
The Complete 40 Tips for Tourists in Indonesia

Welcome again to the Facts of Indonesia, where you can get much information about the wonderful places in this beloved country. We told you about so many kinds of attraction that you can find in the country, from the natural to the developed ones. Yet, we still don’t have enough time to explore all the exotic locations in Indonesia.

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However, today we want to give you a bit different kind of tourism information. If the usual activities of us is sharing the potential attractions, now we want to share not only 10 or 20, but 40 travelling tips for tourists in Indonesia, for you who want to explore it. Surely this is gonna be a long ride, so let’s just dive right in.

1 – Decide where to go

Let’s start with deciding where’s your destination. In Indonesia, there are about hundre islands that you can hop in. On each island, you can find more attractions than you can imagine. The top islands in Indonesia are the big ones like Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Kalimantan, and also Bali island.

2 – Do a research to the locations

After deciding the island, now it’s time to see all the potential attractions to make your vacation there more fun and enjoyable. Of course, you want to spend some time in good places. That’s why, you should see and note the places that can be visited during your visit on your nice trip in Indonesia.

3 – Seeing the reviews of the locations

Even though people opinions seem to be reallu subjective, but they do matter. You can see some reviews about the particular locations that you want to visit in order for knowing the places better before actually visiting them. From their sayings, you could understand useful information such as price, services, and environment.

4 – A little research for accomodation

Next thing you should do,which is an important thing is to look for a suitable accomodation for you. You want to stay in a cozy place but suitable with you in the price and everything, right? That’s why you need to choose one wisely, that can save you more money, yet can give a decent resting place.

5 – Search for the best plane company

Airplane tickets these days are getting more expensive. It’s really important to choose the most suitable one for your budget. But of course, you need to find information about the company’s track record. Make sure that you choose the most safest one, even though you need to pay more money for it.

6 – Mark your calendar

Make sure that you go in the right time. So, a month before your departure, make sure to make your calendar for the day you’re gonna leave and back. You should make sure that between those dates, there are no important thing will happen, so you can enjoy your holiday with ease and free of worry.

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7 – Considering to buy some medicines

Health is always important. If you’re planning to visi a brand new place, especially foreign country like Indonesia, you should prepare your medicines if you desperately need them. Even though it’s not that hard to get medicines in the country, but finding the ones that fit your doctor’s recipe would take some more time.

8 – Saving up money

And, many problems during traveling come from this thing, money. That’s why, you need to save up money in order to get a joyful holiday that has been a dream of yours. If you want to be  better in your travels to Indonesia, money would always be a great help. Saving money earlier is even better.

9 – Wake up early

On the night before your departure, make sure to get enough sleep. Or better, you can wake up earlier to check all the belongings that you will take, while preparing yourself also. If you wake up late, things can get pretty bad. You will be panick, not preparing for anything, forgetting to bring important stuff, and many other worse scenarios.

10 – Always contacting your family

The family is really important. That’s why you need to contact them as possible. Before and after your departure, make sure that they know about it. After arriving at the destination and finally ended up enjoying your holiday, you should also contact your family back home in the process. Just tell them how’s your day, and it would be a great relief.

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11 – Only bring important stuff

And the other thing, bring what’s important. Make sure that you bring some pieces of clothing, medicines, wallet, passport, earphone, and that’s it. Other things beside them are completely optional.

12 – Choose the best clothing for your destination

Indonesia is a tropical place. That’s why you only need to bring thin clothes for traveling around the country. You can just bring a jacket, and the rest of them can be t-shirts, shorts, and a pair of shoes.

13 – Bring a camera with you

The view of Indonesia is always captivating. Thats’s why you need to bring a camera with you in order to capture those beautiful views. The camera in your phone is more than enough, but if you want to bring better, do it.

14 – Don’t be shy to ask directions

Indonesians are always known to be friendly. Asking for directions or other information is really okay, as long as you’re showing respect to them. Sometimes, you can also get more information about a new attraction that you never knew before.

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15 – Don’t forget to carry small cash

Bringing small cash in Indonesia is really important. Yes, even though there are minimarkets that can accept your cards, but you should know that you can use them every time. Sometimes you need to pay for gas, entrance ticket for an attraction, or buying souvenirs.

16 – Enjoy the traditional foods

When visiting a country like Indonesia, be sure not to depen on the fast foods. Instead, there are thousands of traditional food that you can always try during your visit. They’re way better, way affordable, and yet have richer flavor.

17 – Don’t be shy to join in the culture

If there’s a traditional event, you can also join in to be able to feel the direct experience of trying new things. For example, if you’re interested to play Gamelan, you can always ask to learn how to play them. They will show you how to do it nicely.

18 – Build good relation with the locals

There’s no border between tourists and locals. That’s why you don’t need to build one to separate them. The locals can actually show you the way and help you if you’re in a problem during your trip. Make sure to show them some smile to make it better.

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19 – Learn Indonesian language

When staying in a whole new area, you need to at least try to speak some words that can be useful for you. You can learn to speak some simple phrases like Terima Kasih (Thanks), Maaf (Sorry), Dimana toilet terdekat ? (Where’s the nearest toilet?), Permisi (Excuse me). You can add the numbers if you like.

20 – Be Happy

Most important thing in a trip is to be happy. Enjoy your holiday with ease and no burden on your back. This is your holiday, the days you can be free from works and other stressful aspects. Be happy.

Aside from the detailed tips for tourists in Indonesia above, we also have another list that containing the rest of the 40 travelling tips in Indonesia that surely can be applicable in your beautiful trip. Make sure to include them in your checklist.

1. You can carry two wallets

2. Don’t do anything illegal

3. Always order taxis via online

4. You can rent some vehicle for easier mobility

5. You can always buy important stuff at mini markets

6. Be respectful

7. Don’t boast about your nationality

8. Buy a sim card

9. Only drink bottled waters

10. You should buy extra socks

11. Ask some friends if they want to join

12. You can do the travel alone

13. Be confidence

14. Don’t always depend on internet

15. Use offline maps

16. Be careful of the money fraud

17. Be careful when choosing a guide

18. You can also enjoy free wifi service at mini markets

19. Always be respectful when visiting sacred/holy place

20. Always check your visa / passport before departing

So that’s all the fourty travelling tips for tourists in Indonesia when travelling to Indonesia, specially made for you all the readers who interested to join in the ride of attraction exploring in this country. It’s gonna be challenging for the beginners for sure. But once you’ve got the experience, visiting Indonesia again and again would be a fulfilling thing to do.

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