13 Social Activities in Jakarta You Can Do

Jakarta is a massive capital city in Indonesia. The metropolitan city offers many things to its people so you can never run out of options. There is a wide array of activities to keep you occupied. Most importantly, there are also social activities that are useful to the city. Through the social activities, you can help the people who are in need and you can also improve the society in Jakarta. Below are 13 Social Activities in Jakarta that might interest you.

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1. Donate Blood

One of the social activities that you can do in Jakarta is donating your blood. There are many different places where the Indonesian Red Cross Society would hold a blood donation event. You may also participate in Blood4Life. It is a volunteering program where you can find people who are eager to donate their blood. In case someone needs a blood donation, the program will help the person find the blood faster.

2. Cleaning Jakarta

You may want to contribute in cleaning Jakarta if you care about the environment. Each year, the volunteering program aims to clean up the rubbish around the city so they won’t pile up. This will help Jakarta to be clean. Over thousands of people are joining into this action and so can you.

3. Donating Food

Despite the glamorous life in Jakarta, there are still poor people in the city. These people are so poor that they are unable to afford their own food. You can donate some of the food that you have to these people. They could be food that you just bought or some leftovers that you have at home. People will appreciate your contribution to the society in Jakarta.

4. Volunteer at Rumah Harapan

In South Jakarta, there is a special place where they house patients who have serious illnesses and diseases  in Indonesia called Rumah Harapan. In English it means the House of Hope. They are people who come from all over Indonesia to Jakarta to treat their illness. Rumah Harapan gives them the food, shelter and most importantly the transport to take them to the hospital. The place is always looking for people that can help them out with their activities.

5. Teach English at Kampung Kids

Kampung Kids is a small community in Jakarta that focuses on teaching English to little children. If you are fluent in English and love working with kids then you may want to be a part of the community. Other than focusing on language, the community is also eager to teach the kids about technologies. So if you know a thing or two about computers then that would be helpful too.

6. Help Animals

If you are an animal lover, then this social activity is perfect for you. The Animal Aid Network in Jakarta focus on the rescuing and taking care of strayed animals. People who love animals and want to help them out can always contribute to this program. This social activity may save the poor, helpless animals in Jakarta.

7. Build Homes for the Poor

In Jakarta, you might be able to help people who are trapped in poverty by giving them a shelter. There is a community called Habitat for Humanity Indonesia that builds homes for people living in poverty. All you need to give is your heart and your energy to give these people a home that they deserve.

8. Educate Street Children

There are numerous street children in Indonesia. If you are someone who is concerned about education then this activity might interest you. There are so many volunteering programs out there that aim to educate street children. Join them in their mission and with your knowledge, you might give these children a second chance in life.

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9. Accompany the Disabled

If you have some time to spar in Jakarta, you may want to participate in accompanying the disabled. In Jakarta, the Yayasan Wisma Cheshire provides many programs that help the disabled to live their lives fully. If you have skills or knowledge that you can share, then come join the residential. They are always in need for people to help them out.

10. Participate in Distributing Books

For all the book wormers out there, this social activity is the right one for you. You can actually help donate and distribute books around Jakarta. There are organisations all around the city that accept in book donation or a helping hand to sort out their books. This way, you contribute in increasing the reading habits in Indonesia especially Jakarta.

11. Eating Together with the Orphans

This next activity involves the orphanages in Jakarta. Indeed, there are so many orphans in the city. When you have some money and some time to spend then you may want to hold a feast with these orphans. You can also donate some school stationaries which would mean a lot to them.

12. Cleaning the Neighbourhood

Other than an annual clean-up for the city, you can also contribute to the regular cleaning in the neighbourhood. Some neighbourhood in Jakarta may hold a clean-up around the neighbourhood at a certain period of time. You can join this activity. Other than making sure that the environment is good, you can also get to know your neighbours in the city.

13. Planting Trees

Adding more greeneries to Jakarta is highly appreciated. The city is already packed with concrete buildings and not enough trees. There are some organisations or universities that hold planting trees events. You can find out about these activities through the internet for faster access. This social activity of planting trees help Jakarta to breathe and it means a greener city in the future.

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As you can see, most of the activities don’t require money. All they need is your will to do the social activities for the sake of the people and the environment in Jakarta. In the end, all these activities are worth it as you are helping others live a decent life.

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