
8 Traditional Musical Instruments of Aceh

Aceh is one of the Indonesian regions that consist of the richest culture inside there. Acehnese not only keeps their tradition exist from a long time ago but also preserves them for their next generation.

That is why nowadays you can still enjoy the performances of traditional dances from Aceh and also their traditional musical instruments. The instruments are made for supporting their dance or at least to make a piece of good music in some Aceh traditional songs.

Today we will bring you into some of the traditional musical instruments from Aceh. You may hear that Aceh is a religious region since Islam has the highest religion that exists there. That fact also makes Aceh has so many traditional music instruments that familiar with Arabian culture as one of the family norms in Aceh.

So, let’s check some of them below!

1. Arbab

Arbab is one of the traditional musical instruments from Aceh that made from coconut shells, good wooden, goat’s leather, and some strings. It looks like a violin but comes traditionally.


How to plays the Arbab is just like the violin by strung it properly so that it sounds beautiful to hear. You can find this kind of traditional music instrument in some traditional Aceh’s shows and performance.

The Arbab used to so popular in the Pidie district, then wide spread into the west of Aceh and most of big Aceh areas. This time, you may found it hard to see the instruments in the market since it is becoming rare in amount.

2. Bereguh

Bereguh is a kind of traditional musical instrument that comes from Aceh. It is made from the buffalo’s horn so the instruments look like with the horn that you can play it by blow it slowly.


Bereguh used to didn’t use for musical instruments but as the communication tools between one region to another. But, since modernity comes it becomes rare to use. Acehnese decided to use it as one of the parts of their music on the song, dances, or so.

3. Rapai

Rapai is a kind of traditional musical instrument that comes from Aceh which is made of good wood material and goat’s leather. Commonly Acehnese choose the jack fruit tree as for the wood because it has a hard type of wood. Between the wood and the leather, should be tied by the Sidak.


Rapai should be played by punch it in a rhythm so that you will get a good melody to influence other instruments. It looks like how you play Kendang from a Javanese music instrument, but it has a little size so that you can grip it on your hand.

You can find the Rapai in many Acehnese songs, traditional dances, the most popular traditional wedding ceremonies in Indonesia, and other ritual culture in Aceh. It becomes the main instrument while you play an Aceh song, dance, or so.

4. Tambo

Tambo is a kind of traditional musical instrument from Aceh that is made from the Bak Iboh or the Iboh’s wood. It covers by the cow’s leather and tied neatly with the rattan. It looks like a Kendang in Javanese music instruments and is classified as the Tambur’s type of music instruments.


Tambo in Aceh is used by people as a communication tool and a sign for prayer time. But, as time goes by, Acehnese using the microphone to announce the prayer time so that these instruments switch their functions as the musical instruments.

You find the Tambo in most musical events such as the traditional dance, traditional music or song, traditional ceremony that followed by musical instruments, and many more. Besides, some of this replica of the instruments is safe at the Aceh tsunami museum.

5. Calempong

Calempong is a kind of traditional music from Aceh that is made of bronze or metal material. It has similar functions and form as the Gong from Javanese traditional music instruments that should be played by punch it with a specific hammer.


Calempong was found for the first in Aceh specifically in Tamiang regency. It used to play by the girl only, but as time goes by only some old women play these instruments as the tradition in Aceh Indonesia. As modernity comes, the girls rarely touch these instruments and prefer the modern ones.

6. Taktok Trieng

Taktok Trieng is a kind of traditional music from Aceh that is made from bamboo. It looks like the Rapai but comes in a higher voice on it. You should play it by punch the leather’s part so that the sound will come rhythmically.

Taktok Trieng

Commonly, most of Taktok Trieng can be found in Pidie regency, Aceh Besar. These instruments not only use as the musical instruments that you can find in some ritual place but also in the rice field to make the pest gone.

7. Serune Kalee

Serune Kalee is a kind of traditional music that comes from Aceh that is still classified with the Aerophone music instrument. It looks like the classic trumpet with a beautiful Acehnese ornament on the surface of the body.

Serune Kalee

Serune Kalee commonly plays with other musical instruments such as the Rapai, Taktok Trieng, Tambo, Calempong, and many more. This instrument still exist until now as they represent the richest of Acehnese culture.

8. Canang

Canang is a kind of traditional music instrument from Aceh that comes from the Gayo tribe. It has a similar sound to the Gong in the Javanese music tradition but it made from wood. It is not only using as the instruments for following the music traditional in Aceh but also for leisure time after having hard work from the rice field.


So, there are some traditional musical instruments from Aceh that you should know. Most of them have a similar type with Arabian music instruments as a representation of how big the Islamic tradition in Aceh.

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