
8 Traditional Dance from Banten

Have you ever heard about traditional dance from Banten? Banten is one of the regions in Indonesia that well-known as a religious province that looks similar to the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia. Most traditional dances from Banten are commonly influenced by Islamic culture and some Betawi tribes are different from some traditional dances from Central Java.

Every movement of the dance has full of meaning that influences people in Banten. Just like common Indonesian traditional dance, the traditional dance from Banten also has a different function on every kind of them. That brings the richest cultural heritage in Indonesia.

Are you wondering what kind of traditional dance from Banten? Here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Cokek

The Cokek dance is one of the traditional dances of Banten that is influenced by the Chinese-Indonesian tribe. Locals believe that this kind of dance was created by Tan Sio Kek. During the colonialism era, there are so many Chinese-Indonesians living in Banten, including Tan Sio Kek.

He combines the dance from the Betawinese tribe and Chinese dance that is different from most isolated tribes in Indonesia. Cokek dance is followed by traditional musical instruments from Banten, such as the flute and Gong. The dance was also followed by traditional Chinese songs that would be sung by some singers around the dancers.

2. Walijamaliha

Walijamaliha dance is one of the traditional dances from Banten that is influenced by Arabian, Sundanese, Chinese – Indonesian, and Javanese. This kind of traditional dance was created by the combination of that cultures. Walijamaliha dance contains Islamic culture that brings religious value.

The name of the dance even comes from Arabian, which represents Banten as a region with beauty inside. Walijamaliha dance performance is commonly followed by the loud and fun musical instrument from Banten. The dance brings joy to the audience with a religious message inside.

3. Topeng Tani

Topeng Tani dance is one of the traditional dances of Banten that contains criticism for Banten’s youngsters that won’t do farming. That is because Banten used to be popular with good farming, and most people lived by farming. Topeng Tani dances wearing a unique mask made from bamboo.

The dancers are commonly played by men that wear the skirt. Every movement of the dance is influenced by Chinese – Indonesian and Banten cultures. Topeng Tani dance commonly performs with a piece of loud music that brings joy to the audience. Nowadays, the dance describes a prosperity symbol for Banten people that come from farming and other things.

4. Bendrong Lesung

Bendrong Lesung dance is one of the traditional dances from Banten that used to represent the prosperity of farming. This kind of dance uses a unique property of Lesung as the main tool for farming. As time goes by, the Bendrong Lesung dance is not only played during the farming season but also on other occasions.

You can watch the performance of this kind of traditional dance during an Indonesian wedding tradition or welcome guests. Bendrong Lesung’s dance performance uses some traditional musical instruments from Banten, including the sound of Lesung that is punched by the dancers. The sound of Lesung will bring a different vibe of joy to the dance.

5. Katuran

Katuran dance is one of the traditional dances from Banten that is well-known as the welcome dance. This kind of dance is a specific dance that is played for welcoming guests. Katuran dance commonly performs by five up to seven dancers and is dominated by women dancers.

They will wear colorful Banten traditional clothes that modify Jarik. Katuran dance can be found in most tourist spots in Banten as they welcome tourists that visit Banten.

6. Grebeg Terbang Gede

Grebeg Terbang Gede is one of the traditional dances from Banten that uses Terbang Gede as the main traditional musical instrument Banten, which looks similar to Rebana. Grebeng Terbang Gede used to perform during the first time Islamic culture spreads in Banten.

The dance is used to perform for the religious campaign so that people would follow Islam as their religion. Grebeg Terbang Gede contains more than six dancers and some singers that sing an Islamic songs. The song could be sung in the Arabian or Javanese language to make the campaign easier to understand for people in Banten.

7. Bentang Banten

Bentang Banten dance is one of the traditional dances from Banten that was created by the traditional dance community that pioneered by Beni Kusnandar and his wife. This kind of dance represents a welcoming dance. Bentang Banten commonly performs for welcoming guest ceremonies, the province anniversary, or other important events for the government.

This dance would be played by five dancers that are commonly dominated by women dancers. Bentang Banten dancers commonly wear colorful traditional clothes from Banten that modify the meaning of the dance inside.

8. Cukin

Cukin dance is one of the traditional dances from Banten that contains a multicultural culture from Banten, Sunda, Javanese, and Chinese – Indonesian. The dance describes a good relationship between those cultures that living in Banten. Cukin dance is commonly played with a mini-drama of good relationships during the dance.

It would be played by five girls of dancers that perform with joyful dance. Cukin dance contains different movements from different cultures from different tribes in Banten. That makes the dance represent the unity culture of Banten, which is influenced by Banten cultures, Chinese- Indonesian, Javanese, and Sundanese.

After knowing those traditional dances from Banten on the list above, now it’s time to watch their performance. You can be visiting Banten and explore the city, which has the richest cultures and good scenery around.

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