Socio Cultural

9 Common Tourist Scams in Indonesia

Most people want their traveling to go smoothly without something bothered such as scamming. Commonly, for tourists, scamming becomes one of the most things they are afraid of. That includes tourists visiting Indonesia. As tourists, they don’t even know exactly about Indonesian culture or so.

Most people agree that scams are the most unwanted thing when traveling. Scams can spend your money and time during the trip unexpectedly.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the following types of scams that are common to tourists in Indonesia. Or you can’t enjoy some popular places from west Java folktales. Let’s check some of them below!

  • Money Changer

For tourists that visiting Indonesia having cash in your wallet is important. Since there are still limited EDC machines for payment in some places, make tourists should bring cash. Even though there are so many places to change your money into Indonesian Rupiah, you need to be careful with them.

Money changer becomes one of the most common scams in Indonesia for tourists, specifically for some illegal places. They will give you a higher rate, but you should be careful to make sure to count the money. Or, they will be scamming you for reducing the amount of change for your money.

  • Airport’s Taxi

In most countries, includes Indonesia, the airport’s taxies become one of the most things you should be aware of. As a tourist, you may think a taxi is the fastest way to get to your destination. Unfortunately, taxi becomes the most scams case in most of the travel report.

If you are getting to pick an airport’s taxi as your transportation, you should be careful about choosing them. Check the credibility of the taxi and don’t be easily say yes with some taxies drivers around you once you arrived at the airport.

  • Motorbike Rent

Public transportation in Indonesia has become rare from time to time. That is why, in some regions, you better pick the motorbike rent to get some popular spot. But, you should be careful before deciding to rent it. Choose the official motorbike rent and avoid the hustler from the street.

  • Taxi Online

Taxi online in Indonesia has existed everywhere, and you will not be having any difficulty finding them. Grab platform and Gojek becomes the two most popular taxi online in Indonesia, so you need to install these App. They are work, such as Uber taxi, and very easy to use as one of public transportation in Indonesia.

But, using these Apps also not always go smoothly in some tourist areas such as Bali. They will be scamming you with the extra tip in the end that commonly has double from what says in the App. Bargaining the price in the first place may help you to avoid those scammers.

  • Illegal Guide

Once you get in Indonesian tourism places, you will find that suddenly people asking you to guide them. Most of them even not asking for your permission in the first place and start the conversation with you. That makes you’ve got no idea while they asking some tips in the end.

Refuse politely to them who come to you as if they will help you to guide you. These people exist in most tourist places such as Keraton or palace, museums, temples, and many more. Remember, you only need to pay for the entrance, not others such as illegal guide tour.

  • Renewal Hotel Room

If you will getting some extra days at the hotel you that you stayed in before, you should be careful with the higher rate that they offered. The price will higher than before when you booked online.

Even though you see at the online booking the price still the same, they will be arguing you with rebooking online and check out properly from the hotel. They will ask you to pack all of your bags and go find another hotel.

  • Fake Police

In some regions in Indonesia, have been reported that there are so many fake police scamming tourist. You should be more careful with them and never give your passport while they asking you. Once you give it to them, you should handsomely pay them to get your passport back.

  • Bargaining Souvenirs

Be careful while buying some souvenirs with the bargaining system. Commonly, the local seller will charge a higher price than the local buyer. Ask them politely about the local price so you will not be getting any scammer. You can also ask the front desk the usual range of its price about the souvenir you want.

On the other hand, as a tourist, you have no idea where exactly to buy the souvenir. Tips for tourists in Indonesia, you better avoid asking some hustle on the street, they may be asking you to get you there. But, the scammer will bring you with far routes, so they will be asking for higher charges for it.

  • Beach Scam

If you are wondering about visiting some beaches in Indonesia, be careful with some touts there. You may get the expensive watersport types of equipment, boat tickets, massage from aunties, or even some kids that sell some souvenirs. Avoid buying a boat or ferry ticket from touts in the street will save you money.

Refuse politely to aunties or children who sell some bracelets is better than you give yes to them. They may keep forcing you to buy their service, but you need to avoid them. They will charge an expensive rate than you could ever imagine.

So, there are some common tourist scams in Indonesia. As a tourist, you need to be careful and find some research before visiting Indonesia as one of the tips for traveling in Indonesia.

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