Socio Cultural

8 Folktales from Bali That Familiar With Tourism Places

Bali becomes one of the most popular islands in Indonesia. Their beautiful cultures are fascinating to see for everyone. Besides, they have some custom cultures that not every island in Indonesia has.

Most of the custom cultures in Bali become tradition that never ends from time to time. Balinese keep their tradition until now, and most of them have a beautiful story behind such as the traditional dances from Bali. Those stories become a great folktale that every Balinese put their trust in.

Now, we will let you know about Balinese folktales that exist since along time ago. People believe that the story becomes part of their custom cultures and so popular in Bali’s tourism. This becomes one of the most advantages of going to Bali to see one of them. Let’s check them out below!

1. The Origin of Bali Strait

The origin of the Bali strait becomes so popular not only in Bali but Indonesia. The story tells us about young men calls as Manik Angkeran. He is the only son of Sidi Mantra as the strongest man in Bali.

The only bad thing about Manik Angkeran is about his hobby as a gambler. That makes his family poor so that his father comes to the Agung mountain. He tried to make a wish with the dragon there to give him some wealth.

Manik Angkeran knows about his father’s wealth and goes to the dragon to ask the same thing. But, he is killed by the dragon so that his father makes a deal with the dragon to make his son alive. The dragon asks him to live separately with his son.

Sidi Mantra then draws a line between the Java island and Bali island. In the middle of it, there is a water flow along the line. People call it as the Bali strait and it is well known until now.

2. The Origin of Buleleng

Buleleng becomes the most popular place in Bali. The story begins with a young man call I Gede Pasekan. He lives so kindly and wise in every attitude he made.

One day, I Gede Pasekan then goes to the north and help the Bugis ship that stuck at the shore. Once he helps them, he becomes so rich after the Bugis gave him a big Gong. After that, he widens his authority into the Buleleng forest. He makes it the center of his authority as the traditional village in Bali that you must visit.

3. Pan Balang Tamak

Pan BalangTamak is a young man that lives in Bali that so popular for his greedy. He is also known as a liar, lazy, and arrogant to other people. One day, the chief wants to punish him with the forfeit over the hunting duty.

Every people in the village gather at the chief’s house and bring their hunting so that Pan Balang Tamak. He brings his dog that full of blood so that people and chief wondering why it happens. He lied to everyone that his dog just fight the pig so that he didn’t have to come to the hunting duty.

4. The Legend of Batur Lake

Kebo Iwa is the only son of husband and wife in Bali. He becomes famous because of his binge eating disorder. He eats so much even though he still a kid. One day, the chief asked him to dig a hole to a draw well. He agrees to do that so that he can eat as much as he wants after that.

Once Kebo Iwa finishes digging the hole, he eats so much and sleeps at the draw well. He seems doesn’t know that the water keeps coming there. Then make a big flood around the village. That is why people call the flood areas with the Batur lake. This place becomes of the most place you must see in North Bali.

5. Damarwulan and Minakjingga

Minakjingga becomes the strongest man in Bali and he tried to conquer Majapahit that so famous with the beautiful queen Ayu Kencana Wungu. He made a deal with the king to defeat Mapajahit’s enemy so that he can marry the queen.

Minakjingga success to defeat the enemy but the queen refused to marry him. He becomes so mad and conquers so many places to defeat Majapahit. The queen then makes a contest whoever can defeat Minakjingga will be her husband. So that Damarwulan comes to the queen and said will defeat Minakjingga.

Damarwulan lost in the first place, but the mistress in the palace tell him about the secret of the Minakjingga weapon. After that, he successfully defeats Miankjingga and marries the queen.

6. The Origin of Trunyan

Trunyan becomes the creepiest place in Bali. The story begins with the Sulung prince that having a trip to the east to find the beautiful smell in Bali. On his long trip, he finally finds a place with beautiful women lives there.

Sulung prince finally marries the women and becomes chief there. He also finds where the smell comes which is from the Taru Menyan tree. He commands his people in a village, if someone dies they should leave them under the three and not burry the corp. Since then the place is popular and people call it the Trunyan village as one of the famous landmarks in Bali.

7. Stone Statue of Bhatara

The stone statue of Bhatara becomes famous with his potion that sits in a cross-legged. People believe that the man behind the statue is a younger brother of prince Sulung. The prince became mad at him so that he kicked him until his brother becomes a statue.

8. The Legend of Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Garuda Wisnu Kencana becomes the only man the struggles with slavery to free his mother. He fights the dragon so that his mother becomes free from the Resi family. He finally defeats the dragon and defeats a man called Winata.

So, there are some folktales from Bali that you should know. Most of them become a favorite place for tourism in Bali until now.

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