
14 Type Of Vegetation Is In Indonesia

Understanding of vegetation is very close in the world of forestry, namely various types of plants or plants that occupy an ecosystem. Vegetation is defined as a form of life-related to plants or plants. The term vegetation in ecology is a term used to refer to plant communities that live in an ecosystem. Vegetation can vary by location and time and depends on the composition of the constituent. Vegetation in a place will change along with climate change. Hence the Province with the worst Deforestation in Indonesia.

Based on the location and extent of vegetation can be differentiated into many formations. Each vegetation formation is named according to the most dominant plant species. To find out more fully, here is the type of vegetation is in Indonesia that needs to be known:

1. Seasonal Forest Vegetation

That is the forest with the characteristics of the trees is lower than the tropical rain forest, the leaves are many that fall in the dry season, for example like teak trees. Seasonal forests are found in areas such as Central Java and East Java. The top and beautiful forest in Indonesia you deserve to visit.

2. Tropical Rain forest Vegetation

That is rain forest with vegetation like this has a characteristic consisting of various kinds of trees that are varied, also very dense for the forest. Having a tree height reaches 60 m. Generally, there are many types of climbing and palm trees. There are also types of ferns and orchids. The largest tropical rain forests are on the islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Irian Jaya.

3. Mangrove Vegetation

In Indonesia, the largest area of mangrove forests is Kalimantan and Sumatra are examples of islands that have extensive mangrove forests. With the characteristics of the trees are lower than tropical rain forests and have supporting roots. This is what makes this forest an attraction as well as a barrier to the occurrence of coastal damage in the sea. The following is an explanation of the type of forest in Indonesia as the lungs of the earth.

4. Savanna and Steppe Vegetation Areas

Savanna is a grassland interspersed with trees, found on Madura Island and part of the Nusa Tenggara islands. While steppe is an entire grassland area, for example on the islands of Sumba, Flores, Sumbawa, and Timor. Both are in dry and barren climates. Generally, rainfall is very rare in the area.

5. Wet tropical forests

The type of vegetation is in Indonesia next is a wet tropical forest. That is, this vegetation is a formation that is present and spread in the equator and is the densest type of vegetation of all types of vegetation. This vegetation is supported by a wet tropical climate with no dry and high temperatures. But now the forest has begun to diminish or change due to human intervention through illegal logging and forest encroachment. The areas that are occupied by tropical forests usually have a rather flat topography and undulating slopes. The reasons for deforestation in Indonesia you have to know.

 6. Tropical forests with the rhythm of the season

Generally, this vegetation grows in areas with seasonal rhythms and is more varied in plant formations. Plants in this area actually cover a wider area. Existing trees are usually not found like forests and are generally found in the types of palms trees typical of Acacia species. So that makes this forest more unique than other forest types that are included in the type of vegetation.

7. Spiny forest land

This vegetation shape is found in the tropics with a climate that has a long dry season and a low and short heavy rainy season, with high temperatures throughout the year. This thorny forest in the tropics is usually molted. This plant root enters the soil deep enough to get water. These spiny bushes can reach heights ranging from 3 to 5 meters. For Indonesia, thorny forests are found only slightly in Eastern Indonesia, such as East Nusa Tenggara, whose land consists of lime or sand with rain that is few and far from the watershed. Slightly compared to other countries such as Africa, America and so on. The great and an amazing facts about Indonesia rain forest.

8. Savanna and other grasslands in the tropics and subtropics

The savanna area consists of high wood, targeted at a considerable distance except in the watershed. Damage in the pasture is caused by human activities or fire factors, not due to weather or climate. Savanna is more likely to be like a park, where more river basins are overgrown with trees. Existing trees are usually not found like forests and are generally found in the types of palms trees typical of Acacia species.

9. Half desert dwarf shrubs

The type of vegetation is in Indonesia the other is that this vegetation is usually found on rocky or rocky hillsides, as well as a sandy or graveled land form. These bushes usually have borders with tropical deserts. The characteristics of these desert half bushes often grow apart or cluster which is somewhat more continuous, with stiff and thick leaves like agave, Aloe and Yucca. The territory of Indonesia does not have a half desert type of vegetation, but if it is not careful to protect the environment it is not impossible to form land like half desert later. Hence the environmental impacts of deforestation in Indonesia.

10. Mangroves and other vegetation on the edge of tropical beaches

This type of vegetation has its own characteristics and is widespread in tropical and subtropical areas called mangrove forests. This forest in Indonesia is almost found throughout the coast except for steep beaches. For example the north coast of Java, the east coast of Sumatra, the coast of Kalimantan and the southern coast of Irian. Mangrove forests in Indonesia have been damaged a lot, especially in Java.This causes coastal erosion. The characteristic of this forest is that many mangrove trees have supporting roots and the roots of the breath that arise from under the mud.This mangrove forest often grows to a considerable distance from the coast, depending on the extent of alluvial deposits and the influence of tides. Sometimes mangrove forests are replaced by palms like nipa trees.

In addition, other type of vegetation in Indonesia that still exists and still has to be traced again, namely:

  • Freshwater swamps in the basin or inundated soils are often overgrown with swamp forests and reed bushes and various weed communities. Besides that, it was also found that the cattail (Typha), as well as water hyacinth and other palm plants. In this area peat usually occurs, many of which are found in Kalimantan, in the Dieng plateau and others. Explanation about deforestation in Indonesia causes and effects.
  • Climbing the mountain, the temperature will decrease, precipitation, wind conditions, fog, and irradiation intensity are usually higher when we move towards the poles and towards the top of the mountain in an equatorial area is almost the same but vegetation and flora are not identical. This is due to differences in seasons resulting in soil and vegetation types. In general, the higher we go up to the mountain, the lower the total number of floras. The leaves are less dense (reduced) and tend to be dominated by plants especially from the types of ferns, mosses or crypto game.
  • In addition to mangroves and nipa as well as sago which are found on the tropical coast, there are also other vegetation that develops in coastal areas with sandy beaches such as grasses (“Spinifex littoreus), goat treads (” Ipomeaepes – caprae “) which grow creeping, small trees like pandanus trees (“pandanus”) found on the south coast of Java and other beaches in Indonesia. The following about the political impacts of deforestation in Indonesia.
  • And the most famous coastal plants in Indonesia that grow a lot are coconut which gives a lot of characteristics to beaches in the tropics. Indonesia was once the main exporter of copra. Because the coastal area is included in the type of natural vegetation.

Thus an explanation of the type of vegetation is in Indonesia, hopefully it is useful.

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