
17 Rights of a Citizen in Indonesia

As a good and law-abiding Indonesian citizen, it has become our duty to obey and implement all rights of a citizen in Indonesia properly and correctly.

Many aspects we can do in exercising our right as a good citizen, for that matter then on this occasion will be discussed rights of a citizen in Indonesia in the life of society, nation and state.

1. The right to embrace and exercise freedom of religion

Every citizen of a country is entitled to their religion and belief. In case it is clear in the law, that everyone has the right to choose religion according to his belief. Indonesian citizens who live in this country are given the right and freedom to embrace religion as stated in the 1945 Constitution article 28 E paragraph 1 if the citizens of Indonesia have the right to embrace religion. Therefore, there is not a certain restriction we embrace the religion or beliefs that exist in Indonesia.

2. Every citizen has the right to express their opinion

In the 1945 Constitution Article 28 reads if as citizens we are free to express our opinions. Citizens are free to express their opinions both oral and written in accordance with established laws. That means as Indonesian citizens we are free to voice our “heart” to the government or perhaps the policy of origin in accordance with the law and does not violate the rules that apply.

3. Every citizen is entitled to education and instruction

The next rights of a citizen in Indonesia are that every person or every citizen of Indonesia is entitled to receive a good education, the right to develop knowledge and gain instruction in order to educate the life of the nation. So all the people of Indonesia are entitled to receive education appropriately because education is one aspect that can make a country into a developed and develop a country. This is clearly stated in the 1945 Constitution article 31 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 where the citizens of Indonesia are entitled to receive education, especially primary school education.

4. Every citizen is entitled to the same legal status

In accordance with the 1945 Constitution Article 28D paragraph 1 said if all citizens are entitled to receive fair treatment, receive legal certainty, legal protection, legal guarantee and have the same position before the law. That means we as citizens of Indonesia have the same rights as others, we as citizens of Indonesia have the right to have the same position in the eyes of the law. Where the law will not discriminate who we are, what our position and the law treats its citizens fairly and equally.

5. Citizens are entitled to a decent life

Everyone who has Indonesian citizenship has various rights, one of which is a citizen is entitled to get a decent living as stated in the 1945 Constitution Article 27 paragraph 2. Where it is said if citizens are entitled to obtain a decent livelihood and live properly in Indonesia, other than that citizens are also free to do business for the realization of that goal.

In another sense, we as citizens of Indonesia deserve to live worthy and also free to do business so that the feasibility of life is achieved as long as the way does not violate the law and the rules that already apply.

6. Every citizen has the right to breed

One of the rights of citizens is the right to reproduce and to sustain human populations is by way of marriage. Married is one of the rights that can Indonesian citizens get, the right to marry is clearly stated in the 1945 Constitution article 28B paragraph 1. It is clearly written if every Indonesian citizen has the right to marry and also they are entitled to have offspring.

7. Citizens are entitled to the law

Article 27 Paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution which states that all citizens are equal before the law and government and will uphold such law and government with no exception. Thus, it is clear that every good citizen is treated equally and fairly in law without distinction and legal discrimination.

8. Citizens are entitled to participate in the defense of the country

The rights of a citizen in Indonesia is that every citizen is required to defend the sovereignty of his country, in accordance with Article 27 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution, every citizen will have the right and obligation to participate in the defense of the State. Whatever is associated with it, it is our right and obligation to support and defend any country and for the peace and security of our beloved country.

9. Citizens are entitled to health insurance

Article 28H Paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution, the right of citizens to live healthily. A well-born and inner life is entitled to every citizen through a healthy living and living environment. Health services are entitled to be earned by every citizen. This is one of the rights of a citizen in Indonesia is good and right.

10. The right of citizens to obtain social security

Article 28H Paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution, the right of citizens to obtain social security. Social security will be obtained by every citizen for the development of himself as a dignified human being. So that his life can be guaranteed and said prosperous.

11. The right of citizens to uphold their human rights

Article 28I Paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution, the right of citizens to uphold their human rights. In detail the citizens will have the right to live, not to be tortured, to be free of mind and conscience, to be religious, not to be enslaved, to be recognized as a person before the law, and not to be prosecuted on the basis of applicable law. So that awake from the law of just and right.

12. Citizens’ right to information

Rights of a citizen in Indonesia as stated in article 28F of the 1945 Constitution, citizens’ right to information. To engage in the personal and social environment, citizens have the right to acquire, store, process and convey information through the various channels available. Both in writing and orally.

13. Citizen’s right to citizenship status

Article 28D Paragraph 4 of the 1945 Constitution, the right of citizens to the status of citizenship. Every Indonesian citizen is entitled to have Indonesian citizenship status. So that can be guaranteed the survival in the country and get the treatment of good and right.

14. The right of citizens to communicate

Article 28F of the 1945 Constitution, the right of citizens to communicate. Citizens are entitled to communicate with each other in different modes and exchanging information. So as to establish a harmonious relationship, safe and avoid misunderstandings.

15. The right of citizens to get a job

One of the rights of a citizen in Indonesia is stated in article 27 paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution, the right of citizens to get a job. Citizens are entitled to get a job to meet their needs. Specifically, these terms of employment are governed by labor laws. So as to create a prosperous and dignified life.

16. The right of citizens to be independent and free from colonialism

This is clearly stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution because Indonesia supports the abolition of colonialism in a world that is not acting and having a fair share. And this is the basis of the state and its citizens to move forward and develop into an independent country.

17. The right of citizens to union and assemble

This is stated in article 28 of the 1945 Constitution which states that Citizens are entitled to form organizations, unions, parties, institutions, etc. for various purposes in accordance with the law. As one form of social life and cultured.

Read also :

So the explanation of the rights of a citizen in Indonesia may be a record for you all. Might be useful.

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