
8 Terrible Volcano Mount Eruption in Indonesia

Indonesia consists of so many volcanoes that spread around the country. The landscapes become one of the reasons why there so many volcanoes in Indonesia. Most regions have at least one volcano active that can erupt suddenly. As the technology to prevent the eruption evolves, Indonesia should be more ready to face it.

But, there also some volcanoes eruption in Indonesia that human couldn’t help it. Some of them took so many lives around the mountain that so terrible to remember.

This time we will take you into some of the most terrible volcanic eruptions in Indonesia. Now, check them out below!

1. Krakatau

Krakatau is one of the most active mount volcanoes in Indonesia that has the most terrible eruption from time to time. The eruption on August 26, 1883, capable of parted the Sumatra island, and Java island becomes two different islands that we knew now.

Krakatoa Mount Eruption

Besides, the eruption of Krakatau even capable to make other active volcanoes that become so precious that call as the Anak Krakatau. The accident took about 36,000 lives death and the explosion claims as big as 30,000 twice of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs in world war II.

The eruption of Krakatau has become a history that the world cannot forget, especially since this eruption caused a decrease in world temperature to 1.2 degrees Celsius.

2. Anak Krakatau

Anak Krakatau becomes the most active volcanoes in Indonesia, specifically located in the middle of the South of Lampung sea. The explosion of these volcanoes was so terrible that capable to make a big tsunami up to Jakarta’s sea.

Mount Anak Krakatoa

On December 22, 2018, the Anak Krakatau has exploded which its eruption cause a tsunami. It took about 373 lives death, 1,459 people had serious injuries, and 128 people were missing.

Two years later, in around April 2020, the government avoids every people to get there specifically for hiking or tourist visit. Since it has big magnitudes and tremor earthquakes that frequently happen, the government restricted the area for a good reason. They even raised the level of crisis for the mount at level II.

3. Tambora

Tambora becomes one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia that can be dangerous because of its explosion. On April 10, 1815, the volcano has exploded which the eruption took about 70,000 lives death.

Mount Tambora

Tambora volcano is located in Dompu regency, West of Nusa Tenggara. The explosion of this volcano even heard up to Sumatra and the volcanic ash spread up to Kalimantan island. Both of them has a thousand miles away from Dompu.

The eruption of the Tambora volcanoes caused a world climate change at that time that spread up to the North of America and Europe. That is why not only Indonesia but around the world remember the eruption was so terrible at that time.

4. Kelud

Kelud is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia that has the most terrible eruption from time to time. The first explosion was at around 1586 which took about 15,000 lives death. The eruption continues periodically in 1901, 1919, 1951, 1966, 1990, 2007, and 2014.

Mount Kelud

In 2014, becomes the most terrible moment of the Kelud explosion which the ash volcanic spread around Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Solo, and some of the Central Java areas.

Yogyakarta is covered with ash volcanic in most areas with about 5 cm of ash height. That makes so many businesses closed such as tourism visit, airport closed, hotel and restaurant also closed properly.

5. Sinabung

Since 1600, the Sinabung volcano registered as a non-dangerous volcano in Indonesia. At around 2010, it suddenly becomes the most active volcanoes in the Karo regency, North Sumatera. It exploded with a terrible eruption around 29 August then continue on 3 September 2010.

Mount Sinabung

The eruption continues as periodically explode in September 2013 and continue in November 2013 with more than one explosion. After that in January 2014, the volcano has eruption again and took about 14 lives death and 3 people got serious injuries.

Later, in 2016 the Sinabung eruption again in around May. Then it continues in February and April 2018, June 2019, August 2020, and January 2021. That makes more than 20,000 people should be evacuated to the safest place to avoid the danger of its eruption.

6. Merapi

Merapi is the most active volcanos in Central Java and Yogyakarta, which has a terrible explosion on June 8, 2006. That was not the first explosion that the geology nation reported that the volcano has been an eruption for more than 80 times since 1768. In 1930, reported as the biggest eruption with more than 1,400 people death.

Mount Merapi

Later, on September 20, 2010, Merapi has been eruption again and continues until November 5th, with more than ten times explosion. After that, teh eruption comes periodically on May 11, 2018, 28 and 29 March 2020, April  10th, 2020, 21 June 2020, and January 4,  2021.

7. Agung

Agung volcano is located in Bali and has a terrible memory of its explosion. It exploded so many times since 1808, then continues in 1821, 1843, 1963 that took more than 1,140 lives death, and 296 injuries. It becomes the terrible history of volcanoes in Bali eruption recorded by people from time to time.

Mount Agung

Later, on 25 and 26 November 2017, the Agung volcano eruption again and continues on 11 April 2018 and 2 July 2018. It makes more than 29,000 people should be evacuated at that time. The Agung volcano becomes one of the real pieces of evidence if you are wondering how many volcanoes in Indonesia are active.

8. Soputan

Soputan becomes the most active volcanoes in Manado, the north of Sulawesi, which has terrible eruptions. From 1785 until 2018, it reported more than 30-time eruptions that seem to happen periodically year by year.

Mount Soputan

In April 2020, the Soputan shown vulcanic activity with more than ten times falls earthquake. The government also restricted the area with a radius of about 1.5 km to clear from people.

So, there are some terrible volcanoes mount eruption in Indonesia that happen from time to time. So, are you living near one of these volcanoes?

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