
8 North Sumatran Traditional Musical Instruments

North Sumatera not only has so many beautiful folktales, traditional dances from North Sumatra, but also their amazing traditional musical instruments. Just like Aceh some traditional musical instrumentsAceh, the part of North Sumatra also has its richest traditional culture.

This time, we will bring you into the most iconic North Sumatran traditional musical instruments that still exist there. Even though modernization comes through the region, it doesn’t bother with the original culture that they preserve from their great ancestors.

Let’s see some of the North Sumatran traditional musical instruments that you should know below!

1. Hasapi

Hasapi is a kind of North Sumatran traditional musical instrument that exists until now. It comes from Samosir island located in the middle of Toba lake which popular with its North Sumatran folktales. If you ever visiting the lake, you will find this musical instrument as a souvenir from the Batak tribe.


Hasapi should be playing just like a guitar even though it only has two strings attachments. It using the common guitar’s strings so that the sound looks similar. The body is made of solid wood material from a Jiar tree that lives around the Batak tribe in Samosir island.

You can find the Hasapi in so many traditional events in North Sumatra. Most songs, pieces of music, and even dance are commonly followed by these instruments. So that makes you can hear this beautiful sound from its easily.

2. Kulcapi

Kulcapi is a kind of North Sumatran traditional musical instrument that comes from the Karo tribes. It looks similar to the Hasapi and has two strings attachment,  but has a deeper sound.


Kulcapi can be play solo or following by other instruments in North Sumatra. Commonly, people choose to play it solo so that the real sound of the Kulcapi can be heard clearly by the audience.

You can also find the Kulcapi in some traditional music and dance in North Sumatra. Commonly there are specific events or rituals to play this instrument.

3. Gendang Singanaki

Gendang Singanaki is a kind of traditional musical instrument that comes from North Sumatra, specifically from the Batak Karo tribes. These instruments consist of the big size of Gendang and smaller gendang that they call the Gerantung.

Gendang Singanaki

Gendang Singanaki should be played by punch it on the leather’s part rhythmically. It has a smaller body than the common Gendang that you can find in Indonesia. Besides, the sound is a bit higher than the common Gendang.

You can find the Gendang Singanaki in some traditional events and custom cultural rituals in North Sumatra. You also can find it at the Gulo Guli Aron or the party among youngsters.

4. Gendang Sisibah

Gendang Sisibah is one of the North Sumatran traditional musical instruments that similar to the Gendang Singanaki. If the Singanaki type has two sizes with a smaller size of the Gendang, then the Sisibah has about nine Gendangs.

Gendang Sisibah

Gendang Sisibah should be played by punch it with the specific stick hammer which is different from the common Gendang. It also has a unique sound than you can imagine with the stick hammer on it.

5. Aramba

Aramba is a kind of traditional musical instrument from North Sumatra. It looks similar to the Gong in Javanese music instruments and comes with the same material of bronze or metal.


Aramba comes originally from the Nias island in North Sumatra which has so many traditional cultures. There are two kinds of Aramba which call the Aramba Hongo and Aramba Fatao. People believe that these types of Aramba were only played by the Kingdom family in Nias which popular with its tourist attraction in North Sumatra nowadays.

6. Garantung

Garantung is a kind of North Sumatran traditional musical instrument made by the chosen wood material. It comes originally from the Batak tribe around Toba lake. People believe that this instrument is the heart of the music or songs by the melody and rhythm on it.


Garantung consists of about seven woods arranged neatly above the wood box. You should play it by punch every part of it with a specific hammer stick. That will make a good rhythm so you will hear a beautiful sound of it.

7. Sarune Bolon

Sarune Bolon is a kind of North Sumatran traditional musical instrument that commonly plays with other North Sumatran musical instruments. It has originally come from the Batak tribe in Toba lake which has so many traditional cultures.

Sarune Bolon

Sarune Bolon has a function just like the flute but has a different voice. It also has about five holes to arrange the rhythm on it. You can find it easily on some important even in the Batak tribe such as the custom culture rituals.

8. Fatricia

Fatricia is a kind of North Sumatran traditional musical instrument that usually plays with the Aramba and Fondra. Commonly, you can find it on the Batak tribe in Nias island to support big events such as the wedding party as the facts of the wedding ceremony of the Batak tribe and also in some funeral ceremonies.


Fatricia usually plays for long days before the party or ritual held by the owner. People believe by using this method, other people around will notice that someone will hold a big party or ritual.

So, there are some of the North Sumatran traditional musical instruments that you should know. Most of them are still exist, and people using these instruments for specific rituals or parties.

Even though modernization comes through the region and spread rapidly, most people in North Sumatra prefer using their traditional musical instruments to the new modern ones.

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