
13 Best Place in Indonesia to See Orang Utans

Indonesia is rich in interesting and unique fauna life. One of them is a forest person, so funny and also adorable to see the cleverness and physicality of forest people. Its appeal and life are worth exploring and should be preserved as a rare animal asset.

The breeding of forest people is currently in a critical stage, its natural habitat is that the forest has begun to have encroached for the needs of the factory and also the settlement. So important and reasons why orangutans are endangered in Indonesia.

Because of their minimal habitat, it is necessary to have a rehabilitation center or temporary shelter for forest people who experience trauma or life away from the forest. Because if their population becomes extinct, the next generation will be very difficult to find and see the physical people of the forest. Well, here is some best place in Indonesia to see people who can visit anytime:

1. Tanjung Puting National Park

Tanjung Puting National Park is a national park in Central Kalimantan. It is one of the best places in Indonesia to see the Bornean Orangutan.

In Tanjung Puting National Park (TNTP) we can see orangutans at conservation camps at certain hours according to the schedule determined by the national park. One of the most famous camps is Camp Leakey. One of the things interesting facts about Indonesian orangutans. At this camp, we can see the orangutans being fed by the officers. This feeding activity is often called feeding time. Funny isn’t it!.

2. Gunung Leuser National Park

One of the best places in Indonesia to see the orangutans is the Gunung Leuser National Park, this place is a national park in the province of Aceh and North Sumatra. This national park is the habitat of the Sumatran Orangutan. One spot of orangutan conservation in this national park area is Bukit Lawang in Bohorok District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra.

At Bukit Lawang, visitors can see orangutans by jungle trekking. There is one rule that visitors must adhere to if they meet orangutans during trekking. Visitors are not permitted to feed orangutans. Because they already have their own meal schedule.

3. Kutai National Park

In addition to Tanjung Puting, other places you can visit to see Bornean Orangutans in their natural habitat are Kutai National Park.

This national park is in the province of East Kalimantan. The spot that visitors can visit in the Kutai National Park area is the Prevab Forest. Unlike Tanjung Puting, in Kutai National Park there is no special area for conservation. Orangutans are allowed to live in the wild without human intervention and you can see their wild and interesting life. Hence interesting facts about Sumatran orangutan that you should know.

4. Betung Kerihun National Park

Still from Kalimantan, besides Tanjung Puting and Kutai National Park, another place where you can see orangutans in their native habitat is in the Betung Kerihun National Park. The location of this national park is in the province of West Kalimantan, bordering Sarawak, Malaysia.

Visitors who want to see wild orangutans in this national park will usually be guided by local residents. This place has become an attraction as the best place in Indonesia to see orangutans.

5. Menteng Nyaru Rehabilitation Center, Central Kalimantan

This rehabilitation center is only 28 kilometers from the city of Palangkaraya. This rehabilitation center was conceived by nature lovers organizations to protect these endangered species. Herewith simple ways how to see orangutans in Indonesia you must know.

Here you can see the baby playing, besides that you can also watch other wildlife directly. A very interesting and also fun place to enjoy the lives of the forest people there, you can participate in providing baby food for the forest people and accompanying them to play.

6. Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta

Ragunan Zoo is a zoo located in Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Indonesia. The zoo was founded in 1864. In it, there are various collections consisting of species and specimens and one of them contains forest people. In this place, you can visit and just see and find out about forest species.

Ticket prices are quite cheap, but you cannot touch the forest people in this zoo. Just research and see the funny behavior. You should know the top interesting facts about orangutans in Indonesia.

7. Surabaya Zoo, East Java

Another zoo that presents fauna tourism like forest people is Surabaya zoo. The location is in the center of Surabaya, this place becomes a tourist attraction for people to see and watch some animal attractions. Orangutans that live in Surabaya animal park cannot be touched especially for taking pictures together. So, only history and life can be traced there.

8. Taman Safari, Bogor

Another example of the best place in Indonesia to see orangutans is a Safari park located in the city of Bogor precisely in Cisarua. You can find forest people in their habitat by car around the artificial forest or you can touch and also take pictures with them.

Once the importance of guarding orangutans and endangered orangutans in Indonesia threats and conservation. Safari Park entrance tickets are quite expensive but can satisfy your desire to be able to play and see funny and adorable forest people.

9. Taman Safari 2, Prigen

Prigen Safari Park is the widest safari park in Asia, which is located on the slopes of Mount Arjuno, District Prigen, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. Is a zoo that presents fauna life like orangutans.

In this place, you can interact with orangutans directly, either take pictures or play. A very wide place and also a cool scenery is perfect for traveling with family while looking and seeing the fauna.

10. Taman Safari 3, Bali

Taman Safari Bali is the best place in Indonesia for orangutans. A very wide place is made almost similar to the atmosphere in Africa. This place is an attraction for foreign tourists to spend vacation time with family. Some examples Indonesia orangutan habitats and conservation.

In Safari Park Bali many species and also specimens in it include originating from Africa and several other countries. Indeed, the entry fee is quite expensive, but the facilities that can be felt are also very satisfying. One of the cute and packaging fauna is an orangutan, you can play and also take pictures with them.


Some of the best places in Indonesia to see other orangutans are:

  • Bandung Zoo as a recreation area in which there is a wealth of flora and fauna. One of them is a jungle people tour that can be seen, but you cannot hold it because of strict zoo rules. Hence facts of Indonesian zoo you should know.
  • Gembira Loka Zoo is a zoo in Yogyakarta. Contains various species from around the world, such as orangutans, Asian elephants, chimpanzees, tigers, and so on. You can enjoy fauna with interest and also very funny.
  • Secret zoo stone is a zoo located in Batu city, many kinds of fauna become collections there including one of the forest people. You can see and also visit Batu zoo while on vacation with family.

Such is the explanation of the 13 best place in Indonesia to see orangutans. Hopefully become knowledge and also a reference for your trip with your beloved family. See you again in the next article.

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