
The Complete 25 Traveling Tips to Indonesia in Rainy Season

What’s up again in the Facts of to talk some more thing about wonderful Indonesia. In the previous articles, we’ve told you about some traveling tips such as tips for tourists in Indonesia, the best natural attractions in several locations, and many others. This time, the topic is the same, which is the traveling tip.

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So what’s the difference between this one and the other? Here we want to specifically share the information about the traveling tips to Indonesia in rainy season. This month of February still included inside the cycle of rainy season, and it probably end in March. But, if you happen to visit Indonesia sometimes this month, of course there are some things that you should now in the first place. So, here are the things that you should take note.

1 – Don’t forget the weather forecast

The first thing that you should do when traveling in Indonesia on a rainy season is to look for the weather forecast. You can see them in the television news programs in the morning, or the simplest way to check it is via your weather widget that has been installed on your phone. Even though they’re surely not a hundred percent accurate, but at least you can be prepared.

2 – Always bring an umbrella

It’s a bit annoying actually when you want to go outside, then it starts to rain. But if you want to go outside so badly or in need, then you can always bring an umbrella with you. The smaller one is just fine, as long as it can cover you from the rain. You can buy some in the marketplaces that available on the internet.

3 – Raincoat is also great

Aside from the umbrella, rain coat is also a nice thing to wear, even though it’s rare to find people walking using raincoat during the rain. If you happen to only have them, it’s pretty okay. Especially if you’re riding with rented motorcycle, then you must bring at least a set of rain coat with you in case it rains.

4 – Wear warmer clothing

The other important thing inside the traveling tips to Indonesia in rainy season is to wear warmer clothing. Everyone knows that going around the city during a season like this could bring diseases to you. You need to protect yourself from cold by wearing something warm like jacket. You can also double up your shirt if you want.

5 – Seek for the indoor places

The problem during rainy season like this is the lack of ability to visit the outdoor locations that look pretty awesome. If you decided to go there, it could be much worse, especially the rain gets heavy. But, you should know that there are many other indoor places you can visit like museums, restaurants, and even malls.

6 – Do a culinary trip

At least you visit Indonesia during your holiday. Do you have a plan of how to spend your whole day in the foreign country that you’ve never been before? Why don’t you try the culinary journey? You could try some of the best traditional Indonesian meals like Chicken Betutu, Gado-Gado, and Rendang in indoor restaurants.

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7 – Eat some supplement

Act strongly is can be cool sometimes, but not when your body condition weakened. The supplements and vitamins can be great help to maintain it. At least consume it once a day to be ready for the cold weather outside. It would be really helpful if you can prevent the diseases in the first place instead of curing them.

8 – Pay attention to your body condition

Yeah, rain is fun to have. There are people who want to be free when it’s raining outside, enjoying the rain by dancing and such. It must be fun, but don’t forget about your body condition. When planning on a holiday, it would be best if you can have a stable healthy body condition to enjoy your trip experience fully.

9 – Wear slippers

You have some large collections of branded shoes. All of them look epic and pretty, but not during the rainy season. You can expect flood and splash of rain water that can be bad for you shoes. In a time like this, slippers would be really fine to have. You can even buy them with such an affordable price at the nearest stall.

10. – Make sure to prepare decently for outdoor attractions

You know that it’s gonna be raining all day long, but you have a plan to visit a particular attraction which is outdoor and you don’t want to miss it. That’s when the decent planning is needed. You should think about what to wear, what to bring, worst condition of the attraction and at what time you should leave the place.

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11 – Consume something warm

Aside from wearing something warm, you can also support your body by consuming something that can warm your body from the inside like tea, coffee, or other herbal drinks. The cost for this type of drink is really affordable in Indonesia. You can get a cup of coffee with a less than a dollar.

12 – Use the Waterproof Makeup

Some people think that the body condition is not enough, the face condition is also as important. In a rainy season, your make up can easily be wiped out because of the water everywhere. That’s why you need to bring the water proof makeup in order to make your face better, during an extra condition.

13 – Bring extra shirt

You shirt is also can get wet pretty easily during a time like this. If you want to visit some place important, it would be a bad scenario if you only have one shirt to wear with you. Knowing a condition like this, you should bring at least another piece of clothing with you in order for a replacer.

14 – Waterproof shoes are also great to wear

As mentioned above, the shoes that have clothing materials can’t be that good for rains. But it’s different if you have the shoes that have the waterproof feature. Your feet will be safe and comfy in your waterproof shoes. But you should remember to not wearing shocks, because they will get wet anyway.

15 – Don’t go outside for too long

Spending time outdoors for far too long can be harmful to you especially you don’t have the high immunity from diseases. At least you can wait for the rain to stop indoor while having some tea or coffee with you. You can protect yourself from the cold weather that could bring you influenza.

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16 – Be careful of flood

In Indonesia, the flood is like a usual thing during rainy season. That’s why, in the big cities like Jakarta and Surabaya, when it rains heavily, you can find floods at certain points of the city. If you’re not used to riding on a flood like basically many people of Indonesia, you should be extra careful when passing the road.

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17 – Be extra careful when driving

Less dangerous than riding motorcycle, driving during rain is also dangerous, especially when you’re in a hurry. When raining, you should drive more slowly and always pay attention to the riders who can switch their direction at any moment in front of you. Turn on some jazz and be calm while driving.

Aside from the 20 traveling tips to Indonesia in rainy season, we also want to share the other five important information to you. In the section below, we’re gonna mention some recommendations when you want to explore the country during the rainy season.

1. Prepare your schedule

2. Look for the best place to stay

3. You could wear some sweater too

4. Be patient if there’s a delay in departure

5. Calm your emotion down if you’re stuck in a place because it’s raining outside

6. Don’t go on the field when it’s raining

7. Spend your time relaxing in a bath tub with nice warm water

8. Don’t stay too long under the trees

So that’s the topic about traveling tips to Indonesia in rainy season. In this particular season, you can’t find so many wonderful outdoor locations at any time, that’s for sure. But, do remember that you can explore many other things instead, like museums, malls, and any indoor places that may suitable for you.

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