
15 Best Mountain Biking in Indonesia For Pumping Your Adrenaline!

After talking about one hobby that many people like in Indonesia, which is fishing, we want to tel you about another hobby, more challenging one, and will make your heart beat faster, a thing called mountain biking.

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Mountain biking consists of tracking activity, and downhill. Even though this mountain biking hobby is not so popular as fishing, becuase it’s harder and required a bit riding skill, but it’s still fun to do, especially if you want to pump up your tetosterone as man. For you the beginners or the experts, we want to provide some of the best list that included in our article for today, the best mountain biking in Indonesia. There are 15 of them, let’s start with the first one.

1. Mount Abang

The first location that you should check for doing mountain biking is the Mount Abang. This mountain is located in Bali island, island of bliss. For the new beginners, the track in here is challenging enough but still very friendly.

From the uptop on the mountain and then going down to the bottom, you will experience all kinds of track in tis mountain. The dirt one, and the wet one, and also one single thin track where you can see the gorge right beside you. But once you reach the final, you’ll be much happy because of getting the panorama of calming bamboo forest.

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2. Ndlundung, Trawas

Next one is the location in Trawas area called Ndlundung. So many bikers come to this place often, to either testing their biking skill, improving their biking skill, or just to update what is the area looks like recently.

This location is usually used  by the experiences bikers, because the tracks in here are really challenging and hard to conquer sometimes. But, for the beginners, they can start slowly in the area by the guidance of the experts.

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3. Sulap Hill

The hill called Sulap hill, which means magic in English, because when you look at different directions seeing this hill, you’ll get different view too. And is it a good place for doing mountain biking? Yes, absolutely. With its dirt and rocky terrain, the bikers should be brave when facing the tracks available.

Located only 2 km from the Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatra, the place is always getting crowded by the curiois bikers. Some of them are already tried the tracks, and want to feel them again. Becuase of the easy access, many peopel would prefer this one than the other tracks in South Sumatra.

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4. Jragung Loop

Next one, we’re gonna see the mountain biking location in Semarang city, called Jragung Loop. This location is not so popular amongst the bikers, because lack of promotion from this place. Also, recently, there was some building improvement to the area, it might be dangerous for the bikers.

Maybe after the building is done, bikers can come in here again to try the natural tracks that crossing the river. Some of the bikers can stip and having a glance at the beautiful natural view. They also try to  sip the water, it’s so fresh.

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5. Rindu Alam

In the fifth place is located in Bogor, known as the Rindu Alam. The area is actually filled with some restaurants and resting areas, because  the people can see the natural view of tea garden and rice fields from above.

Well for the bikers, they can park their vehicle at those resting areas, and start exploring the unusual track the Rindu Alam provided. There’s a track, that will take you to pass the tea garden, the grass area, and many more. Basically the track will take you to see those wonderful natural attractions.

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6. Jatiasih Track

The next one is actually located in Bogor again, of Bekasi. Many said that this location is pretty challenging, but the beginners can also try this area as well. Althoguh the ride wouldn’t be too long, but all up and down in this location making your experience more greater.

Located nor far from the Jakarta city, capital city  of Indonesia, Jatiasih track gains popularity by providing some of its best tracks. For example, you wil take the steep ways when you’re in Siku and the graves (yep, there’s cemetery in here too). But, when you going down for up to bottom, you can experience so many varieties of track like the the way to the rice fields, Grand Canyon track, also L and S track.

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7. Jayagiri

Moving from the area of Bogor, there’s one beautiful track located in Bandung city, which known for the best city for doing mount biking, calld Jayagiri track. There will always be some steep tracks in this location as starter.

Then, after doing much hardwork to passing those tracks, then you’ll facing the track with pine forest which looks so awesome. For the beginners, it’s advised to use body protection first, because the tree roots can also make you fall off your bike easily.

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8. Cihuni, Tangerang

Next one one we move again to the area in Tangerang city, called Cihuni track. In this location, there are three kinds of track that you can choose, Hill Park 1, 2, and 3. With the supports of locals, the area became more and more comfortable becuase of the existence of stalls.

Well, the thing is, the area that you can take is only Hill Park 1, because the other two are not accesible anymore. But, that track itself is like a nightmare for beginners, because of this roller coaster track, complete with so many steep tracks that can pump up your adrenaline level to the moon.

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9. Cikole

There is one mount biking location that exists in the area of Cikole, Lembang. If you wan to go here, you can take the Dago Bengkok way through out of Lembang and then entering the Tangkuban Perahu Gate. Even when entering the place, you can negotiate the administration ticket with the gate keepers first.

This track is actually not safe for beginners, maybe they can have the little dangerous tracks in the area. But for the advanced one, or maybe the experts, they should try this Cikole track because it’s awesome. The bikers can see so many things in here like the pine forest and hilly areas.

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10. Cisaruni, Garut Track

And then in the area of Garut, you can visit the Cisaruni Track. This track is actually located right in the middle of tea garden. So, after riding for a while, you can just walk up and feeling the coold and calming atmosphere all around you.

Some say that this track is really tiring, because at start, you’ll be give a steep track that has 1,65 km long. If you’re not strong enough to hit those pedals, you can just push your bike and walk on. But, all of the works are really worth, especially when you finally reach the finish line.

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11. Umbul Sidomukti

And of the eleventh track on the list, we want to tell you about one interesting track called Umbul Sidomukti, which also used for the mount biking championship in 2016. Also, the area itself ins an attraction with full services like swimming pool, camping ground, and huts.

This one track is really popular because of the completeness of it. In this track, you can find tahat the track has a lot of things to offer like the complete and variative obstacles, bridges, rock garden, and drops.

See also :

We already provided 11 of the best mountain biking in Indonesia. If that’s is not enough,then here’s another list for you to explor all the best locations for doing this hobby. Here’s four of them that also included in our list.

  1. Batu, Malang
  2. Telogo Salatiga
  3. Wonogondang, Yogyakarta
  4. Daulat

The 15 of them are totally the best mountain biking in Indonesia that you can actually visit. Here’sone good hobby, with a certain level of dangerous, but can be on great and fun activities for the people, especially for who live in the city.

The weather of a mountain and then combined with this tiring hobby is realy worth the works. Of you’re considered a beginner, don’t worry because there will be some experts that will teach you all the things you should know before actually jumping in this hobby. Just make sure of yourself, and enjoy the ride.

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