
15 Things To Do In Jakarta With Boyfriend

Who says walking and vacationing in the city of Jakarta is boring? There are many activities and interesting places that can be used as favorite places to spend time with your partner.

You are guaranteed to be happy and will come back to enjoy it again. Choice recommendations best food in West Jakarta you should know.

Besides the cool place, the scenery and the atmosphere of the location are beautiful. And culinary tours are super delicious and varied.

That’s why before you decide where you can spend time with your partner. Here are some references to things to do in Jakarta with boyfriend:

1. Enjoy the atmosphere at Le Bridge, Ancol

Located in Ancol Dreamland, you will surely imagine the waves rustling and maritime tourism around. No wonder this location is a lasting favorite hangout place for the citizens of Jakarta.

One location with a prominent romantic spot, the Love Pier, Le Bridge can be a place to spend the night after spending the afternoon walking and enjoying the fresh sea breeze.

Spend the afternoon or evening glittering at the Le Bridge luxury restaurant, while accompanied by candlelight or the light of the surrounding pier. Here they are advantages of living in Jakarta Indonesia.

2. Pantai Indah Kapuk Mangrove Forest

Want to have a romantic vacation with a partner? you don’t have to be filled with fancy dinners or wandering in the middle of the city.

Invite him to be quiet in a peaceful place while adventuring and walking leisurely.

In addition to capturing the location of lush green with a private camera, the event playing in the forest is more exciting by paddling a boat on the river or along a path through the mangrove forest.

Just sitting in the middle of a stretch of a wooden house or enjoying the fresh air of the forest while together, the right moment to talk from heart to heart. Or just take a photo to capture the moment of romantic togetherness.

3. Fantasy World ( DuFan )

The things to do in Jakarta with the boyfriend are a fantasy world.

Invite your beloved partner for the most exciting dating experience in Fantasy World.

Fantasy World has become a lasting recreation choice for visitors to the capital. The biggest amusement park in Indonesia is truly artistic and challenging.

The frenzy of the playground seems to melt into a romantic background of its own world. Romantic locations are scattered in the vast playground area, can play together and explore interesting rides that are there. Hence what to eat in Jakarta Indonesia best traditional food.

4. Traveling in the Old City

When you visit Jakarta, don’t forget to stop by the old city.

There are many romantic places, restaurants, museums and interesting photo spots.

You and your partner can spend time enjoying art attractions, accessories sellers and delicious culinary menus around the tour.

You can also ride casually with your partner, sit back and try to enjoy the sunset. It’s best to come on weekends because the atmosphere is getting crowded and the night will be more romantic.

5. Tourism on Thousand Islands

Want to feel the sensation of filling a romantic holiday on a private island without having to go far to Bali.

The Thousand Islands as the parent of various exotic islands of marine tourism always open the opportunity for great natural exploration, one of them on the island of Tiger.

Being on an exotic island that is lonely with private accommodation for two, roofs of blue sky and surrounded by clear sea, as if the world really belongs to the two.

There are many activities carried out here, among others, sunbathing and relaxing while enjoying the fresh sea breeze while chatting with your partner. Can also do water sports such as canoeing and or snorkeling. Know some famous places to visit in Jakarta Indonesia.

6. Beautiful Indonesian Mini Park ( TMII )

Next things to do in Jakarta with a boyfriend is a beautiful Indonesian mini park or abbreviated as TMII.

One of the popular tourist attractions in the city of Jakarta can still give a romantic atmosphere. You and your girlfriend can take a walk, ride a cable car together with a boyfriend.

Or just sit back and enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere is fun and interesting. There are many variations of rides in this place, and you and your partner can try them one by one.

7. Jakarta Planetarium and Observatory

One interesting place to spend time with girlfriends at the Jakarta Planetarium and Observatory, you can see 3D movies that show the galaxy and stars.

You can also walk and try many good places to eat there.

Spending the night with your partner is never bored, you can watch a variety of films, plays, theater and museums in this place. It’s fun and romantic if it’s done at night. All recommend restaurants with the best breakfast in Jakarta you must try.

8. Romantic Night Tour in Segarra Ancol Jakarta

You who want to enjoy a romantic evening tour, you can visit the Segarra Beach Club located in the bay of the city of Jakarta.

This place is perfect for enjoying the sunset accompanied by the cool beach breeze.

While enjoying a romantic tourist scene in the northern part of Jakarta Bay, you can also choose from a variety of menu choices at very affordable prices for urban people. A warm atmosphere to share a love with your partner can also be obtained while in the restaurant room.

9. Jakarta Monas Tourism at Night

Things to do in Jakarta with other boyfriends are national monuments or Monas.

Monas Night Tourism can be enjoyed by residents every Tuesday to Sunday, starting at 7:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. WIB. For Monday, the Monas tourist area is closed for routine maintenance and maintenance.

You and your partner can enjoy the atmosphere of a romantic night in this place, especially at night to be the most crowded and fun place.

There are many food and beverage sellers and on Sunday mornings you and your partner can exercise in the morning. Because at Monas there are many interesting weekend morning activities. Here are the best restaurants in Jakarta for Valentine moment.

10. Marina Beach, Ancol

This one tourist spot is suitable for you to visit with your partner.

In addition to swimming, playing water, or recreation, there are many more activities you can do while on this beach.

Starting from around the coastal area by renting a boat, to a culinary tour enjoying delicious seafood dishes. Besides that, you can enjoy the beauty of the scenery and the warm atmosphere before sunset, the later the more romantic.


Next things to do in Jakarta with a boyfriend that can be used as an option include:

  • Ragunan is a pride zoo for Jakarta residents. This one tourist place will always be crowded and crowded when visitors arrive. It is recommended that you and your partner come there on weekdays or weekdays. In addition to seeing various kinds of flora and fauna that live as well as recreation, having selfies, sitting relaxed, seeing animal attractions, riding a duck boat, and many more. For you who love shopping, things to buy in Jakarta recommended.
  • Seaworld is a recreational vehicle that offers a view of the diversity of marine life and water. Located within Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, this entertainment facility can be your choice and your partner to spend time off and one of the ways to get rid of feeling tired.
  • Snowbay Waterpark is a vehicle specifically designed as a world-class adventure recreation park with the concept of snow mountains. Suitable for you and couples who want a fun game, lots of exciting activities can be done by a partner. Beautiful but most expensive Japanese restaurants in Jakarta you may try.
  • Ancol Ecopark located at the Ancol Dreamland Park. In this one tourist spot, of course, you can do lots of exciting activities and fun with your partner. Outdoor activities provide the sensation of compactness and togetherness you are also a partner.
  • Taman Ismail Marzuki, this one art, and cultural tourist place often hold events that are very diverse, ranging from performing arts, theater, film screenings, to contemporary exhibitions. Aside from being a tourist spot, Taman Ismail Marzuki is also a forum for contemporary Indonesian artists, a neat and beautiful garden that allows you and your partner to enjoy and take pictures together. The following are the interesting facts of Jakarta Old Town.

Hopefully, the following explanation, regarding things to do in Jakarta with a boyfriend is a benefit and fun activity recommendations are also fun.

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