
8 Oldest Train Stations In Indonesia

The train becomes one of the best alternative ways in Indonesia to help so many people in their easiest way to commute. That is why there are so many train stations in Indonesia that are built well in most of the Indonesian regions.

Train stations in Indonesia are existed since so many years ago. Most of them become the pioneer of the evolving transportation in Indonesia for short or long-distance transportation.

Speaking of train stations in Indonesia, here we have some of them that have become the oldest stations in Indonesia. Some of them still operated as well as the main station to commute daily.

Moreover, using the train will give you more benefits such as enjoy the beautiful scenery of beautiful mountains in Indonesia.

Let’s check them out below!

1. Gudang Station Semarang

Semarang has the oldest station that calls as the Gudang station. It is located in around Kemijen, Semarang Timur, Semarang, Central Java. The station was built around 1864 and becomes the only station for a specific delivery package train.

Gudang station used to operate as the passenger and deliveries as well in around 1867. Since the passengers increased drastically from time to time, then the passenger train move to the Semarang Tawang station.

Nowadays, Gudang stations have become nonactive stations since they closed permanently in around 2008. The building becomes one of the cultural heritage in Semarang that banned to destroy.

2. Semarang Tawang Station

Semarang Tawang station becomes one of the oldest stations in Indonesia. Once the Gudang station in Semarang has crowded with passengers, then the passenger station moves to the Semarang Tawang and officially opens around 1868.

Semarang Tawang station at the first launched only open the specific route from Semarang to Tanggung. As time goes by, it spreads to the longest distance, such as to the Solo station and Lempuyangan Yogyakarta station at around 1873.

Semarang Tawang station is actively operated recently. It offers some destinations as well such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta.

3. Lempuyangan Station

Lempuyangan station becomes one of the most popular stations in Yogyakarta after Yogyakarta station. This station becomes one of the oldest stations in Indonesia, which was built around 1872.

Lempuyangan station offers some destinations as well for local and long-distance destinations. Commonly, the station opens for every economy class train from and to Yogyakarta.

Even nowadays the bigger station is operated well in Yogyakarta station, Lempuyangan station still very crowded for passengers from time to time. Avoid some holidays seasons can be one of the tips for visiting Indonesia for the first time.

4. Ambarawa Station

Ambarawa station becomes one of the oldest stations in Indonesia which is located around Ambarawa, Central Java. It was built around 1873 that makes the distribution of coffee around Ambarawa running smoothly.

Ambarawa station not only functioned as for the train deliveries for agricultural farms, but also military needs, medicine, and other supplies as well. As time goes by, the station become a train museum around 1976.

Ambarawa nowadays opened for tourism visits only. You can explore the beauty of Rawa Pening lake and driving around Ambarawa city using the only steam train in Indonesia. It also becomes one of the traditional public transportation in Indonesia that exist until now.

5. Kedungjati Station

Kedungjati station becomes one of the oldest stations in Indonesia that is located in Grobogan, Central Java. It was officially published in around 1873, which has a similar function with the Ambarawa station.

Kedungjati station used to not only use for deliveries, but also passengers train as well. But it was only operated until around 1976. The station later becomes a museum, such as the Ambarawa station. You can visit the museum and stay in some capsule hotels in Indonesia around the city.

6. Solo Balapan Station

Solo Balapan station becomes one of the oldest stations in Indonesia. It is located in Solo, Surakarta, Central Java, which becomes one of the most popular stations in Indonesia. It was built around 1873 under Dutch colonialism.

Solo Balapan station used to connect some Indonesian areas such as Tanggung and Yogyakarta. It used to function as for passengers train and deliveries as well. The station becomes the only transit station on Java island.

The Solo Balapan station becomes the shelter station before the Dutch government exporting some agriculture and other farms to some countries in Europe.

Nowadays, the station still running as well for both passengers and deliveries. You can even try the virtual tour destination to Indonesia to explore this station virtually.

7. Purwosari Station

Purwosari station becomes one of the oldest stations in Indonesia. It is located in around Slamet Riyadi street No. 502, Purwosari, Laweyan, Surakarta, Central Java. The station was built around 1875 and become the oldest station in Surakarta.

Purwosari station used to function as for the passenger’s train, which connected to some areas in Java island. Around the station used to build so many train shelters, but as time goes time those shelters were destroyed properly.

Nowadays, Purwosari station operated as well for the economy class. The train also only takes a shorter distance comparing the Solo Balapan that brings the long-distance route for Bandung, Jakarta, and Surabaya.

8. Surabaya Kota Station

Surabaya Kota station becomes one of the oldest train stations in Indonesia. It used to be popular with the Semut Station and was built around 1870. The station used to was functioned as the deliveries train station, which brings some agricultural farms to Tanjung Perak port.

Surabaya Kota nowadays becomes the cultural heritage building that banned to destroy. The evolution of some entertainment buildings around the station becomes the most important thing to protect the station.

So, there are some of the oldest stations in Indonesia that exist in Indonesia. Some of them are still running as well whether for passengers train station or even museums. Have you ever went to one of those stations?

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