
4 Reason Why You Should Visit Bromo Mountains to see Sunrise

Mount Bromo is currently one of the go to tourist attraction that is visited by not just Indonesian but also people from abroad. This mountain is inside the area of National Park Bromo Tengger Semeru, it is an active volcano. It has a height of 2329 m above the sea level and is located inside 4 districts, which are Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang and Malang. Bromo is from the Javanese pronunciation of Brahma, the Hindu creator God. This area is the major pilgrimage centre for Hindus in Indoneisa, the Tenggerese Hindus in particular. The most wanted activity to do is to see the sunrise on this mountain, let see the reason why you should visit Bromo Mountain to see sunrise.

1. Land above the cloud

To see the sunrise is actually the main reason why a lot of people wants to visit Mount Bromo. The tourist unofficially stated the area of Mount Bromo as the beautiful place to see the sunrise. When the sunrise comes, the beauty of the nature in Bromo is fully shown when the sun is starting too peek in. It feels like the land above the cloud, adding on to it Mount Bromo, Mount Batok and Mount Semeru is the background of the sunrise making it the unforgettable experience.

2. Viewpoint

There are a few spots to enjoy the sunrise at the mountain but the most popular one is Penanjakan. This viewpoint is at 2700 meters above sea level and it will allow you to see the kind of sunset that was mentioned before, with the three mountain as the background. The other two viewpoint is “Bukit Cinta” (Love Hill) or the King Kong Hill which is locared in a lower ground.

3. Weather

Don’t be mistaken of the temperature in Mount Bromo, since it can be really chilly especially if you want to see the sunrise. The sun rises around 5.30am, so you have to be in the viewpoint before that time. Usually if you join a tour, or from a resort nearby you will be picked up by a jeep at around 3am to go to the area of the viewpoint and you will need to hike from where the jeep is parked. Planning when to start hiking to reach the best spot is needed, since it may take about an hour to reach to the viewpoint. As for this you need to prepare the clothes that you need to be wearing to face the climate around the time on your trip seeing the sunrise. The temperature is around 3-20 degree Celsius but can reach minus 0 degree Celsius.

4. Unforgettable Experience

Another reason why you should visit Bromo Mountains to see the sunrise is that your money, time and energy to see it will be worth it. It has been explained above that the view is exceptional and unforgettable. Maybe it will be one of the best sunrise to see in Indonesia or even the world. Whether going solo to plan the trip or using a tour it will be all worth it. You can gather up many information on the Internet, from the Indonesian itself or even travellers from around the world. To see the sunrise itself wouldn’t be an easy trip even if you use a tour, so plan everything thoroughly.

5. Do other activity

Don’t forget to plan other activity when visiting Mount Bromo not only the sunrise but there are a few more interesting spot that must be visited by tourist and travellers.

  • Teletubbies Hills is one of them, it has this name since it is actually similar to the hills on the children TV series Teletubbies. This Hills has domes that is just like in the series.
  • Stay in Jiwa Jawa Resort, this is one of the popular resort near Bromo.  The sight of brick-red tiled roofs of the place making it like the typical home in Indonesia and you can rest well in preparation for the adventure in Bromo.
  • Don’t forget to take a break after having the sunrise experience. Enjoy a bowl of noodles, grilled corns with a cup of hot tea or coffee in the little shops that is available there.
  • The sunset is also worth it to be waited, and you can enjoy it in one of the restaurants that is available there while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee.
  • You can see it on the Internet that you can have a Horse Ride in Bromo. Travel through “Laut Pasir” riding on the horseback and go up to the crater. If you have the budget this activity is worth to try.
  • Take a closer look on the crater of this active volcano. You can see white smoke formation on the base of Mount Bromo. From the base you can see the Pura Luhur Poten which is a Tenggerese Hindu temple.

Those are the reason why you should visit Bromo Mountains to see the sunrise. Beside the main goal to see the sunrise, visit other interesting spot that is available to be visited. You can also learn the culture of the tribe that still exist on that area. Mount Bromo has been a popular place over the last few years, there is even an annual music festival called “Jazz Gunung” that is held in the area of Mount Bromo. The most important thing also is to prepare glasses and scarves or hospital mask when visiting Bromo because the area is full of sand. Plan your trip well and make the experience worthwhile because maybe it is once in a lifetime chance!

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