Food and Beverage

10 Best Coffee in Java Island You should Know

Since the 16th century Indonesia is known as a coffee paradise. In fact, in that era Java Coffee became one of the most sought after in the world – known by the name Java. Until the end of the 16th century, the world’s supply of coffee originated only from Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia as two countries that did introduce coffee to the world.

Then the coffee plants began to be distributed to various countries, including Indonesia through the Dutch colonizers. The first harvest of Java coffee from Pondok Kopi plantation is sent directly to Hortus Botanicus Amstredam. According to scientists there, Java coffee has a distinctive aroma and taste that has never existed before. Here are the best coffees in Java island that you must know.

  1. Java Ciwidey Fresh Roast Coffee

Java coffee is Arabica type almost the same as the legendary West Java Preanger Coffee from West Java. This type of coffee planted in the area Ciwidey, Bandung has tasting note fruity and sweet, will smell the chocolate flavor combined with a sense of banana and jackfruit.

This coffee is suitable brewed by adding hot water (Kopi Tubruk), French Press, Dripper, Vietnamese Drip, Coffee Maker, Syphon, Espresso, Moka Pot, Aeropress, and also by Cold Brew. Java Ciwidey Arabica coffee can you get in onlineshop with the price of Rp. 60.000 for packing 200 g.

  1. Central Java Arabica Coffee

Java coffee consists of two variants namely Arabica and Robusta, but which is widely grown in Central Java is Arabica coffee. For Arabica coffee Central Java is grown in Temanggung area and already supplies 40 percent of Central Java coffee production. Arabica coffee grown in Temanggung has a unique taste of sour taste that is still left behind after drinking it. Arabica Temanggung coffee has been famous as a typical taste of Temanggung coffee. Sold at Rp. 90.000 in online shop with 1 kg pack.

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3. Malabar Coffee Beans

Java coffee produced from Arabica beans is grown on Mount Malabar, Pengalengan, West Java. Malabar coffee was already introduced by a coffee shop in New York, United States through the company Kopiku Indonesia. We can be proud of our coffee that can be coupled with products from other countries.

By going through a medium roasting process, it will produce flavored flavors such as Floral, Apricot, Honey-like. You can get in Tokopedia with the price of Rp. 95.000. Available in the form of seeds and powder dipacking with one way valve with a net weight of 250 g. Malabar coffee is suitable for manual brew (V60, French Press, Kalita, etc).

  1. Traditional Java Coffee Biba Coffee

Java coffee is derived from East Java is grown in the mountains of East Java, which is the best coffee center in Indonesia and even the world since antiquity. Biba Coffee Traditional Java Coffee is from robusta coffee beans typical of Dampit plateau which is traditionally processed, roasted using firewood on a pan made of pottery. Made by the mothers in East Java to produce coffee with a natural rural feel. Sold with 2 packs of 150 gr and 480 gr. Available in online shop at Rp. 15.000 for packaging 150 gr.

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  1. Single Origin Herd Coffee Beans Java Preanger West Java

This coffee beans are planted in Mount Halu, Bandung with an altitude of 1400 masl. Stages of the process of this coffee beans through Pulp Natural with varieties Sigararutang & Linie-S, with roast level Light to Medium. With the blend of temperature, soil conditions and the process makes this Kopihuan coffee sweet taste with the dominant acidity but a thick flavor at the end. Available in Tokopedia at Rp. 290,000. Sold in 1 kg pack in ground (powder) or still whole (bean). There is also an option weighing 200 g for Rp. 90,000.

  1. Kopi Aroma Bandung

Coffee built by Tan Houw Sian since 1930 is not only famous in Bandung, but also among local and foreign immigrants. The tavern is located at Jalan Banceuy no. 51, Sumur, Bandung sells several types of coffee throughout the archipelago such as Robusta Coffee, Moka Arabica, Arabica Java, Arabica Toraja, Arabica Flores. For the price of Arabica Java coffee itself is priced at Rp. 33,000 per 250 g. Can you order via online and sent by courier lho. For the purchase is limited per person maximum 5 kg.

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  1. Singa Robusta Coffe

Robusta Singa Coffee Java is produced by PT Puji Surya Indah, Gresik. This coffee is sold already in the form of coffee powder and processed from 100% Robusta coffee beans of choice from Java. The taste of this coffee is light and produces a taste and aroma nan steady but soft. Packed with a net weight of 180 g and packed in plastic packaging but not equipped with an air drain valve. Available in supermarkets and sold also in Tokopedia at a price of Rp. 16,000.

  1. Arabica Coffindo Coffee

Arabica Coffindo coffee contains Arabica coffee beans from coffee plantations on the island of Java that produce a distinctive flavor of fresh caramel aroma, medium viscosity and high acidity, a sense of balance with the final taste of chocolate herbs. For the price of Arabica Coffindo Coffee Specialty Java is sold in 100 gr packaging with a price of Rp. 33,800 in Coffindo. Oh yes, for the way of serving this coffee by way of only 10 gr coffee Java specialty is mixed with water temperature 90-95 degrees celsius as much as 80-120 ml then stirred, in order to produce delicious coffee.

  1. Java Single Origin

Almost the same as Arabica Coffee Coffindo Java Special, Java coffee is Arabica type. It has a delicious aroma, viscosity and acidity of the medium, and a sense of balance with the herbal flavor. If you have a cafe business can buy as much as 1 kg is sold at a price of Rp. 210,000 in Coffindo.

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  1. Special Coffee Beans Java Gunung Halu

This coffee bean is planted in Mount Halu, Bandung with an altitude of 1400 masl. Stages of the process of coffee beans are through Pulp Natural with varieties Sigararutang & Linie-S, with roast level Light to Medium. With the blending of temperature, soil conditions, and the process make this Kopihuan coffee has sweet taste with the dominant acidity but a thick flavor at the end. It is available in online shop with the price of Rp. 290,000. It is sold in 1 kg pack in ground (powder) or still whole (bean). There is also an option weighing 200 g for Rp. 90,000.

Those are the best coffee in Java island. Some of them might just be available at online shop only and made by order. It is because the price of these coffee are more expensive that the coffee available in most of supermarket in Indonesia.

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