
8 Beauty Traditional Dance from Gorontalo

Have you ever heard about the traditional dance of Gorontalo? Gorontalo is one of the provinces in Sulawesi Island that is richest with Indonesian cultures that look similar to traditional dance from Ambon.

Influenced by Portuguese culture brings traditional dance from Gorontalo become different from common islands in Indonesia. Their dances commonly bring faster and more agile movement that is different from traditional dances from Central Java.

Traditional dance from Gorontalo was created by the Gorontalo tribe, which is well-known with the modern culture wince many decades ago. It makes them different from some traditional dances from Banten and other provinces in Indonesia.

If you are wondering what kind of the beauty traditional dance from Gorontalo is, here we have some of them on the list below. Most of them influenced the evolution of modernization in traditional dance in Indonesia.

Let’s check them out!

1. Dana-Dana dance

Dana-Dana dance is one of the traditional dances from Gorontalo that commonly perform to the welcoming guest. This kind of dance also performs during some celebrations, including some Indonesian wedding traditions.

The Gorontalo tribe is not the largest ethnic group in Indonesia but has the largest community on Sulawesi Island. That brings the island influenced by their culture, including the way to the welcoming guest.

Through the Dana-Dana dance, welcoming guests in Sulawesi Island delivered kindness from locals to welcoming strangers to come to their island.

2. Biteya dance

Biteya dance is one of the traditional dances from Gorontalo that look similar to some traditional dances of Cirebon, which has the same function as welcoming guests.

Biteya dance is used to perform after the fishermen come home from the sea. It is kind of a celebration to show gratitude after successful fishing in the ocean.

Biteya dance represents the daily living of locals in Gorontalo that live as fishermen. The dance is performed by youngsters both boys and girls, from five to seven dancers.

3. Langga dance

Langga dance is one of the traditional dances from Gorontalo that represent martial art inside. This kind of dance commonly performed by men only shows the manpower to protect their family and the tribe in common.

Every movement of the Langga dance for the Gorontalo tribe is reflecting their daily activities. This kind of dance is pretty close to the custom cultural ceremony led by the local chief before it gets started.

Langga dance in Sulawesi Island has different styles and movements depending on the culture of the village. Even so, it has the same purpose as part of the sacred custom cultural ceremony.

4. Saronde dance

Saronde dance is one of the traditional dances from Gorontalo that is inspired by wedding traditions in Gorontalo culture. This dance commonly includes one of the parents from the bride-to-be dancing.

The Saronde dance is commonly performed during wedding celebrations. It contains four to six couples of dancers including one of the parents of the bride-to-be.

Saronde dance is pretty popular among wedding traditions in Sulawesi Island. The lighter movement brings joy to the wedding couple and the guests as well.

5. Polopalo dance

Polopalo dance is one of the traditional dances from Gorontalo that perform followed by the traditional musical instruments called Palo-Palo. This kind of dance used to only be performed by a single dancer that followed the loud music from Palo Palo.

Later on, the Polopalo dance is performed by some groups containing four to six dancers or more. The dancers commonly should be wearing colorful clothes.

The unique sound from the Palo-Palo brings a different sound of music that becomes the most unique culture of traditional music instruments in Sulawesi.

6. Tidi dance

Tidi dance is one of the traditional dances from Gorontalo that existed since around 1672. This kind of dance used to be popular during the glory of the Gorontalo Kingdom and only perform for the royal family.

Tidi dance represents the relationship between Gorontalo culture and the Islamic culture of women. The relationship also brings into their daily life the main role of an important woman in the household.

7. Langga Buwa dance

Langga Buwa dance is one of the traditional dances from Gorontalo that look similar to the Langga dance. In Gorontalo culture, Buwa means women, which is why this kind of dance represents women’s power.

Langga Buwa is performed to prove that women have equality with men in most activities in life. They could be moving faster and more agile as well, such as men, and were capable to protect themselves.

Langga Buwa represents the same qualification for women in Gorontalo culture. It shows that women do not only have the main role in the household that is pictured in Tidi dance but also have the same power as men in most responsibilities.

8. Linde dance

Linde dance is one of the traditional dances from Gorontalo that is inspired by the relationship among youngsters in Gorontalo. This kind of dance is performed by youngsters with four to six dancers.

Linde dance represents the daily life of youngsters in Gorontalo, which they should live based on Gorontalo culture. The boys held the coconut, and the girls held the Silar leaves as the symbol of good manners.

So, there are some of the traditional dances of the Gorontalo that bring so much modernization through the local culture of the Gorontalo tribe. Are you ready to visit Gorontalo? Let’s pack your bag to watch some of those beautiful traditional dances performed this summer.

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