
Let’s Explore 8 Smallest Indonesia Cities by Size!

Have you ever heard of any smallest Indonesian cities by size existing in the archipelago country? Indonesia is popular with so many islands that contain beautiful cities inside. Some of those islands have little cities that run with the government system well.

The smallest Indonesian cities by size are commonly located around the popular Indonesian province. Even if it has the smallest size, most of them have a large population that is higher than you think.

Some of the smallest Indonesian cities by size even become the biggest cities with tourist center spots that are worth exploring. If you are wondering where to find some of them, here we have some of them on the list below.

Let’s check them out!

1. Sibolga

Sibolga is one of the smallest Indonesian cities by size that is located in North Sumatra specifically in the western part of the province. The city has only a 10.77-kilometer square size which makes it becomes the smallest city in Indonesia. It has a bit different from some of the cities with the largest population in Indonesia.

Sibolga is located on the coast of the North Sumatra province around the Tapian Nauli gulf. That makes the city has a higher temperature compared to other cities in Indonesia. The temperature comes in a range between 32 degrees Celcius for the higher and the lowest at around 21 degrees.

Most Sibolgan are lived by variant tribes that come from the Batak tribes, Nias tribes, Minang tribes, Javanese, and some of Chinese-Indonesian.

2. Magelang

Magelang is one of the smallest Indonesian cities by size that is located in Central Java. It has only 18.54 kilometres square size overall the city which contains beautiful landscapes of low and high land.

Magelang has so many popular tourist spots that are worth exploring. When the Tabebuya flower bloom, the city looks similar to the Sakura time in Japan, which makes tourists come to the city. Other than that, the landscape in the north of Magelang call as the Nepal Van Java with its beauty around.

3. Mojokerto

Mojokerto is one of the smallest Indonesian cities by size that is located in West Java. It has only 20.21 kilometers square in size with more than 132 thousand people living there.

Mojokerto is famous as the city with the master of Indonesian traditional snacks, such as Onde Onde. The city is also popular as the older city of the Majapahit kingdom, which brings the most historical story of the city. Other than that, it has the biggest Buddhism sculpture that becomes the most iconic tourist spot in East Java.

4. Padang Panjang

Padang Panjang is one of the smallest Indonesian cities by size located in West Sumatra. It has only around 23 kilometers square in size with more than 56 thousand people living there that are dominated by the Minang tribes. It is famous as one of the highest cities in Indonesia decades ago.

Padang Panjang has the most iconic tourist spots, such as the Anai canyon, which offers the most beautiful landscapes of nature. Other than that, the economic sectors in Padang Panjang come from the trading sector because the city is located in the strategic spots of the trade center.

5. Bukittinggi

Bukittinggi is one of the smallest Indonesian cities by size that is located in West Sumatra. It has only around 25.2 kilometers square in size with more than 121 thousand people living there dominated by the Minang tribes that are different from most isolated tribes in Indonesia.

Bukittinggi is one of the most popular trading centers for decades ago. The city is popular in selling variants of textiles and other clothes materials that are perfect for business. It is also a good place for you to get some things to buy after traveling in Indonesia.

Such as Padang Panjang, the town of Bukittinggi surrounded by hills and mountain that makes it colder than other towns in Indonesia. The landscape of this town offers the most magnificent view that becomes the most magnetic tourist visit time by time.

6. Blitar

Blitar is one of the smallest Indonesian cities by size that is located in East Java. It has around 32.5 kilometers square in size, with more than 149 thousand people living there dominated by the East Javanese tribe and some Maduranesse.

Blitar is popular as a historical town as proof of Indonesian history while the country struggles hard to defeat columnists. The city is also popular as the proclamation town where the first Indonesian president who declared the proclamation buried the tomb there.

7. Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is one of the smallest Indonesian cities by size that becomes a special province in Indonesia that run the government under the Sultanate reign. The city has only around 32.5 kilometers square in size with more than 373 thousand people living there coming from variant tribes.

Yogyakarta has the most complete tribes that live there, which come from Sabang to Merauke. Most of them come to get an education, and some are coming for work. The city is famous as one of the cities with the lower expense to live in the biggest cities in Indonesia.

8. Madiun

Madiun is one of the smallest Indonesian cities by size that is located in West Java. The city has only 33.2 kilometres square with more than 200 thousand people living there. Most of them come from the local tribe of East Javanese tribe and some Maduranese.

Madiun is popular with culinary tourism for Pecel Madiun. Other than that, nature tourist spots, waterparks, and museums are popular as well, which are commonly more crowded during the weekend and holiday seasons.

So, there are some of the smallest Indonesian cities by size that are worth exploring for tourism visits. Have you ever explored one of those cities? Tell us which one that becomes your favorite so far.

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