
Best Bali Gardens – and Wonderful Things You Should Know

So, after telling you some tips about traveling to Indonesia, now we want to tell you about something specific. This thing is rather refreshing and sometimes used by people as a place for relaxing and breathing in the freshest oxygen on a Sunday morning. What is it? Do you know what actually is it? Yep, it’s the garden.

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Gardens are usually considered as the most affordable place and the green place in a city that can be used by basically everybody. Usually they are developed by the government of particular city. They add some stuff to bring more people in, like the free sport facilities, drinkable-water, and such. In Bali, you can also find similar stuff, the beutiful gardens that you can visit. All included inside our best bali gardens below. But, we also add some additional stuff to bring in, so check it out.

Best Bali Gardens

1 – Bali Botanical Garden / Kebun Raya Bali

As one of the biggest garden in Bali, the Bali Botanical Garden is surely can fit the list. This garden is currently under the care of Bali government. This very garden was built by idea of one professor Kusnoto Setyodiwiryo with I Made Taman who wante to built a Kebun Raya or Botanical Garden outside Java island.

Thus, in late 1958, their ideas were finally granted by the government of Bali. And the garden was finished in 1959. About the plant collections, you can see them all from orchid, begonia, cactus, bamboo, water plants, plants for religious processions, plants for medicines, and many more. They also have special places for conservation, researching, environment study, and also the guest house.

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2 – Bali Orchid Garden

Different from the botanical garden above, this garden has specific niche, the orchids. You can enjoy this Bali Orchid Garden in the area of Denpasar Bali. Even though it’s not as popular than the other attractions located around Denpasar, but surely this place is one of a kind that you should visit while you have the chance.

However, in this special place that located in Bypass Ngurah Rai street, Denpasar, Bali, can give you a closer look to the orchids, knowing them better via the information provided. Usually, the tourists want to see the Shade House, a unique dome architecture for containing orchids that don’t need much of sunlight. The guides are also very helpful in the Bali Orhid Garden, and they usually wear Balinese traditional clothes that look interesting.

3 – Bali Butterfly Park

Now, we all know that certain animals are attracted to flowers. Aside from the bees, there are also the butterflies that usually love to hop on them. In a garden called Bali Butterly park in Batukaru, Banjar Sandan Lebah, Tabanan, Bali, you can have a lof of colorful information about these beautiful creatures.

You can see hundreds of butterflies in this place alone, coming from 12 different species. And may we say, they are quite calm and friendly toward the tourists. That’s why, they just love to land on the tourists’ hands, heads, or bodies. You can interact with the small butterflies to the gigantic butterflies that have those wonderful wings.

See also:

4 – Big Garden Corner

The next one in best Bali gardens is Big Garden Corner. This one is used a place for hangout rather than for research or conservation. In fact, the number of statues in here is more than the plantations that merely used as additionals to the environment. However, like said above, this place is popular with teenagers as a place for hang out.

In here, you can see some stone statues that related to Hindu and religion like the Brahma, Shiva, Budha and many others. But, this place is not intended for Hindu people only, so everyone can visit it. It’s like a trip to museum, but highly focus on statues. You can also visit the miniature of Borobudur temple, the tree house, and even Pikachu only on Sunday.

5 – Cactus Park Bali (Taman Kaktus Kebun Raya)

The Cactus Park Bali is a part of Bali Botanical Garden. After walking and exploring the Bali Botanical Garden, you may a chance to end up in a glass house called Rumah Kaktus or the House of Cactuses. While going for the entrance, you’ll be “greeted” with some firm trees that still related to cactus family.

Rumah Kaktus is certainly the best location for everyone who is interested to know more about these plantations. They can know different cactuses from other countries like Russia, America, Japan, Swiss, and many more. The size does vary. You can meet even the smallest cactuses to the giant ones.

Beautiful Flowers for Your Garden

Aside from visiting the best bali gardens which is a public place, you can always develop one yourself, right in your backyard area. You can even plant something that looks beautiful like roses, jasmines, and the other flowers that you may like. Also, as seen on the farming game like Harvest Moon for example, you can fill your gardens with vegetables or even fruits.

But now we want to start at the beautiful flowes for your garden. So let’s see some of them here.

1 – Begonia

So let’s talk about the flower here. If you want to build your own garden, of course you’ll need a set of flowers that you can plant there. We want to introduce you this first one called Begonia. This Begonia flower is considered as a common garden flower, easy to find especially in the tropical area like Indonesia.

The tropical climate is really suitable for this flower. So, if you live around South East Asia, you can easily plant it in your garden. You need to give sunlight to this flower at least two hours during a single day. Otherwise, it’ll die because lack of nutrition. This flower will make your house looks more colorful.

2 – Morning Glory

The name rings a bell doesn’t it? Morning Glory is included inside the flowering vines family. It’s not parasitical, it grows on its own. The common color of this flower is bluish color. It’s not just plain blue, but in the middle of it, you can see the white color, which is the interesting gradiant color from a slight dark to light.

Aside from the beautiful look, this flower also has an interesting aroma that is so refreshing, especially if you breathing it in during the morning, the most active time of this Morning Glory. It’s better to plant it in a pot, then put the pot on top of your ceilings. It’ll grow nicely from the top to bottom.

3 – Jalaran Api

The name is very Indonesian. This Jalaran Api is one of many endemic flowers from Indonesia. Named Jalaran Api after the look of it, which is like a burning fire. It’s an orange color rather than red.This flower can easily grow, especially when planted in many, making your garden looks like heaving in an instant.

Usually, people use this flower for two main locations. The first one is of course the garden itself, which is an outdoor location. The other one is to plant this flower indoor, but with specific location. People usually plant it in near the wall that doesn’t have anything around it. It’ll make the house looks way better.

4 – Fuchsia

And the fourth flower on our list is Fuchsia. Fuchsia can live well in a wet and cold habitat. So, both the cold areas like European Countries, America, and Canada can also plant this flower as well, with ease. It can also live in tropical areas, but the you need to give it some water routinely.

This flower will reach its best form from March to April each year. The blooming purple colors are making your garden looks like someplace magical. You can plant it on the other flowers. Because the flower is high enough, it can protect the flowers below it. You also need to add fertilizer once every two weeks.

Aside from giving you the information about the best bali gardens and also the beautiful flowers that can be easily planted on your own garden, we also want to share some tips that may help you to build your dream garden.

Tips for Building Your Own Unique Garden

1. Know what you plant, pick the flowers or other vegetation of your favorite

2. Measure the location  for the garden

3. Start cleaning, make a location for the garden cleaner

4. Don’t be shy to ask for information, especially from the experts in the gardening field

5. Start and focus on the budget, time, and also target

6. Be calm and patient, carefully care for the plants and watch them grow nicely

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