
Activities You Can Do in Padar Island Indonesia – Exciting and Memorable Ones

So, our daily life can surely change us. Facing the same problem every single day, facing the same people, the same community, and the same view in every single day could be really constantly boring. It can make you feel unhappy. That’s why, taking a vacation for a day or some can surely add some fun in it, especially if you’re going to a whole new place that you could ever hope for.

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Indonesia, as many countries around South East Asia region can be a great place to be. With the exotic islands and wonderful landscape, it can be a really refresher for the people who live in a completely different area, like in the European countries and America. There’s one island called Padar Island, which located inside the Komodo National Park. And this time, we’re gonna give you about the activities you can do in Padar Island Indonesia. There are about 14 of them, so make sure to pay attention.

1 – Go to Komodo Island

So what is the first one in activities you can do in Padar Island Indonesia ? The location of Padar Island is indeed very strategic. Do you know Komodo Island? That exotic island of the world that has the only thing that it has until now? That very island is actually the neighbor to this Padar Island.

So, without adding more huge budget from your wallet, you can just take some boat, as simple as possible to get to Komodo Island. It’s probably very easy, because usually there are some ships waiting along the beach coast for the people who want to visit the Komodo Island.

2 – Seeing the Komodos

Of course you come to the island, the Komodo Island, with a solid reason. You just not wonder around the island without doing any single thing, right? It’s a waste of time if you’re visiting the island without actually seeing them.

There is a place where you can see the Komodos live. Real live, and biting-machine, ready to crawl to you in such a high speed if they’re hungry enough. But of course, every journey will be more safe with a guide who is always standby at the place.

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3 – Camping

Next one in activities you can do in Padar Island Indonesia  is camping. Padar island somehow looks real similar to the island located in the other foreign countries, like New Zealand maybe. It’s so green, completely surrounded with hilly areas, but also added with a nice sea landscape you could possibly thank to. It’s like getting all the best features of an attraction in one package called Padar Island.

That’s why, many people would want to build a camp, place them in some strategic locations, like in the downside of the hill, facing the sea, and just enjoy the night out with all the gifts from nature. It’s all gonna be worth it once you finally try it out.

4 – Visiting Rinca Island

As one of the three members, alongside with the other two locations, Padar and Komodo islands, Rinca island that also included inside Komodo National Park is an island located right on the west side of Flores. It and the other islands are directly managed by the Central Government.

The beatiful green scenery of Rinca Island can be really amusing. Especially when the animals start to gather around you. Things like wild pigs, buffalos, and even Komodos are the endemic locals of this area.That’s why, sometimes the place becomes an insipiration for many video games setting.

5 – Visiting the Pink Beach

In an tourism area located nearby called Labuan Bajo, you can find a beach. But this one is not ordinary. It’s strange and somewhat magical to see. With the name of Pink Beach, which is really catchy name, everyone would like to visit it, even though just to fulfill their curiosity.

The color of the beach, is pink. The real pink color that looks almost similar to the color of salt in Himalaya. The difference is, the color is coming from the sand that turned into pink by the natural process. Combine it with the color of light and dark blue from the sea, and there you have the most wonderful place on Earth.

6 – Hiking around Mount Mbeliling

If you’re an adventurer, going to a place like Padar Island would be a very satifsfying thing because there are so many locations you can explore. Including this mountain for example, a not lonely mountain located around Labuan Baju Tourism Area called Mount Mbeliling.

The Mount Mbeliling is a favorite destination for many trekkers. It’s very green to look at, with the addition of little forest and wide rice terrace completely surround it. From the top, you can see the perfect view of the islands around the National Park.

7 – Exploring the highlands

Seeing the picture of Padar Island, you can realize that the island looks very similar to the setting or location that used in some popular movies like Jurrasic Park, and even the animation movie, Moana. The Padar island looks like the one in Hawaii or New Zealand.

It has a long line of hill area that you can hike and explore from one point to another. It’s a tiring journey for sure, so we would recommend starting the trip from the early morning. Really refreshing, wonderful and magnificent. That’s the Padar Island for you people.

Don’t miss:

8 – Visiting Pulau Kalong

Just around the Padar island, you can see and actually visit the other islands, as mentioned above like Komodo or Rinca island. And there’s also an island, smaller but packed with people and their busy profession as fishermen called Kalong Island or Bat Island.

In this bat island, you can see the ships coming by, either dropping their catches for today or doing some trading activity with the locals. But once the sun is about to go down, the island will suddenly crowder with the bats, a lot of bat, flying around the island starting from that time to the night.

9 – Going to Cunca Wulang Waterfall

Aside from being a beautiful location, the Padar Island also has some interesting points, such as the natural attractions in the form of caves and waterfalls. And there’s one you should visit, a waterfall, a beauty called Cunca Wulang Waterfall. Many said it was the Goddess waterfall.

The reason behind that statement is the magical look from this lone waterfall located in three kilometers, East Side of Labuan Bajo. Like all the hidden attractions, you need to do a trek for a while to reach its actual location. But don’t worry, it wouldn’t be a hard job to do.

10 – Trekking in Loh Liang National Park

Turns out, the Komodo Island is not the only location where you can see the actual living Komodos. If that place is crowded enough and you want to go somewhere less crowd with the same atmosphere and the same everything, then you know that Loh Liang National Park is the place to go.

The landscape of this National Park is basically the same as the Komodo’s. The place is dry and hot, suiting the habitat of Komodos. You’ll be guided with some people called Rangers in order to trek the National Park nicely and safely.

11 – Snorkeling

Next one in activities you can do in Padar Island Indonesia  is snorkeling. Just look at the water, look at how clean it is. Imagine that the water is so fresh that it can make your body cooler in a hot island like Padar. It’s only you and the sea now, the crystal clear blue sea that sometimes colored in green because of the corals. Ain’t that nice to see it?

The only border between you and the ocean is the willing to snorkel into the sea. Without the complex equipment, you can dive and just snorkel around, watching the sea habitat and the “locals” living nearby like the fishes, anemons, and so on.

12 – Hang out at Paradise Bar

For the people who can’t live without hitting the club, dont be worry because even in a location like Komodo Island, Padar Island, or Labuan Bajo, you can also find one place called Paradise Bar. Is it the true paradise?

People from different countries are enjoying most of their times here. With reggae music that seems to fit the place nuances, people can have a good time by seeing a landscape of the ocean, islands, and the local ships with a beer and french fries.

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13 – Culinary Hunting at Kampung Ujung

If the bar above still can’t fulfill your stomach simply because they don’t serve any heavy meal, then you can go to a place, a very crowd place called Kampung Ujung. The Kampung means village, and Ujung means point. So from there, you know that the location of it is in the far point of the island.

This is the place where you can get anything you wanted. If you like seafoods, go for it. Of you like Javanese meals, there’s a lot of vendors selling them. Even some sell the traditional foods, Flores style.

14 – Exploring the caves

And finally, the 14th one in activities you can do in Padar Island Indonesia  is cave exploring. In the island, you also have a fairly high chance to accidently visit the caves. Even though some of them are still unknown, because no one hasn’t explored them before, but some are even popular. Like a cave named Goa Batu Cermin.

The meaning from the name is the cave of mirror stone. Sounds like a video game item or something, but it does exist in real life. Sadly though, you can only see the mirror effect during the rain when the stones cliff are wet enough to reflect the sun light.

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