
Finding The Interesting Must Do in Canggu Bali

After telling you about the best places in the big cities like Surabaya, Jakarta, and Bandung such as the restaurants, cafes, and the other must visit places in those cities, now we want to take you back to the favorite island in Indonesia, Bali. During special times like this, Christmas and also the year-end holiday, the island is always crowded with the tourists from all locations around the world.

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If you want to book a room at the hotels on this very island, you should know that on many sites around the internet, most of the rooms are already booked even a month before December. That’s why, during this month, finding nice accommodation would be a little troublesome. However, on the islands, there are some locations that you should try, including an area named Canggu. It also has some interesting things to offer for all the interested tourists that included inside the must do in Canggu Bali such as :

1 – The Canggu Beach

The first one, the gem of Canggu, is none other than Canggu Beach. As the highlight of Canggu area of Bali island, the Canggu beach that located in Canggu village, North Kuta is indeed having its own main attraction points. For example, the beach has black sand, not the usual white that you can find on the basic beaches on the island.

The black sands give the beach this sense of exclusiveness. Also, it’s very soft as the white sand. So, the children can even play on it, even though they surely can’t build any sand castles from it. However, The Canggu Beach is also used for the championship, the Indonesia Surfing Championship or ISC to be exact.

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2 – Berawa Beach

Actually, the attractions that we’re gonna mention to you are all the beaches around the area as the must do in Canggu Bali. After telling you the Canggu beach, now it’s time for the Berawa beach. The location of this very beach is in the Berawa street, Tibubeneng, North Kuta, Badung, Bali.

Just like the other beaches on the island of Bali, the Berawa beach also has memorable aspects that can make you always remember this little beach of Canggu. First, is the panoramic sunset that you can see beautifully from this very beach. The other aspects is a decent place to surfing with a quiet nuance.

3 – Echo Beach

As one of the famous location of Canggu, Bali, the name of Echo beach already really familiar in the ears of many divers and surfers around the globe. This beach that located inside the area of Batu Mejan street, Banjar Padang Linjong, Canggu Village, North Kuta, has the other unique nickname, which is the Batu Mejan beach.

That’s actually the original name of this beach. The reason is none other than it’s location, which is really close to the nearest temple, Batu Mejan Temple. That very name changed to Echo to be more interesting to the foreign tourists. There’s also the nearest beach club that named after this beach, The Echo Beach Club.

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4 – Kayu Putih Beach

Next one is Kayu Putih Beach. It’s the beach with an iconic white wood gate. Kayu Putih beach also experienced the change in its name. Before named as Kayu Putih beach, the first name of this beach was Yeh Poh, which is resembling a lagoone. After some time, the name changed to Kayu Putih beach, in order to match the temple that located near there, the Kayu Putih Temple.

However, the location of this beach is in the street of Gang Bintang Laut, in the southern part of Denpasar. As a place that looks very Instagrammable for all the vloggers, bloggers, or the people in general who would like to put a nice picts of a beach on their feeds, this beach is really suitable for them.  

5 – Batu Bolong Beach

The unique places are not only located in some exotic locations such as Lombok, Raja Ampat, or even the legendary Pandawa beach. In Canggu, you can also visit one of the best must do in Canggu Bali, The Batu Bolong Beach. There’s a special element that can only be found in this very beach, the hole right in the center of the cliff.

The hole is made naturally because of the changes in weather and also the sea abrasion. The tourists are usually capturing the moment of sunset through the hole. However, if you wondering where this beach located, you can check the Batu Bolong street, Canggu, North Kuta. There’s also a temple named Batu Bolong temple that located above the hole.

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6 – Seseh Beach

With the wide beach lips and a nice atmosphere, the Seseh beach clearly should be included inside the must do in Canggu Bali. The Seseh beach is located in the Munggu Village, Mengwi, Badung, Bali. Just like the first beach on the list, Seseh beach also offers the black sand for its visitors to enjoy.

Actually, both of them look really similar though. The difference is the rice terraces that exist around this Seseh Beach. They can give the difference experience, a better one for all the visitors. They could enjoy the natural view provided by the rice fields before arriving at the beach itself. So, we can agree that they are a nice addition to Seseh Beach.

7 – Pererenan Beach

The next one in the must do in Canggu Bali is Pererenan Beach. This beach also has unique black sand that is very soft and also can be used to play some sports like soccer, volley, etc. Pererenan Beach is located in the tribal village of Canggu, Canggu, North Kuta, Bali island. The beach itself also has one more thing that seems interesting.

The waves in here are not just the usual ones. But they are indeed big and strong, really suitable for all the surfers from the advanced level. The newbies should at least learn the waves first, so they can predict that they are considered in the safe zone for them or not. However, if you want to challenge your skill and confidence, come to Pererenan Beach.

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8 – Bali Equestrian Center

Outside from the beach attractions, we want to meet you with the two interesting locations around Canggu. Let’s start from this first one, the Bali Equestrian. This place is a location to do the horse riding. That’s why, this place is also known by the other nickname, Bali Horse Riding that became one of many favorable places around Bali.

In here, the families can enjoy this sport with the companion, which is the horse, and also a very helpful instructor. Basically, all people from all background can enjoy this sport in BEC. From the newbie who will be guided with how to ride the horse, to the skilled visitors who can just “testing” the tracks available. All can have some fun in the BEC.

9 – Yoga Art Village

And to learn some of the best Balinese arts, the suitable place with much comfort is the Yoga Art Village. The visitors can feel the Balinese arts directly that shown via the interior and music and do the healthy Yoga. This can be really refreshing, especially for the parents who also take their children to the holiday.

They can have some relaxation for a while in a Yoga activity in this special village. Aside from doing the Yoga, the people can also get health treatment to reduce some stress. The design and location of this place are really nice. Imagine that you’re doing a Yoga in the middle of green gardens. It could be the most relaxing moment that you can have while in Bali.

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Other than the interesting spots that you can enjoy inside the Canggu area of Bali that included in our must to in Canggu Bali, you can also visit the other areas that located near it, right in the borders between Canggu and the others. However, those places are :

1. Mengening Beach

2. Nelayan Beach

3. Dolphin Serenity Restaurant

4. White Dove Villa

5. Lubdhika Canggu Residence

6. Aling-aling Waterfall

7. Amalia Villas

So that’s the article must do in Canggu Bali that you can do in these beautiful holidays. As you can see, the Canggu area itself does have so many things for all the tourists who want to visit Bali. This is a proof that there are many other areas still look good and wonderful, even though they are not as famous as the Pandawa or other known places. You can visit these places instead for a less expensive budget, but the same experience nonetheless.

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