
Best Surfing in Indonesia : Our Recommendations

So, what do you want to do in this new year of 2019? Do you want to go somewhere new? Or do you any new year resolutions to visit Indonesia sometime this year? If it’s a yes, then we here are ready to help you with a lot of choices of place to spend your days in the country. But for this first one, let’s start with the best places to go surfing.

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Surfing may sound dangerous and extreme. But believe us, once you got the skill and undertstanding to do it, surfing can be the most satisfying thing ever. It’s not a common thing to be able to enjoy a perfect beach that has pretty nice waves for surfing. But of course, you can see the recommended places to do it in the country. Remembering that there’s a lot of locations out there that good enough, we want to put our choices in the best surfing in Indonesia below :

1 – Mentawai Island

As the first place inside the best surfing in Indonesia, the tourists should visit this recommended place, Mentawai Island. The island is already known for having nice spots for diving. So is it good for surfing too? Turns out it is. Aside from being a most visited water park in the country, the sea around Mentawai island is actually good for surfing.

This island that located around Sumatra, in the province of West Sumatra to be exact is actually famous for surfing. Based on the Australian Magazine, The Surfing Magazine. Mentawai Island is included as one of the country places around the world for all the surfers. The waves are known to be challenging and nerf wrecking.

2 – Uluwatu Beach

The next one is Uluwatu Beach. For you who have visited Bali before, the name Uluwatu is may be very familiar. Uluwatu area is also one of the locations in Bali that mostly visited by foreign tourists. Most of them are coming for the Uluwatu Temple, which located really close to the beach. The beach is just below it.

However, aside from serving the tourists with Balinese cultural performance, Uluwatu also has the beach that should be included in our list. Surfing Magazing said that this one was actually the fourth best beach for surfing. That’s whyit’s not a strange thing to see people bringing their own surfing boards on this beach.

3 – Watu Karang Beach

One the third one, here’s the Watu Karang Beac inside the best surfing in Indonesia. This beach is one of the best ones in East Java Province. For anyone who wants to visit, they can come to the area named Pacitan in that very province. From there, they only need to take a small trip to the beach.

However, the Watu Karang beach is located close to Indian Ocean. That’s why the waves here are considered big and challenging. The tourists in common will see them as scary and terrifying waves. For the surfers, they could be a challenge for them. Especially because they could find Reef Break waves here.

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4 – G Land Beach

Moving from there, we’re going to a bach named G-Land. So what is this location all about? The G-Land is a beach in Banyuwangi, East Java. As you can see on the map, it’s on the tip of Java island, on the east side. However, G-Land is not its original name. Many people who live there would call it Plengkung Beach.

This G-Land Beach can be the greatest beach for surfing in this country. There’s a reason behind this statement. There are waves that can reach 6 meter height, which is considered to be The Seven Giant Waves of Wonder. So, basically this beach is pretty much suitable for advanced and expert surfers who want to test their skill while enjoying those waves.

5 – Nihiwatu Beach

The next one on the list is Nihiwatu Beach. This beach is located far away from the beach above. To get here, you need to travel to a place named Sumba Island in the East Nusa Tenggara province. It’s called one wonderful beach by many. Why? Because the waves here are as good as on the G-Land Beach.

But the thing is, this Nihiwatu Beach has the wonderful scenery that many beaches in Indonesia don’t have. That’s why, it has its own special nickname, The God’s Left. Because of the waves here, Nihiwatu Beach was ranked as the 17th best beaches in Indonesia for surfing. But of course, the scenery would add a plus point there.

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6 – Tanjung Setia Beach

For anyone who lives in Sumatra island, you can travel for hours to get to Lampung. This province that located on the tip of the island has an amazing place called Tanjung Setia Beach. This beach is famous not only for the locals but also for foreign tourists. Most of them are interested to see a beautiful beach with a very clean and awesome environment.

Just like many other beaches that facing Indian Ocean, the waves on this beach are pretty crazy. During some occasions, they can reach about more than six meters long. From there we can agree that people who are still learning about surfing can stay away from this beach. Let the pros show you how to conquer them.

7 – Nias Island

As one of the best surfing in Indonesia, we have this Nias Island. The island is actually good for both surfing and many other water sports. That’s why people in Indonesia are always refering it as the best location for holiday. Besides known for its culture and history, the Nias Island also has something to give for all the surfers out there.

The international surfers always recommend it to be a nice place for surfing. There are two main locations are Nias that can blow your mind away. They are The Point and The Indicator. Both of them are always showing wonderful waves of Nias. The term wonderful here means 6-10 meters height waves.

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8 – Ombak Tujuh

So what does Ombak Tujuh mean? In English, those two words actually mean Seven Waves. So, what can you expect from this beach? In The Ombak Tujuh beach, usually the visitors are advanced surfers who want to test their skill here. It’s located in the area of Sukabumi in the West Java province.

The Seven Waves beach actually has this form of seven waves that always lining up. So, there are always seven rolls of wave everytime. Aside from surfing, people who want to do more relaxing activities can do fishing, taking some pictures or just enjoying the sea breeze while having a nice cococut drink.

9 – Nusa Penida

If you’re looking for the best place surfing in Indonesia, then Bali island shouldn’t be skipped out. On the island, there are many potential places to be the great ones to do this special surfing activity. One of them is Nusa Penida. It’s one of many places on the island that always visited by so many tourists every single day.

Just like its brother Nusa Lembongan, this place is also attracting all the foreign surfers with its nice environment, eye-opening views, and also very challenging waves. But, they are not as strong as the waves in Nisa Island and G-Land Beach. That’s why many surfers including the newbies can practice surfing on this beach safely.

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10 – Nusa Lembongan

And for the tenth one on the list, here’s the brother of Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan. This place is also a newbiew-friendly place for all the people who want to try to do surfing for the first time. There are always some surfing schools located near it, so it can be easy to find one that most suitable for you.

With the view of cliff and sunset, Nusa Lembongan can be a very refreshing place that you can visit on the island of Bali. Usually, people are coming in here after visiting Nusa Penida, or the opposite. During one day, you can enjoy both Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan in a single go to maximize your holiday experience.

We also want two include the other two locations. Even though they are not beaches like the places that already mentione above, you can surely visit them to feel a difference surfing experience in such unique locations. Those locations are :

1. Kampar River

2.  Rote Island

So what do you think about the best surfing in Indonesia above? They are indeed interesting and wonderful place to be. Some can offer you the surfboard rental, and some don’t. That’s why, if you’re really into this sport, it’s not a bad thing to bring your own customized surfing board while exploring amazing places like Bali island, Lombok, and also the others. May you have the greatest surfing experience in Indonesia.

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