
The Benefits of Investing in Indonesia


As mentioned in our previous articles about Indonesia that told you about the richness of Indonesia, you can understand that this developing country is actually very resourceful. Imagine that you can find almost everything that is very important to the economy like natural resources, human resources, and also the potential of attractions that still becoming popular icons of this country.

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But, those resources should be converted or processed in a very efficient way. But sadly though, Indonesian people still lack skill and technology. That’s why many countries all over the world would like to spend their money to invest in this country. And almost all of them feel pretty satisfied with the result and decided to lengthen their contract. Behind that, of course, there are plenty of benefits of investing in Indonesia.

1. The richness of natural resources

As for the first one in the benefits of investing in Indonesia, we want to tell you that Indonesia is pretty much profitable for investing because of its resources. To be honest, the number of them is so abundant. The country is, even more, richer than the neighbor countries such as Singapore and Malaysia that have more advanced economy and technology.

Even though the economy in Indonesia is still lesser than them, but it’s indeed growing each year. You can see the increase in the National’s GDP. It’s because of the country finally realized how to convert those resources into valuable things that many people around the world needed so they can give Indonesia an increase in economy. So it’s basically a win-win situation.

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2. The growing domestic market

The target of many companies or basically all the companies around the globe are the people. That’s why, many companies like Samsung or ASUS maybe started to plant their own branches in Indonesia because they see the ultimate potential, which is the Indonesian people. AS you may know already, Indonesia has about 264 millions people.

That number is also the fourth around the globe, with India leading on the first place with 1,3 billion. This is a great opportunity because one, the number of the Indonesian people is still always growing each year, open up more and more possibilities for marketing. A lot of potential customers exists in this country, that’s why investing in Indonesia is generally profitable.

3. Healthy economy

If we’re talking about the country that has a very healthy economy in South East Asia region, many yes would see Indonesia as the best country. Not only based on the opinions, but its healthy economy is also proven by statistics that can show you about some facts. Indonesian alone supports the economy of Asia by contributing about more than 500 million US$.

However, the growth in the economy is always related to the performance of the current president, Mr. Joko Widodo. The government is really focusing on these three main things, the infrastructure, services, and also manufactures. Now, Indonesia is expanding to be the top ten economies around the globe. We still have ways to go through.

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4. The spiritful youth

The former Indonesian president, the first hero of the country, Mr. Soekarno once said, “give me a thousand adults, and I will take Mount Semeru from its roots. Give me ten young adults, and I will shake the world”. How respectful he was toward the teenagers. Back in the colonial days, the youth joined in with the soldier to fight the Netherlands.

They fought with all they had that time, and finally won. But. Is the spirit of teenagers still a thing in this country? It is. There are many teenagers around the country who are also investors of many great things. With their age, they can even create something that adults can’t. They will grow to be successful people and bring the country to the top.

5. The good investment climate

Let’s talk about one of many important things to consider in the world of multinational investing, the climate. No, this is not about the weather or temperature of the environment. But, it’s the defensive movements that Indonesia will do when the global crisis is happening. And talking about the investment climate in Indonesia, it’s considered good.

The reason behind all of this is once again the government. Yes, even though there are still many critics about the daily goods prices and all, they still doing well out there. They keep a secure and very open investment to all potential investors out there. So, we can assure you that investing in this country would be a very smart move.

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6. It’s easier to do business in Indonesia

The next one in the benefits of investing in Indonesia is the easiness. Yes, now it’s easier to do a business in this country. There are no killing regulations for the new start-ups, and the big corporations can establish their branches easily. Indonesia is really giving an effort to push its position from the low to higher

For example, based on the data of Ease Doing Business back in 2013, Indonesia was in 128th position. After some more years passed, Indonesia reached the 91st position in 2017. It’s only like 4 years and Indonesia was jumping for more than 20 places onward. Because of the changes in the index, Redrigo Chaves was stated that one from many positive influences from that is easiness in establishing a business in Indonesia.

7. You can even build your assets easily in this country

One of the many beneficial investing is one asset. Because the open investment policy, many people around the globe can plant their money to some assets that available in the country. The government regulation number 103/2015 stated that foreigners can now have a right to own a land in Indonesia. The regulation was signed by the President Joko Widodo.

It’s indeed a great opportunity for all people around the globe to convert their money for the investment that can give them a sweet fruit in the future. As you may know already, tourism is always a thing in Indonesia. Because of that, many developers are building many hotels and resorts to accommodate them. And sometimes, they open up investment opportunities for all the people who are interested.

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8. Corruption is decreasing

A problem for the country’s economy is corruption. Every country around the globe gives the perpetrators of corruptions difference punishment and penalties. In this country, usually, the will be punished with jail time, a long jail time. The national organization for hunting them, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Corruption Eradication Commision of Indonesian Republic) is always reliable.

Thanks to them, the number of corruption in Indonesia keeps decreasing through the years. This making the investment in Indonesia is more safe and secure. Safe, secure, and profitable, aren’t they the main reasons for investing? Also based on the Corruption Perceptions Index, Indonesia is now one of fewer countries that have a low level of corruption.

9. People now moving to the cities

The urbanization is really strong now. The condition because of modernization is forcing everybody to make the resources around them to be a profit for them. If the sources of the economy are not enough or even not exist at all, moving is the right choice. This is why people from villages in Indonesia are moving to the bigger cities to gain some fortune.

With this, people massively enter the consumer class, and now in need of the good services and products that they can get from multiple companies. With the growth of the city, this can be a massive challenge, a red ocean for the existed corporations to provide better prices, better products for all the consumers.

10/ Advancement in Technology

Well, everybody has a technology that they always bring everyday and everywhere to go. The example is your smartphone that you bring on the go. People are now more connected with only a media that provide by famous companies like Samsung, Apples, Asus, and many more. With the massive population, the promotion would be more effective, so that the people can be more advanced and fulfilled.

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One the tenth point on the benefits of investing in Indonesia

After mentioning all the benefits of investing in Indonesia, we want to remind you about some natural resources that still becoming the main products of the country. We only give you five of many of them that also included in the previous articles, such as :

  1. The tropical forest
  2. Old Mining
  3. Gold Mining
  4. Very fertile soil
  5. Rich Natural Gas

So those are the benefits of investing in Indonesia. For the local people, this is is a great opportunity to increase the country’s economic growth by investing in some sectors of the country. As for the people around the globe, with all the resources that this country has, investing seems very promising.

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