
10 Most Common Disease in Bali

Through its natural beauty and culture, Bali became one of the world’s favorite tourist destinations. Therefore, the more tourists who visit Bali, the possibility of the spread of disease will also be higher. In general, the disease in Bali can be transmitted by air or by intermediaries. Some of them can even lead to fatal deaths if not handled properly. Then, what are the diseases that you could possibly get in Bali? Here are the most common diseases in Bali.

  1. Bali Belly

Bali Belly is actually just a tourist name when they are exposed to diarrhea attacks while on holiday in Bali. Many foreign tourists who pointed to the foods sold there are less clean and hygienic so that trigger this health problem. In reality, there are still many traders who provide food still by using their hands. In fact, this hand is also used to receive money or hold other objects that would make this hand dirty and at risk exposed to bacteria triggering diarrhea.

In addition to factors that are less clean food, many people who tend to be less good in maintaining their own health when traveling. For example, many people do not immediately wash their hands after using public toilets and just hold food just like that.

  1. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a disease that can affect anyone that caused by very much factor. The causes of diarrhea such as: contaminated food, an environment that is less clean, polluted water sources and much more. Bali Province declared diarrhea is a disease that has recorded for the most cases in 2015. The number of diarrhea cases recorded by the Provincial Health Office reached 43,504 cases. Although the number of diarrhea cases is the highest, but the disease does not cause death because diarrhea is quite easy to handle.

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  1. Malaria

Imported malaria diseases are discussed lately. The word ‘import’ here means the malaria mosquito from outside the area where one lives. So not only from abroad, imported malaria disease can also be caused from domestic malaria mosquito bites. Malaria mosquito’s habitat is in tropical and subtropical regions such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Data from the World Malaria Report says that there are 106 countries in the world that malaria mosquito infestation.

In Indonesia, malaria cases are found in eastern regions such as Papua, West Papua, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung Islands and North Sulawesi. Throughout the year 2016, there are recorded as many as 731 thousand cases of deaths due to malaria in the world

  1. Dengue Fever

Dengue fever disease has become a national problem because the number of sufferers and deaths caused by high enough so that it can cause public unrest especially in big cities including Denpasar City in Bali. Dengue disease is an endemic disease. In the last 3 years cases of dengue have always dropped a lot of sufferers. Therefore, the strategic effort that is proven to be effective and effective in eradicating the disease is through the Mandiri Monitoring Movement of the larva (Gema Petik), which continues to be proclaimed by the Denpasar City Government.

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  1. Typhoid

Typhoid fever associated with salmonella species is known as Salmonella typhi. Symptoms are generally fever with muscle aches, nausea, abdominal pain and problems with bowel movements (diarrhea or constipation). Salmonella moves from food or water that is cloned. Humans can contract the disease without knowing it. So the chef in the restaurant may not experience the symptoms but because he is processing the food for you then there can be switching tipes. If you live only a short time in Bali and drink and eat at hotels and resorts then vaccination is usually not recommended by most doctors.

  1. Rabies

The case of rabies still exists in Indonesia. In Bali, for example, over the past three years, the Island of God has always been the region with the greatest number of rabies-transmitted animal bites (GHPR), although the bites have not yet been confirmed by the laboratory. The number continues to decline from 46.8 thousand bites in 2014 to 30.5 bites in 2016.

The large number of wild dogs is a major factor in the spread of rabies. In addition, there are still many employers who have dogs do not provide vaccinations for the animal to avoid rabies disease. High in dog bites and human cases given anti-rabies vaccine in Bali, the number of deaths from this disease is not the most. Bali occupies the second position of a rabid positive case that eventually resulted in the death.

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  1. Chikungunya

Chikungunya fever (chik fever) is an acute contagious disease with symptoms of fever, pain in the joints, especially the knee joints, wrists and legs, spine with rash (a collection of reddish spots) on the skin. Chikungunya fever (chik) is common in the tropics and often causes epidemics (epidemics / epidemics) within a certain time interval (5-10 years). Several factors that influence the emergence of chik fever include low public health status, poor socioeconomic status of society, community behavior that does not prioritize cleanliness.

In fact, the city of Buleleng Bali had the status of Extraordinary Events (KLB) chikungunya. This was after the discovery of 80 cases of chikungunya in Nagasepaha Village and 15 cases in Mekar Sari Village for two weeks.


In Bali, people with HIV AIDS are still very high. Per know, there are found people suffered from HIV as many as 1848 and with AIDS patients 721 people. Of these, not only Balinese people are infected with HIV / AIDS. But many foreign citizens living in Bali are infected with deadly viruses.

Furthermore, people with HIV / AIDS also come from outside Bali who works at the island of the Gods as much as 534. The increasing number of people with deadly disease is caused there is no sense of public caution against his body. HIV / AIDS disease can be transmitted through free sex and drugs by taking turns sharing needles. The public should be checked if any symptoms related to this disease by counseling facilitated health services.

  1. Japanese Encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a brain inflammatory disease caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus including the Flavivirus family and is a public health problem in Asia including in Indonesia. The number of JE cases in Indonesia in 2016 reported as many as 326 cases and most cases reported in Bali Province with the number of cases 226 (69.3%). Transmission of the virus actually occurs only between mosquitoes, pigs, and / or swamps.

In Bali, the high incidence of Japanese encephalitis is associated with the large number of rice fields and pig farms in Bali. Humans can catch JE virus when bitten by infected Culex tritaeniorhynchus mosquitoes. Usually this mosquito is more active at night. Culex mosquitoes are widely found in rice fields and irrigation areas. The incidence of JE disease in humans usually increases during the rainy season.

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  1. TBC (Tuberculosis)

The number of new tuberculosis patients in Denpasar, Bali is above 70 percent. Meanwhile, the total number of tuberculosis patients in Denpasar claimed only 500 patients. We hope for patients who have not reported themselves for immediate treatment because one patient can transmit to 10-15 people.

It is said, the general characteristics of TB disease, among others, a fever accompanied by sweat, especially at night, coughing up blood out in a long time, a weak condition and feeling bad. If already experiencing initial symptoms, the government appealed to the public to immediately check themselves. The current handling of tuberculosis becomes increasingly complex and severe because of the indication of disease resistant TB anti-TB drugs. This, he said, is caused by TB patients in the process of irregular treatment until complete 6 months of treatment.

Those are the most common disease in Bali. Then you must be careful while visiting Bali. Make sure to get vaccine before landing at Bali to avoid getting the disease.

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