
The Must Visit Cafes in Jakarta With 24 Opening Hours – The Best Ones

Back again to the capital city after we’re going around the country to find all the amazing things like best locations for snorkeling, best locations for diving must visit restaurants in particular city, and the must-try foods in areas like Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Semarang. Now it’s time to back to work again.

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Usually, people are spending their time in cafes in order to buy some coffee, with the purpose to open their eyes so they can work more productively. But unfortunately, sometimes they can’t come in the right place. After work around 11 or 12 pm, usually most cafes in cities like Jakarta are already closes. That’s why, you need to know where to go, to the must visit cafes in Jakarta with 24 opening hours for your better productivity. Here we want to mention 14 of all of them on our list. Let’s check them all.

1 – Locale 24

As the first thing that we’re gonna mention here, the Locale 24 can surely give you an interesting experience. Just from the outside, you can expect something nice from inside this blue bus. It has the theme of Retro Bus, which really match the exterior. However, this cafe that located around the area of Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta surely has some things interesting.

Entering the place, you can find the smoking area on the right side of you. There are two seats for each table, which is really nice if you have a company with you. Not only on the outside, but the interiors are also related to a bus, including the handle, windows, plus the visual driver on the wall. About the menu, Locale 24 serves breakfast to dinner meals. So, coming at any time should be fine.

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2 – Roca

The next one on the list of the must visit cafes in Jakarta with 24 opening hours is Roca. Looking at the location, Roca is actually a restaurant, not a cafe. But if you want a coffee, you can surely get one in here. This colorful restaurant brings arts to every aspects to the place, making it more lively and interesting in some way.

However, the location of Roca is inside the ARTOTEL, in lobby side to be exact. There are two main areas in here, outside and inside. To see a nice view of the city, eating outdoor would be much better. The menu here consists of Indonesian and International Foods. There’s a Nasi Goreng Kemangi Ikan Teri, that’s so good to taste.

3 – Crematology Coffee Roaster

Looking for a more comfortable cafe? Then this one should be suitable for you. The name is Crematology Coffee Roaster, located in Suryo street number 25 of Senopati, Jakarta. The design of this cafe does look very cozy. Most of the color is dominated with dark chocolate color, making it looks so relaxing.

Usually, Crematology Coffee Roaster is a place that used for informal group discussion, hang out, or just chit chat all night long. Because of the 24 opening hours, you don’t need to worry about when is the time that you should leave the place. You can spend all your night with delicious foods and coffee in the Crematology Coffee Roaster.

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4 – Kafe Anomali

Next one on the list is Kafe Anomali. If you want to work on your stuff, or maybe checking your own blog, or just surfing around the internet while being a nice and comfy place with pretty fast internet connection, you may just come here. Aside from the connections (that people always love), Kafe Anomali also serves a very comfortable location for the customers.

The area is pretty wide, so you can have your fun with friends also. While enjoying the internet, you can fill your stomach with pastries and coffee of course. Making your night more productive and enjoyable at the same time. However, if you interested, you can just come to Senopati street number 19 of Jakarta.

5 – Waha Kitchen

Usually it’s not easy to find a nice place for having some foods during late night or even midnight. Fasfood restaurants are not the only option, you can surely get better one instead. Like this restaurant for example. The Waha kitchen is a nice restaurant and a cafe. So you can get both of them in one place.

But to get here, you need to enter a hotel named Hotel Kasenda. Then, you can find the Waha Kitchen right after you enter the place. However, this restaurant is usually filled with so many people. But don’t worry, it’s pretty wide here so you can surely get a seat. For the meal, the recommended one is, of course. the Roasted Duck.

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6 – Eatsomnia

Well, the scenario is just the same like above. You’re hungry,and it’s in the middle of the night. Is there a place you can go to get a fresh meal for you hungry tummy? Eatsomnia can be a great answer. Opening 24 hours non stop, Eatsomnia will serve all the customers at any moment, midnight included.

The location of this venue is in the Fatmawati street, which is one notable area in Jakarta. About the foods, the famous one in here is the Wagyu. Even though the taste is very good, you need to pay for it less. With the affordable prices for foods, considerably fast internet connection, and a well set place, who doesn’t love it?

7 – The Milk Bar

Is One Scoop Enough? That question is nicely displayed on the front side of this store, asking the true desire from its customers. The Milk Bar is a hangout place slash cafe that looks for the ladies. So, you can your friends can enjoy some of your time in here after cashing out your money for shopping.

Even though there are men who also visited this place, usually they bring their wives/girlfriends. However, as a place that specially made for ladies, this store serves some things that they love such like gelato, that added with some unique flavors that you can choose. The customers can also pick their favorite toppings for their gelato. So, is one scoop enough?

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8 – Kanawa Coffee and Munch

In the eight place, here’s the Kanawa Coffee and Munch. This place is actually located close to the Crematology, located in the same area of Senopati, Jakarta. Kanawa does look a bit cleaner, maybe because of the white design that applied on the walls, giving the modern and clean atmosphere to the place.

The idea is a place with co-working space that might be ideal for teenagers or the workers who also use the place for discussion or meeting. With the classic coffee menu like espresso and the others, you can stay up all night to finish your work. In fact, this place is usually filled with some workers to want to burn the night oil till the morning.

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9 – Kincir

Now, there’s a restaurant called Kincir. The opening hours, however, is can be a bit tricky. The official hours of this restaurant is 24. But, remembering that this restaurant is located inside a mall (which has its own open and close hours), the opening hours of this restaurant are basically just following the mall.

However, the place is usually visited by people from the day up to the evening, till the last moment before closing of the mall. The restaurant is dominated with red color, and the brown color out of the tables and chairs. They also add the hanging vegetations to make the area fresher and more comfortable.

So, if the ten places above are not suitable for you in any way, you can always switch to the others. On the other list here, we want to mention about 4 other must visit cafes in Jakarta with 24 opening hours that may suit you. Remember there are only 4 cafes here, so make sure that you visit the right one.

1. Lucky Cat Coffee and Kitchen

2. Kamseng Restaurant

3. Dim Sum Inc.

4. Starbucks Coffee

5. 127 Cafe

That’s the article about the 14 in total, the must visit cafes in Jakarta with 24 opening hours. You can always visit one of them and be a royal customer, or just try them one by one until you finally find the perfect one for you based on the price, menu, and of course the most important aspect, the environment. Usually there are several aspects that can be really important, like the free wi-fi connection, and the green or cozy environment that can dramatically enhance your productivity.

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