Food and Beverage

8 Popular Street Food in Bandung

Visiting Bandung is not complete without trying some of their popular food. From the five-star restaurant up to the street food, all of them have the unique Bandung food types that you will never found in another region in Indonesia.

Bandung always has their unique style to enjoy food in every corner of the area, such as their street food style. For so many years, Indonesia believes that Bandung becomes one of Indonesia’s pioneers of street food style.

Speaking of it, now we summarized some of the popular street food in Bandung that worth trying. Let’s see some of them below!

1. Mie Kocok

One of the most popular typical street food in Bandung is Mie Kocok. It contains noodles, meatballs, cow gravels, sprouts, and poured with hot broth. The taste is a bit savory but perfect to consume with Indonesian chili pepper sauce in many amounts.

One of the most popular street food of Mie Kocok Bandung among other is Mie Kocok Bandung Mang Dedeng. It has been operated since around 1958, which becomes one of the most iconic street food in Bandung. It is located around KH Ahmad Dahlan street, Lengkong district.

2. Cireng

If you visiting Bandung, try their traditional Indonesian snack, such as Cireng has to be one on your list. Cireng becomes one of Bandung’s traditional snacks that perfect to consume for afternoon tea.

Cireng is made from starch that contains some variant filling inside, such as chicken shred, sausage, and many more. It is perfect to consume while it is hot from the fried. The chewy and juicy texture combines with salty and spicy taste makes it perfect to consume.

There is one popular street food of Cireng in Bandung that calls as Cireng Cipaganti. It is located around Cipaganti street near Pos Office in Bandung. The place becomes one of the pioneers of Cireng in Indonesia that exists since around 1990.

3. Bakso Cuanki

Just like other regions in Indonesia, Bandung also has their typical meatball that calls the Bakso Cuanki. It contains meatballs, types of tofu dishes in Indonesia, Siomay, and Batagor. All of them poured properly with the hot broth.

Bakso Cuanki becomes one of the most popular street food in Bandung. One of them even started the business in it around 1990. One of the most popular places to enjoy it is around Serayu street, Bandung.

4. Seblak

Bandung becomes one of the most places that capable of pioneering food, such as Seblak. It becomes one of the Indonesian snacks that popular in so many street foods in Bandung since a very long time ago.

Seblak contains types of Krupuk in Indonesia that mix properly with eggs, sausages, mushrooms, fish balls, meatballs, and many more. The spicy level on it makes it so popular for spicy lovers in Bandung and most Indonesian.

One street food that popular with Seblak is Seblak Jebred that located in around Buah Batu street, Lengkong, Bandung.

5. Warung Nasi Ceu Mar

Street food in Bandung is for snacks and main dishes as well, such as in Warung Nasi Ceu Mar. It is a kind of street food restaurant that serves so many Sundanese-Indonesian main dishes. You can choose all you can eat from the buffet menu there which perfect to consume with Indonesian dessert drinks.

Warung Nasi Ceu Mar becomes one of the most popular street food restaurants in Bandung. The business even starts around 1974 and still exists until now which manage by their heir. It is located around Banceuy street near Braga Street, Bandung.

6. Nasi Goreng Bistik

Another type of Sundanese-Indonesian main dish that becomes popular street food in Bandung is Nasi Goreng Bistik Astana Anyar. It is located around Astana Anyar, Bandung, West Java. It contains fried rice, Bistik, potato wedges, snaps, and prawn crackers.

Nasi Bistik becomes one of the Dutches-Indonesian food that popular in Indonesia. Moreover, if it is mix becomes fried rice. It has a combination of sweet and spicy but has so much protein from the meat and vegetables inside. That makes it healthier to consume daily.

7. Bubur Ayam Gibbas

Wondering what you should have to breakfast in Bandung? Trying their popular street food in Bubur Ayam Gibbas can be one of your preferences. It is typical of Bandung’s porridge that so popular in Bandung.

Bubur Ayam Gibbas contains porridge, chicken shredded, and chicken heart. One bowl of it contains so much chicken shredded that makes it overflowing the bowl. The taste is so delicious and perfect to consume in the morning.

Bubur Ayam Gibbas is located around Kebon Jati Street, Bandung. It opens daily with two shifts operational hours in the morning and night as well.

8. Nasi Kuning

If you are visiting Indonesia, you will find that this archipelago has its typical Nasi Kuning in most of every region, including Bandung. The city has its Nasi Kuning, which becomes one of the most popular street food in Bandung for breakfast.

One of the Nasi Kuning place that popular in Bandung is around the street food of Pasir Koja, Bandung. It becomes one of the iconic street food in Bandung since around 1970. The taste of the local Sundanese Nasi Kuning becomes one of the delicious main courses in Indonesia.

So, there are some of the most popular street food in Bandung from time to time that worth trying. Even though modernization comes through the city, their local culinary street food keeps going on its way. Have you ever try one of that delicious food when visiting Bandung?

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