
8 Traditional Dance from South Kalimantan

Have you ever heard about traditional dance from South Kalimantan? South Kalimantan has a unique culture that is different from the traditional dance of Gorontalo.

Even the islands of Kalimantan and Sulawesi, both provinces have different cultures including traditional dances that are different from traditional dance from Central Java as well. Most traditional dances from South Kalimantan commonly believe has some magic inside.

Such as another province in Kalimantan, a traditional dance from South Kalimantan contains a hieratic sense which looks similar to traditional dance from Banten. The influence of the Banjar tribe makes people believe the magic on it is real. If you are wondering what kind of traditional dance is from South Kalimantan, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Topeng Banjar dance

Topeng Banjar dance is one of the traditional dances from South Kalimantan that uses a mask as the main property. Similar to some of the traditional dances of the Dayak East Kalimantan, it has a hieratic sense inside. Topeng Banjar dance is one of the intangible cultural heritage in Indonesia that brings Indonesia the richest culture.

This kind of dance has a specific purpose for healing treatment. Topeng Banjar dance is part of the healing ritual that has a sacred sense inside. Most performances of this dance are commonly held in Manyanggar or Sampir ceremonies as the most hieratic ceremonies in South Kalimantan.

2. Sinoman Hadrah dance

Sinoman Hadrah dance is one of the traditional dances from South Kalimantan that uses the Rebana as one of the traditional instruments of South Kalimantan. This kind of dance is influenced by the Arabian culture that is different from traditional dance from Ambon.

Sinoman Hadrah dance is performed by around 30 persons contains the dancers, the singers, Pemayung, the Bandu holder, and the music producers. All of them produce good dance that is followed by good music with the best rhythm.

3. Rudat dance

Rudat dance is one of the traditional dances from South Kalimantan that was influenced by Islamic culture. This kind of dance is so popular among Banjar tribes and contains so many movements inside. Rudat dance combines the movements of dance with martial arts.

The dancers will be moving non-stop until the music stops. Even so, the dancers should dance in a sitting position which makes it unique and difficult at the same time. Rudat dance is popular with a complex movement. Locals believe that it doesn’t easy to combine martial arts and the movement the dance.

4. Baksa Kembang dance

Baksa Kembang dance is one of the traditional dances from South Kalimantan that used performed for welcoming guests in the royal family. As time goes by, this dance usually performs to welcome guests at official events. Baksa Kembang dance can be a dance with a single dancer or in a group with an odd number of dancers.

If they are not following the rules people believe it would bring bad luck. Baksa Kembang dance is performed by young girls only, which represents beauty during youngster life. The dance is even pictured with a specific flower as a symbol of happiness in youth.

5. Radap Rahayu dance

Radap Rahayu dance is one of the traditional dances from South Kalimantan that has multiple functions. Not only perform for welcoming guests, but it also performs during the wedding celebration, birth ceremony, and even funeral. Radap Rahayu dance is performed by women that represent the angel of beauty. They bring confetti that spread around the guest. People that get the confetti believe will have good luck.

6. Babangsai dance

Babangsai dance is one of the traditional dances from South Kalimantan that uses an altar that contains some offerings to present to their deities. This kind of dance is a part of the sacred ceremony for the Dayak Ot Danum tribe. Babangsai dance is performed by women only with a specific movement. The dancer should dance with one circle around the altar. Before the dance started, the dancer should follow a specific ritual led by the local shaman.

7. Kanjar dance

Kanjar dance is one of the traditional dances from South Kalimantan that perform for a specific ritual. This kind of dance has originally come from the Dayak Bukit tribe, which has a similar movement to the Babangsai dance. Kanjar dance is performed by men dancers only, which has the opposite of the Babangsai dance. Even so, the same movement that builds a circle around the altar has the same function to give the best offerings toward the deity or god.

8. Baksa Tameng dance

Baksa Tameng dance is one of the traditional dances from South Kalimantan that uses Keris and a traditional shield from the Dayak tribe. The dancer wears traditional clothes that are similar to a warrior. Baksa Tameng dance has an agile movement. During the dance, the dancer moves faster following the music that beat louder.

Those movements represent the fight and struggle to show men power among villagers. Baksa Tameng dance is also followed by a specific traditional song from South Kalimantan, such as Parang Capat and Parang Lima. These songs represent a spirit of struggle to fight for something important in life.

So, there is some traditional dance from South Kalimantan that contains hieratic sense and are rich with culture as well. Are you ready to watch one of that traditional dances? Let’s pack your bag to get ready for exploring South Kalimantan.

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