage

8 Delicious Indonesian Food with Peanut Sauce

Exploring Indonesia is not complete without giving a try for Indonesian local food. As an agricultural country, Indonesia has so many unique spices and herbs that make the food has a strong spice.


Indonesian commonly creating some of the spices and herbs into their food. They create something that comes from vegetables and fruit around to make a portion of good food. Some of the popular Indonesian food even contains peanut sauce as the popular Indonesian main dish.

Speaking of the Indonesian food with peanut sauce, here we summarized some of them that have a delicious taste. Let’s check them out below!

1. Nasi Pecel

Nasi Pecel becomes one of the most popular Indonesian food that contains peanut sauce. It contains boiled vegetables such as spinach, long bean, sprouts, cabbage, and cucumber. All of them poured properly with the peanut sauce combines with some Indonesian chili sauce.

Nasi Pecel becomes one of the most popular menus for breakfast. Not surprisingly that you will find so many Nasi Pecel sellers in the morning around the street. The menu is simple in one plate serving with hot rice and hot tea or coffee.

2. Lotek

Lotek is another version of Nasi Pecel that becomes Indonesian food with peanut sauce. It contains boiled vegetables that are mixed properly with the peanut sauce. It using the Ketupat as another form of type of Nasi.

Lotek is commonly available for lunch. In Yogyakarta, the portion of one plate is kind of huge that perfect to fill your stomach during the day. Commonly, Lotek consumed the type of Krupuk in Indonesia and ice tea.

3. Gado-Gado

Gado-Gado is a typical Indonesian salad that contains with mix vegetables and pours properly with peanut sauce. Commonly, it contains cabbages, lettuces, sprouts beans, cucumber, boiled egg, and Ketupat.

Gado-Gado commonly can be easily found around the Lotek sellers. They will sell both Lotek and Gado-Gado in one restaurant as they have a similar sauce.

Some Indonesian love Gado-Gado the most because it is simple to consume. Moreover, it doesn’t need a long time to wait for the food served.

4. Tahu Kupat

Tahu Kupat is one of the Indonesian food with peanut sauce that has s delicious taste. It contains sprouts beans, tofu, cabbages, and cucumber. The peanut sauce is poured properly over the tofu.

Tahu Kupat is popular in some Indonesian provinces. In Surabaya, the food becomes the most iconic Indonesian food that calls as the Tahu Tek. It is a bit different from the sauce which contains Petis that becomes one of the most popular local food in East Java.

Tahu Kupat is perfect to consume with the Ketupat as one of the types of Indonesian staples food. Moreover, consuming with Krupuk or Indonesian prawn crackers will be perfect for your lunch.

5. Tahu Gimbal

Tahu Gimbal becomes one of the most popular Indonesian food with peanut sauce. It looks similar to the Tahu Kupat or Tahu Tek but has a thinner sauce.

It is contained with tofu, cabbage, fried egg, and sprouts, and the Gimbal. It is a kind of shrimp fried properly with wheat flour similar to the Bala-Bala.

Tahu Gimbal is perfect to consume for lunch. It is a complete menu on one plate that contains so much nutritious food. You can find it in some Indonesian food restaurants such as in Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Surabaya.

6. Siomay

Siomay becomes one of the most popular Indonesian food with peanut sauce. It is a type of Indonesian street food that you can find anywhere. The food is not only perfect for the main dish but also for a snack as well.

Siomay commonly contains potato boiled, egg, tofu, cabbage, and is typical of fish cake. It poured properly with the sauce peanut and some chili sauce as you want.

Siomay becomes one of the most iconic food in Bandung, West Java. The food belief originally came from the city as their main popular street food in Bandung‘s menu from a long time ago.

7. Satay

Satay becomes one of the most popular Indonesian food with peanut sauce. It contains beef, chicken, lamb, or pig that screw properly before being roasted over the hit brick. After being roasted properly, the peanut sauce is poured over them so that the taste will so delicious to taste.

Satay becomes one of the most iconic food in Indonesia that is worth trying. It is so popular with tourists with its unique taste. Moreover, there is not difficult to find this kind of food.

Commonly, there is some Indonesian satay that becomes popular in tourism visits. For example, the satay of Madura, satay of Padang, satay Lilit of Bali, and many more.

8. Ketoprak

Ketoprak becomes one of the most popular Indonesian food with peanut sauce. It contains Ketupat, glass noodles, tofu, sprouts bean, and boiled egg. All of them pour properly with the peanut sauce.

Ketoprak is the only Indonesian food with peanut sauce that comes from the Betawi tribe in Jakarta. It becomes one of the most legendary food in Jakarta. The food is so popular even for breakfast or dinner. This type of food is perfect to consume with the color of Indonesian Krupuk.

Nowadays, Ketoprak can be found in so many Indonesian provinces outside Jakarta. Commonly the sellers are open up to midnight so that is perfect that you are looking at the food around that time.

So, there are some of the most delicious Indonesian food with peanut sauce. Most of them are easily find in every Indonesian province. Have you ever try them all? Which one becomes your favorite?

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