
8 West Sumatran Traditional Musical Instruments

West Sumatra not only has popular with its culinary food but also their richest traditional culture and art in West Sumatra, which includes the traditional musical instruments. Some of them may have the same kind of traditional musical instruments as other regions. But, if you look closer, they are different.

This time we will bring you into the most popular West Sumatran traditional musical instruments from time to time.

People there keep the tradition as their richest culture that should be preserved properly. That makes every culture still exist without losing the value of the West Sumatran custom culture.

So, let’s see some of them below!

1. Saluang

Saluang is a kind of West Sumatran traditional musical instrument that plays by blown it just like how you play the flute. It is made from the thinnest bamboo, as people usually call the material the Talang.


People in West Sumatra believes that the bamboo for Saluang has a specific bamboo type. They usually use the bamboo for the clothesline or some of them that accidentally drown in the river.

The unique thing about Saluang is that people can use it within one breath for the whole song. People there call it the Angok technique that they have to train it regularly.

2. Pupuik Batang Padi

Pupuik Batang Padi is a kind of West Sumatran traditional musical instrument made from rice straw. It has a form such as the Bereguh one of the music traditional instruments from Aceh.

Pupuik Batang Padi

Pupuik Batang Padi used to made to play during the harvest season. People celebrate the harvest by playing this instrument as a symbol of gratitude that closer to some West Sumatran folktales. That is why it has a higher voice than the Bereguh.

3. Sarunai

Sarunai is a kind of West Sumatran traditional musical instrument made from chosen wood. It looks similar to clarinet and has almost similar material. It is traditionally played by people who love music in West Sumatra.


Sarunai has a unique form that is different from the clarinet. It has a bigger size on the corner of the size which functions as the volume control. You should be blown it out properly so that the voice comes rhythmically.

4. Talempong

Talempong is a kind of West Sumatran traditional musical instrument made from specific metal or bronze material. It has similar looks and functions as the Javanese musical instruments of Gong or Bonang but with a smaller size.


Talempong commonly consists of more than three little Gongs arranged neatly in one box. Usually, people use about 24 Talempong in one box to makes a perfect sound. If it happens, then the instrument should be played by three people.

Talempong usually played to following some traditional dances from West Sumatra such as the Piring dance, Pasambahan dance, and many more. You will find these instruments in such important events with some of these popular dances from West Sumatra.

5. Tambua Tansa

Tambua Tansa is a kind of West Sumatran traditional musical instrument that plays by punch it on the leather’s part. It looks similar to the Gendang is most Javanese musical instruments have the same material on them.

Tambua Tansa

Tambua Tansa should be played by men in a custom culture of West Sumatran traditional clothes. They have to consist of at least four people so that the show will louder to hear.

You can find the Tambua Tansa in some specific events such as the welcoming guest party, culture festival, and many more. Since the music should be playing loud, you can easily found it at every festivals in West Sumatra.

6. Talang Anau

Talang Anau is a kind of West Sumatran traditional musical instrument made from stones. It consists of six stones which have a bigger size and arranged neatly. You should punch it properly with a specific hammer so that it will sound beautiful.

Talang Anau

Talang Anau is similar to the Talempong but has a different material. The stone that was used to choose for this instrument has a specific stone that is rarely found. That is why, once it gets arranged, people in West Sumatra will protect them properly.

7. Rabab Minang

Rabab is one of the West Sumatran traditional musical instruments that look similar to the violin. Rabab Minang, people usually call it that way has a specific string and good wood material that choose properly before it finally made.

Rabab Minang

People believe that Rabab Minang was found for the first time in the Minangkabau region. Since it has a beautiful voice, people start to spreading the instruments to the whole of West Sumatran regions.

8. Sampelong

Sampelong is one of the West Sumatran traditional musical instruments that should be played by blown it up away at the specific part. It looks similar to the flute but has a higher voice with the aerophone type of sound which is perfect to hear while you are consuming some of the local food from West Sumatra.


Sampelong has about five holes on it with spread separately, which produces a different gamut. People believe that it sounds like the Buddhism voice for some specific rhythm in Chinese culture.

You can found the Sampelong in most custom cultural ritual events or specific prayer in West Sumatra. Since these instruments are different from the common flute, people use them for specific and on purpose only.

So, there are some of the glances about the West Sumatran traditional musical instrument that you should know. Most of them are still exist now without losing the valuable things of the West Sumatran cultures. Have you ever see one of them?

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