
13 Best Indonesian Mountain Tracks

The Indonesian state from the end of Sabang to Merauke consists of various kinds of islands and mountains in it. Naturally, if many foreigners come to go hiking in the mountains in Indonesia. Hiking has also become a lifestyle for Indonesian people, especially young people. Hiking is not only healthy but also can relieve boredom after doing the work routine while enjoying the natural scenery. Besides that, the hiking attraction for the lovers is the track or route that goes through. The monitored Mountains of how many Volcanoes in Indonesia are active.

There are those who like challenges, beautiful scenery and unique ecosystems in it. So that this hobby is one of the hobbies that make one’s physical and psychological health healthy. Well, here is to find out about the best Indonesian Mountain Treks that can be a new choice for those of you who want to go hiking:

1. Merbabu Mountain

This mountain has a height reaching 3,145 masl. Its location in four districts, Magelang Regency, Boyolali Regency, Salatiga and Semarang, is a favorite mountain for hiking lovers. Hiking paths are flat, bumpy, slightly uphill even uphill once on this mountain. A view of homogeneous forests, savannas, grass hills and amazing cumulus clouds will spoil your eyes along the way. You also will not feel tired because everything has paid off with its enchanting natural beauty. Hence the best Mountain view in Indonesia you must see.

2. Semeru Mountain

For those of you who like activities and as lovers of hiking it’s not complete if you haven’t climbed the highest mountain on this island of Java. This mountain has a climbing terrain that is quite challenging for your adrenaline because it has hiking trails that are full of sand, rocky and steep slopes. But all will be replaced with a beautiful view when you succeed in reaching the highest peak called peak Mahameru. You can also spend the night enjoying the water and milky way (a group of Milky Way galaxies) on Lake Ranu Kumbolo which is famous for its beauty. The location of Ranu Kumbolo lake is at the foot of Mount Semeru, making this place worthy of conquest.

3. Papandayan Mountain

The best Indonesian Mountain treks that you can try next is Mount Papandayan. For residents of Jakarta and West Java, Mount Papandayan is a favorite hiking location. This mountain is suitable for beginner climbers because it is at an altitude of 2,665 masl. Basecamp from the Papandayan mountain itself is on the opposite side or more precisely below the crater. You will be amazed when a lot of steam comes out of the crater plus the beauty of the edelweiss field in Tegal Alun. In this place, beside the challenging tracks, there are also beautiful spots that you can enjoy while hiking. The following are best Mountain biking in Indonesia for pumping your adrenaline!.

4.  Prau Mountain

Even though it is located in the Dieng Plateau complex which is a rough volcano, Mount Prau includes an inactive volcano. Only with short hiking, you can go to the top of the mountain at an altitude of 2,565 masl. So that this mountain is a favorite for hiking locations, especially for beginners. You can enjoy the beauty of Sumbing and Sindoro mountains from the summit of Mount Prau, on the other hand, you can also see the Dieng plateau area. The air is very cold as well as the amazing natural scenery.

5. Rinjani Mountain

The best Indonesian Mountain treks are Gunung Rinjani. Who doesn’t know this one mountain? It can be said that Mount Rinjani is one of the best volcanoes in Indonesia Located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Mount Rinjani is one of the highest volcanoes in Indonesia. UNESCO named Mount Rinjani a national geological park because of its natural beauty. For lovers of hiking, when climbing Mount Rinjani, you will pass a tropical rain forest with a typical view of Indonesia. You can also relax on Segara Anak and Gunung Baru lakes. Arriving at the summit of Rinjani you will see a stretch of caldera and beauty of Segara Anak and Gunung Baru. Naturally, if Mount Rinjani is the most sought-after tourist destination. The list of  mountains in Bali Indonesia.

