Socio Cultural

12 Interesting Culture in Bali You Shouldn’t Miss to See

Bali is an island known as the island of the gods. It is one of the islands that is a tourist paradise that has a tourist attraction for both foreign tourists and local tourists. This is because the area has a very attractive beauty for tourists. The island community mostly embraces Hinduism. Not only the natural beauty which is amazing, but also the diversity of art and culture in Bali. This important point is more interesting to be known further by tourists. These are interesting culture in Bali that you could see while you are there.

  1. The unique traditional clothes

Famous Balinese traditional clothing seems very popular for foreign tourists. Some of them are even interested in wearing traditional Balinese clothes that do look attractive and bring different nuances to the wearer.

One of the traditional Balinese clothes for women who are still teenagers uses kemben songket, prada belt (sagen) to twist the hips and chest, as well as wastra cloth. For the inside of women’s clothing, there are tapih and sinjang fabrics. It is also coupled with the beauty of jewelry ornaments that adorn the head and hair of the woman’s bun.

While Balinese cultural clothing for men, one of them is using udeg or headband, plus wearing a tie or umpal scarf, a wastra cloth, a cloth, and a keris ornament and shirt belt are added.

  1. A lot of pura or temples as the place of worship

Pura is a place of worship for Hindus in Bali. In Bali alone there are thousands of temples in the city center to even remote areas. Thousands of these temples seemed to bring a spiritual atmosphere that was thick with Hinduism.

Some temples are allowed to be seen and enjoyed by tourists but there are usually several rules that must be met. If you are around the temple you will feel the cool atmosphere that always decorates any temple, not to mention the activities of Balinese people who diligently visit temples to pray and to deliver offerings at the temple.

  1. A number of awesome Bali Dances

The thing that should not be missed when visiting for a vacation in Bali is watching a Balinese dance performance that has been worldwide. Even a lot of tourists are willing to come to Bali just to study or want to watch Balinese dance by their own eyes.

Balinese dance has its own uniqueness, even if each dance contains some moral messages to convey. Famous Balinese dances include Panji Semirang Dance, Pendet Dance, Condong Dance, Kecak Dance, and many more. If you feel interested in dancing Balinese dance, you can take part in one of the easy dances for you to follow, such as the Kecak dance which is quite easy to do.

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  1. The teeth cutting ceremony

The next interesting Balinese culture is the teeth cutting ceremony. A teeth-cutting ceremony must be done on women and men who have grown up which is marked by menstruation in women and an enlarged voice in men.

Unlike its real name, this ceremony is only intended to describe or tidy up certain parts of the teeth. The teeth that were trimmed were 6 teeth in the upper jaw including 4 incisors and 2 canines left and right. The purpose of this ceremony is to eliminate the 6 bad traits that are usually possessed by humans namely loba (greedy), krodha (anger), kama (hawa nafsu), moha (confused), mada (drunk), and matsarya (envy).

  1. Many stages of rituals must be completed on Balinese wedding ceremony

As with wedding ceremonies which usually involve many rituals to be carried out, as well as Balinese culture in weddings, the bride and groom must go through several things.

Some of  Balinese wedding traditions and rituals that must be passed include ceremonies ngekeb, mungkah lawang, madengen with, mewidhi widana, and mejauman ngabe typing pillows. All these rituals have deep meaning to teach prospective brides how to live in the household in the future, of course, accompanied by prayers to God so that prospective brides will always be blessed in their lives.

  1. Rindik is the Balinese musical instrument

Don’t think that Balinese culture does not have art in the form of musical instruments inherited from generation to generation. There are a lot of musical instruments as the result of Balinese culture. And the great thing is the music is still being preserved until now.

One of the most popular musical instruments with Balinese culture is the rindik musical instrument. This traditional musical instrument is made of bamboo which is salendro. Rindik can be played by 2 to 4 people. This musical instrument is often used to accompany joged bumbung dance performances and also for music at weddings.

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  1. Ngurek Ceremony mostly like a magic show in a real life

Ngurek ceremonies are almost like debus or magic shows which usually exist in East Java. In this ceremony, the perpetrators must insert sharp objects such as keris on their bodies without feeling pain and injury.

Foreign tourists will usually be attracted to this ceremony. This ceremony aims to convince people to believe in God Almighty. If someone has trusted and done all the commands of God they will get grace and also blessings from God.

  1. Sacred Melasti Ceremony

The melasti ceremony is usually carried out before Nyepi Day by Hindus in Bali. This ceremony aims to be self-purification before doing Nyepi Day. You can see the procession of ceremony on the beach near Bali. Underline that you come several days before Nyepi day in Bali.

This ceremony is carried out by Hindus on the beach by praying and praying while asking God for forgiveness about their mistakes and mistakes. They believed that the melasti ceremony could erase their past sins and make them reborn in a holy state.

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  1. When galungan comes, penjor is everywhere

One culture that will be felt in Bali is the existence of penjor. Penjor is curved bamboo decorated with young coconut leaves and other unique ornaments. On Galungan Day, surely you will wonder why on every road, residential house, and office building is a pair of curved bamboos filled with decorations, aka Penjor.

Penjor is interpreted as an expression of human gratitude for the welfare given by the Creator. So do not be surprised if the ingredients used to decorate penjor come from agricultural products. You wil see the road in Bali become more cheerfull when Galungan comes.

  1. On Nyepi day Bali turns into dying island

On Nyepi day Bali will be pitch black without a single light, like an island dying without inhabitants. There is no activity during the Nyepi Holy Day of Saka New Year. This will certainly be an attraction for Balinese culture.

On the transitional day of the saka year, all residents confined themselves to their homes to carry out chess brata penyepian, namely four abstinence which included not doing activities / work (observing works), not turning on lights or fire (pati geni), not traveling (pati kelurahan ) and do not hold recreation, fun, or rah-rah (pati aksi).

  1. Ngaben as the ritual of burning the corps

One of the interesting cultures in Bali is the “Ngaben” ceremony where the ritual of burning corpses is carried out. This ritual is a form of liberating the human soul to return to God as the Creator.

Ngaben in Bali also becomes very unique with the existence of replicas of the Meru and Oxen buildings included in the cremation procession. Even some of the Ngaben processions that were held were quite large by making Meru with dozens of meters high, as one of them in the Puri Ubud family environment often became the center of attention of tourists in Bali.

  1. Hindu religious ceremonies are conducted almost every day in Bali

It is not wrong to call Bali as the Island of the Gods, because almost every day the Hindus people hold religious holy rituals. You will often meet Balinese women carrying offerings on their heads, listening to sacred songs from a number of temples around, and even seeing sesajen (offerings) decorating in front of their homes.

That is the culture in Hinduism in Bali. They love religion and culture so much that the tourists who visit come to feel the atmosphere of Balinese culture.

After reading those lists, you must be curious enough to explore more about Balinese culture. Don’t worry since you can still follow those culture activities since the ceremony usually widely open for public tourists.

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