
14 Tips To Choose Scuba Diving Trip in Indonesia

For those of you who like the world of diving, of course, you are very curious to feel some of the best and beautiful dive sites. In Indonesia alone, there are many of the best dive sites that are worth a try, but it is necessary to pay attention to many things before you decide to dive, especially if you are a beginner. Useful guides to do scuba diving in Bali all you need to know.

You are still a beginner and want to try diving in several regions of Indonesia. It is not wrong to know the following tips so that you are not confused when diving. Well, the following thing is about tips on choosing Scuba Diving trip in Indonesia that you can use as an alternative:

1. Determine which area will be used as a diving spot

Before you decide to do scuba diving, then choose and determine which location is right or you want to try. This will determine all activities as well as interesting things about scuba diving in Indonesia. You can find out through the internet, advertisements, or friend references. It’s better to know the right area than you don’t know at all. There are many interesting spots in Indonesia that you can choose, but choose one that suits the level and ability you can. A list of best diving in Indonesia for beginners.

2. Determine the funds you have or adjust your diving package with a budget

It’s important to know how much money you will spend while on a scuba diving trip. The more distant and remote the distance, the greater the costs you will budget. Therefore, make a list of what is needed during a scuba diving trip in Indonesia. From the list you made will find out what you can do. The list of funds that you have is also very important to use when at any time you need more funds because of unexpected needs.

3. Determine the package to be taken if a scuba diving package is available

Next tips on choosing Scuba Diving trip in Indonesia are determining whether a diving package is available. Never trust people who offer cheap packages but it is not clear where the agent’s office is. Once you know what packages are available, you can choose according to your needs and prepare the funds you have. Generally, the package provided is still related to diving and equipment. Determine and select the type of package needed and not because you want to try it. Hence the tourist attractions you must see in West Bali.

4. Use easy transportation modes to reach diving locations

To get to the location of scuba diving you can’t just walk. Long distances certainly require you to rent or bring your own vehicle. Or you choose a number of fleet transportation such as planes, cars, trains or ships. So, it’s important to know how long the trip and transportation are the fastest and also affordable. So that all your plans can be achieved without disappointment. Additional information for you is if you are a bad sailor, it’s better if you take other option of transportation or you can consume some medicine before get on  the ship.

5. Select the location of scuba diving according to the category or level of ability

Never try – diving for beginners in an unusual place. Every diving player has a different level, so before you know the diving location then make sure you have the ability to dive. Choose a location for scuba diving in Indonesia that is suitable for beginners, or if you are an expert you can try a more challenging location. By knowing the abilities you have, you will not try what you don’t normally do. Because diving is not just about being able to swim but how you can regulate breathing during the safeguards. The wonderful spot must see in North Bali.

6. Invite a few friends who can accompany you to dive together

Tips on choosing Scuba Diving trip to Indonesia so that you don’t feel alone or confused, then you should invite some friends or relatives. This is to entertain during your trip so that when you are diving you are more relaxed and not tense. Moreover, you are a diving beginner, so it’s more fun if you invite friends to provide support and enjoy diving together. With close friends you will feel confident, especially you are still a beginner, you need support from friends around you.

7. Choose a professional diving guide or coach

You certainly know what the function and role of a diving coach are. This is to test your ability how far you know and can dive. In addition, diving coaches can direct and train the right methods and techniques for diving. Therefore, if you are still a beginner, it is important to ask a scuba diving coach to direct from knowing good equipment to safe diving. So that when you dive all the techniques and safety you know. Since this involves your safety, make sure you ask the coach to check on your equipment if you’re not sure whether it functions properly or not. The following best snorkeling in Bali Indonesia, the exclusive locations you should visit.

8. Prepare quality diving equipment

Choosing and using diving equipment is very important. When you travel to a diving location, make sure that the diving equipment you have is complete. Don’t underestimate, the equipment you carry is incomplete. Also, make sure if you don’t have the equipment, then find out which dive rentals are complete and affordable. Quality equipment besides being able to provide a sense of security can also be durable. So you don’t need to buy new equipment in the future.

9. Bring enough equipment for diving

Next Tips on choosing Scuba Diving trip to Indonesia is don’t forget to bring other equipment besides diving equipment. Examples such as resident cards, personal data, cellphones, cameras, medicines, clothes and so on. Everything that is considered important when you do diving. Don’t let trivia get left behind so you can’t dive. Other equipment that you really need must be prepared. Like the one before, because it’s better to prepare than nothing. So that when needed you are not confused and panicked. Anything you can find in these best snorkeling in Flores Indonesia.

10. Find out about scuba diving facilities

You can also find out about what facilities are provided during your dive. Such as food, drinks, safety, medical, insurance and so on. This is important because anything can happen, so you better prepare everything for anticipation. Anything you have to think about is a precaution so that you will feel safer and confident in diving leisurely. Common facilities provided you should always know so that it becomes the standard of operation when diving wherever you are.

Next, about tips on choosing Scuba Diving trip in Indonesia that you can do and choose are as follows:

  • When you will be given complete instructions regarding diving. Starting from how to use oxygen masks to how to see oxygen levels in the tube. Listen well and don’t be shy to ask if you don’t understand, so that there is no misunderstanding and if something goes wrong you can handle it properly according to instructions. The best beaches in Bali for snorkeling you must try.
  • Mental preparation is very important as long as you choose to travel for scuba diving. Before you start the physical condition must be fit and the psychic must be ready. If you have a disease that cannot do diving, you better not do this activity because it can endanger the health condition.
  • Never underestimate any directives given either by instructors or diving officers, this is so that safety during diving will run smoothly. Whatever instructions and instructions from the trainer you should remember and must be understood, this is so that it is not problematic during the diving process. The best water activities in Bali Indonesia you can enjoy.
  • If you don’t have diving equipment, then make sure you choose the equipment that is rented at the right price and good quality, so it’s safe as long as you do diving. Don’t hesitate to ask experts about the types of equipment needed when diving, can be through the internet, instructors and so on.

Thus are some explanations regarding tips on choosing Scuba Diving trip in Indonesia. Hopefully, it will be your insight and knowledge to determine fun scuba diving activities.

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