6.  Kerinci Mountain

Located at an altitude of 3,805 masl, Mount Kerinci is a volcano in Indonesia. The mountain which is located on the border of Jambi Province and West Sumatra Province is still active today. Mount Kerinci is one of the best hiking spots in Indonesia. Mount Kerinci climbing route does not have an alternative route, so climbers have to take the main route from Kersik village to get to the top. Mount Kerinci is also home to almost endangered protected animals such as Sumatran rhinos and Sumatran tigers. You can enjoy the coolness of the tea garden at the foot of Mount Kerinci while enjoying authentic native tea.

7.  Sibayak Mountain

Furthermore, the best Indonesian mountain treks, namely Mount Sibayak, is a hiking place that is perfect for those of you who like challenges. The condition of the rocks at the peak is a challenge for climbers to test the adrenaline and conquer the peak. The view of the sunrise from the summit is the main target of the climbers. In addition to the beauty of the peak scenery, you will be refreshed by water flowing from between the mountain rocks. In addition, there are also natural hot springs that can be used for bathing. For those of you who don’t want to bother you don’t need to worry because you can do a short climb for a day. But still, you have to be accompanied by a guide so that whatever happens is first aid. The top and highest Mountains in West Java.

8. Bromo Mountain

Mount Bromo is at an altitude of 2,392Mdpl. The shape of the mountain that is intertwined between valleys and canyons makes Mount Bromo a favorite hiking spot in East Java besides Mt. Semeru. In addition, from the caldera that surrounds the mountain and the sea of sand with an area of about 5,300 hectares makes the trademark of Mount Bromo. You can see the sun rising from the peak of the climb which makes you not want to miss this moment just like that. Access to Mount Bromo is relatively easy, the mountain is not too high, road access is available and the road is not winding. To reach the summit, you have to pass a sea of sand that is quite extensive as a result of Mount Bromo’s vomit. You will be amazed by the surrounding mountain ranges such as Mount Batok and the enchanting Mount Semeru.

9. Batur Mountain

Mount Batur with an altitude of 1,717 masl is the perfect hiking spot for those of you who are still beginners. This mountain tour that is not too high is approximately a 2 hour trip to the top. Seeing the sunrise from the summit of Mount Batur will be an unforgettable experience. You can see Lake Batur from a height, Mount Abang, Kintamani village, orange groves and a vast expanse of pine forest. After going down you can enjoy various tours at the foot of Mount Batur, such as, around Lake Batur, hot springs in Toya Bungkah, and visiting the Kintamani orange garden. It’s quite interesting and makes you want to go back to hiking again. Top and the highest Mountain in East Java you must know.

10. Little of Mount Krakatau, Sunda Strait

The child of Mount Krakatau is naturally still active and can erupt at any time, so it is necessary to be careful to climb the mountain located between Java and Sumatra. However, this mountain remains a hiking place that is wanted by climbers. With a less friendly status, the mount Krakatau Children hiking trail is not easy. It takes around 30-45 minutes to face sandy sloping land. During the climb, you can see the islands around the beautiful Sunda Strait such as Umang Island, Sebuku Island, Sebesi Island and Rakata Island. A decent view for you to enjoy.

To find out more about the best Indonesian Mountain Treks like the example below and the explanation:

  • Arjuno mountain, through this route, you have to go through an area filled with pine trees which it says are said when people who pass this route will forget themselves and get lost. Therefore, this pine tree area is called the Lali Jiwo forest.
  • Raung mountain, you have to prepare climbing equipment while crossing a bridge that is quite challenging where the “bridge” is in the form of a mountain ridge that is left and right in the form of a deep ravine. Range top and highest Mountain in Indonesia with stunning views.
  • Mount Leuser lies in the thick of the wilderness and there are still many wild animals that always lurk climbers. Experience while climbing Gunung Leuser some time ago, there are still tigers passing through the forest so it’s quite tense.

You are quite disciplined to try hiking on some of the mountains mentioned above. It took incredible courage, of course, the review of the best Indonesia mountain treks. Hopefully the best recommendation for you.

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