
8 Province With Largest Forests in Indonesia

Indonesia contains an archipelago country with a large forest on each island. Most of them are the type of tropical forests or rain tropical forests. Each of them contains with green oldest trees that give part of the oxygen source on earth.

Speaking of the forest, Indonesia has almost the largest forests that are so popular around the world. Indonesia becomes part of the country that believes in its capability to involve the climate change by its forest after Amazon’s forest.

This time we will bring you into the largest forests list in the Indonesian province that exists more than decades ago. Most of them spread in almost every different province and island. Let’s see some of them below!

1. Papua

Papua is one of the provinces in Indonesia that is located on Papua island. The island parted into two provinces in Papua and West Papua. Both provinces have their specific largest forest as well which contains some popular hiking spots n Indonesia.

As one of the biggest sources of oxygen on earth, the Indonesian government protects the Papuan forest properly. Even though some development building processes continued there, it has to be relevant to the forest law.

Papua has more than 40 million hectares of forest that make Indonesia depends a lot on it. As the largest support of handling the air polluted in Indonesia, we should help to preserve the forest as well.

2. Central Kalimantan

Kalimantan or which is popular with the Borneo island becomes one of the Indonesian islands that has a large forest. It contains five provinces and one of them has the largest forest in the Central of Kalimantan.

Central Kalimantan has more than 15 million hectares of forest that make it almost covered half of the area. Even so, the city has a bit modern in building and people development just like some metropolitan cities in Indonesia.

3. East Kalimantan

Another province in Borneo also has the largest beautiful forest in Indonesia. It is located in the East of Kalimantan, which has about more than 14 million hectares of Indonesian forest. The forest has the type of rain tropical forest which exist more than decades ago.

East Kalimantan is well known for its mine industry. It becomes one of the biggest mine industries that support the wealth of East Kalimantan and Indonesia. Just like Papua, which also becomes the province of the mining industry, East Kalimantan keeps protecting their forest as well.

4. Riau

Riau is an Indonesian province located on Riau island near the North of Sumatra. It has the largest forest on Sumatra island which more than 9.4 million hectares of Indonesian forest. It has the most popular forest in Indonesia cause its controversial of forest fires.

Commonly, during the dry seasons, the Forest in Riau occasionally has forest fires that cause terrible smog. That makes Riau and some of the Sumatran provinces affected by it. That accident becomes one of the reasons for deforestation in Indonesia.

The spread of the smog became even worst so that the government decided to shut down the city from their daily activities. That is because the effect of smog is very bad for human lungs.

5.West Kalimantan

Most of Borneo island covers by forests which spread in each province there are includes in the West area. Just like another province in Borneo, West Kalimantan also has the largest forest in Indonesia that exist more than decades ago.

West Kalimantan area has been covered by forest in more than 9.1 million hectares. It takes in almost a half of the area which dominated by rain tropical forest. Since the landscapes of its have a hard surface, the forest becomes rarely visit by a human so far.

6. Maluku

The Moluccas island consists of two provinces which are parted by Maluku and the North Maluku. The island is not only popular with the beauty of seawater but also the forest as well.

Most typical Indonesian forests become preserved by the Indonesian government, and so that the forests in Maluku island. The rich beauty of the natural forest and Indonesian native flowers are living there as well. That makes Indonesia won’t be lost its beauty.

7. Central Sulawesi

Sulawesi island is surrounded by the ocean, river, mountain, and forest. The forest giving the largest part that covering the area, specifically in Central Sulawesi. It has covered more than 4.3 million hectares of rain tropical forest as one of the types of forest in Indonesia.

Central Sulawesi is popular with the Bugis tribe community that dedicated their lives to nature. That makes they can live in the forest as well. The province also contains the active volcano of the Colo mount that is located in the forest.

8. South Sumatra

South Sumatra province is popular with one of the metropolitan cities in Indonesia located Palembang. Even though the modernization is well built there, but the part of the largest forest there becomes an important area for South Sumatranese.

South Sumatra has more than 3.7 million hectares of the typical Indonesian rainforest. There are so many agriculture industries that enterprise the province without removing the forest as one of the facts about the Sumatran rainforest.

Since the forest keep preserved by the Indonesian government, South Sumatranese seem safely handle the illegal logging case and forest fire as well.

So, there are some of the provinces with the largest forests in Indonesia that exist from decades ago. Most of them are preserved by the Indonesian government as the protected forest and national parks. Have you ever reach one of these provinces as well? Which one becomes your favorite?

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