
Important Tips to Spend for Only $300 in Jakarta – Effective and Easy

In the Facts of, we mainly talk about all the interesting attractions located around the country in Indonesia. Recently, we’ve told you about the best places to get delicious meals and beverage in the best cafes and restaurants in Jakarta that have their own unique themes.

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But, we know that the information can be irrelevant for the people who don’t have any budget with them. In fact, they have zero coin in the wallet. In a metropolitan city like Jakarta, how can you survive a day without spending more money? In this desperate situation, we want to give some help in form of tips to spend for only $300 in Jakarta

1 – Make Sure You Have Decent Supply of Foods

In order to survive for day in a city like Jakarta, foods are really important. To be able to spend exactly 300 dollars within a month, a decent amount of foods are of course really important. This can dramatically decrease your expense for meals and snacks, because you can cook them yourself right in your home.

So, at the start of the month, you shoul invest some more money to buy some basic things like ingredients, fresh vegetables, meat, sausage, and also rice. Then, when things go bad like you don’t have enough money to survive, you can go cook yourself some meal with the things that you already bought in the first time.

2 – Uninstall Marketplace Applications

Sometimes, shopping does seem really important. But most of the times, shopping can greatly injure our financial because we always ended up buying something that’s far from important. Based on the recent study of phone apps usage, installing marketplace can increase someone’s lust to shopping.

Even though at first, he/she just wanted to look at it, seeing the products only, if they can’t control themselves, they will ended buying it anyway. That’s why, to prevent this thing to happen, it’s wise to uninstall your market place applications if you can’t control yourself. At least you can make your budget save with this.

3 – Buy More Instant Noodles

In Indonesia, there are so many kinds of instant noodle. We can’t even introduce them all to you because there’s so many of them. However, when you do monthly shopping, make sure to at least have some instant noodles for supply. They can be really great help in the desperate times in your financial.

You can pick whatever you want, wether it’s dry or soup noodles. Make sure to have the combination of both instead, so you can eat the correct noddle for the suitable condition. For example, if it’s rain outside, you can make yourself a nice soup noodle that can give you warm and delicacy. But, you should also remember to eat it on some occasions only, not every single day.

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4 – Buy Some Fruits

The prices of fuit are getting lowered recently. You can use this opportunity to buy some when you have the money. For example, when you finally receive your payment, make sure to buy some fruits, vegetables, and other daily thingies. Fruit can be a great help to save your money, becuase you can make so many things from it.

You can make a smoothies, juice, or even fruit cake, if you have the correct ingredients. When you want to stay at home in order to save yourself from food sellers and delicious foods that displayed everywhere, you can start to consume some fruits. It should be better if you have melon or watermelon with you.

5 – Learn How to Cook On The Internet

An important thing inside the tips to spend for only $300 in Jakarta is to study about cooking, yourself. Cooking is really important you know. You can save more money if you have the ability to cook decent meals. If you don’t know how, there are bunch of way of learning. You can use any media that you want, including the internet.

For the basic level of cooking, you can see some cooking lessons on YouTube, make sure to grab as many information that you need. There are even the basic ones that you should watch. However, if you already have an image about how to cook, then move to the recipes that you can find in many places on the internet. Try the easiest one.

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6 – Coming to Friend’s House

Friends are always great. They can surely give a support during your desperate time when you have no money. That’s why, we included it inside the tips to spend for only $300 in Jakarta, because it’s indeed really effective. You should be thankful when you have some friends who live nearby, especially the ones that located in your area.

The technique is basically so simple, you just basically coming to your friends’ house, and stay there for days (if they’re okay with it of course). It’s better when they are actually your best friends. You can just enjoy your time and be free with your friends doing something fun like playing games and else. The parents’ will of course serve you some meals during your stay.

7 – Coming to Mosques (If you’re moslem) and other Religious Places

Well, believe it or not, some religious places in Indonesia are also preserving some meals that usually targetted to poor people. They put the foods somewhere and give the food to the people who are staying at the mosque. Usually, despite of your financial status, they will give you a meal if you stay there for too long.

You know, helping each other is a must in every religion. Maybe the same thing goes to the church and other religious places in Indonesia. Then, maybe while praying for your finances to get better, you can get the free meals in the process. Thus, you will not spend any money on foods on that day.

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8 – Borrow Money

Well, when you can’t take it anymore, maybe it’s time to borrow some money in order to survive in this harsh world. The best place for borrowing money is of course the family. If they have capability to do it, they will not hesitate to lend you some. Especially the parents who always want their kids to be safe and sound.

However, if your family can’t help, you also have some friends. In a desperate situation like this, tell them your actual condition, and ask them for lending some money to you. If they agree, then it’s a good news. If not, you can switch right away to financial departments like Banks. But you need to take some process first.

9 – Play Some Games

Sometimes, playing our favorite games can spend a day really fast. It’s no wonder that people are spending three or more hourse to their favorite games because they are really invested for doing it. They also very glad to do it. Even though it does sound unright, you can actually spend your day without doing anything except playing games.

Staying at home with some instant noodles and hours of gaming experience. It would be enough to spend 300 dollars for day in Jakarta. But, you also need to balance your diet with fruits, as mentioned in previous paragraphs. You also need to go outside for exercising early in the morning.

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10 – Do Something Productive

Aside from playing games, you can also spend your precious times to do something productive, like reading books for example. If you’re a student, this can be really effective to increase your point in a way. Aside from the study books, you can always switch to any book you like, such as gaming, business magazines, etc.

Aside from reading, you can also start to do freelance work, at home. Nowadays, people are desperately need a good writer for their blog or proffesional website. That’s when you need to come in the stream. With a decent amount of time and effort that put in your work, you’ll get a good money in the end.

Aside from the ten important tips to spend for only $300 in Jakarta above, we also have several ones that need to be mentioned. In this small list, we want to give you three appliable tips that can be useful for your situation. So here they are :

1. Asking for help from local community

2. Get Some Help from the Neighbor

3. Fasting

So that’s the tips to spend for only $300 in Jakarta.Yes, even though surviving in a harsh capital city of Jakarta is truly hard, with some tips given above, you can do it. To prevent this same thing, the desparate condition, to happen in the future, you could start to organize your money flow. Be sure not to spend so much money on only one thing. And also, make sure to think twice when cashing out your precious money.

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