Socio Cultural

13 Common Scams in Indonesia

In this complex world, it must be admitted that there are people who live their livelihoods by deceiving fellow humans. Tips for Tourists in Indonesia

This kind of person is cold and unfeeling, in the sense of not wanting to see the background of a potential victim before the fraud takes place.

What he wants must be achieved, no matter the victim is an old mother who is in confusion at the terminal, an innocent young man from the village who has just come to a city to study, or a tourist from the other country who is looking for peace by visiting various tourist attraction. For a trickster, prey is a prey.

There are no norms that apply, there are only benefits for him.

Talking about scam or fraud in Indonesia is unique. This country gets a reputation as being friendly to migrants (read: tourists or foreigners), smiling and gentle. Read also International School in Indonesia

However, that is just a mere expression. We do not know the honesty and sincerity of a society if we interact only for a moment.

In order to better understand the characteristics of Indonesian people in general, how they look at strangers, then you must remain silent in a proper period of time long enough to be able to understand the characteristics, character and culture in general.

The following are examples of fraudulent practices that are often found in Indonesia and can befall anyone, without mercy.

1.The taxi driver plays the gas so that the bill charges fall more expensive

This kind of annoying practice can be found anywhere; not only in the capital, but also in small cities that are rich in attractive tourist destinations but lack of public transportation.

Unless you very rarely use a taxi and don’t understand the rule of thumb, a taxi bill should be for a certain distance, then it will be difficult for you to recognize the cunning and friendly smile of the taxi driver in front of you. Calculation of taxi meter is based on engine rotation. Read also islamic boarding school in Indonesia

To find out the honesty of the taxi driver you are riding in, make sure to put your ears in good shape.

If the person is playing too much gas when driving, no matter if it’s in a tight condition or in a traffic jam, and it’s accompanied by a meter that jumps dramatically, then you’re being tricked by the driver even though it’s from a trusted taxi fleet.

2. Calo or Brokers, wherever and whatever it offers

You can find brokers anywhere in Indonesia. Not only in traditional markets or bus terminals, but also in tourist attractions or small cafes in a city. What is offered is a variety, ranging from bus tickets, food to land certificates.

Never trust the services offered by brokers. The usual victims of brokers are those who tend to want fast and practical.

And, the only way to fight brokers is not to respond to their offer and pay attention to the situation well so that you can understand the answers to your confusion in a new place without having to ask anyone. Read also how to buy properties in Indonesia

3.Don’t understand local languages, be prepared to pay dearly

This kind of deception is often found in various places in Indonesia. One of the characteristics of Indonesian people is to see people traveling as people who have more money.

This makes them not reluctant to withdraw fees and costs more expensive than they should. This applies to everything, from food, public transportation, to souvenirs at tourist attractions. In order not to be easily fooled, observe around, especially when people pay.

As much as possible learn the local language, because people who understand the local language are very little likely to be tricked.

4.Dining place without price list

A distinctive feature of Indonesia is that many food and beverage sellers are in the form of street vendors.

Unfortunately, only 1 out of 10 street vendors sell food in Indonesia which equips them with a food price list. There have been many victims of this one bad habit.

So, before you order food somewhere, it would be very good for you to ask in advance how much food you want. No need to be shy or shy. This kind of practice is very normal, really. Read also Things Must Not Do in Bali

If not, you can be surprised by the soaring food prices that beat restaurants with even foreign brands.

5.SMS or telephone offers prizes

This one is experienced by many people who are truly apes. Like being hypnotized, the person who becomes a victim will be easily persuaded to go to the ATM to make money transfers even though the person concerned gets an SMS that he gets a prize.

There are no tips for this one other than being calm and indirectly happy when getting a contact whose content is too good to be true.

6. Phising

Phishing is an attempt to get personal data (usually e-mails and passwords) by giving the web appearance or service that is exactly the same as the original.

This mode of phishing fraud is the mode that is most often done because of attacking the consumers’ negligence. Generally this phishing is done through external link.

7. Phone Credit Suction

In mid-2018, not a few people in Indonesia claimed to have received a call from code number 242. However, the call was never really connected or just miss a call.

For some people, it might be curious because the telephone code comes from abroad.

From this curiosity, the victim contacted the caller. Afterwards, the new victim will realize that the pulses are sucked up quite a lot.

That is Wangiri or in Japanese means awab missed call ’or squid, just miscall. This fraudulent mode originating from Japan is done randomly in order to suck up credit.

8. Claiming as Bank Staff

In this type of fraud, the perpetrator will claim to be an officer of a particular bank headquarters. Then, the perpetrator submits changes in tariffs or administrative fees to one of the banking features with a fairly high number.

Prospective victims certainly don’t accept this increase. That’s when the perpetrator offers a solution so that tariff adjustments do not apply to victims if they update the data.

The perpetrator will ask the victim to mention the user ID and the one-time pin (OTP) code received by the victim one minute later. That’s when the victim’s account balance was reduced completely. Read also Must Visit Places in Jakarta During Weekend

9.Police Seized Car Auction Mode

In this fraudulent model, the perpetrators will confess to serving in the police of a particular area. Actors offer motorized vehicle auctions, especially four-wheeled vehicles. Various brands of cars offered at prices that are far more affordable.

When victims begin to get caught up in deception, the perpetrators will ask victims to send advances to become bidders. The amount is from Rp. 5-30 million.

Initially, the perpetrators would concoct stories that before they had known each other or met at an event. The provoked victim will identify him. After that, the auction offer was submitted by the perpetrator.

9.Family members are affected

This fraudulent mode you may have heard often. The perpetrator will report that a family member has an accident. With a variety of neatly prepared stories, fraud will be terminated by the actor by asking for some money to be transferred.

If you experience a similar incident, it is difficult not to get carried away. Especially if it involves people we care about. But, you should remain vigilant and careful if you are asked to send a certain amount of money.

10.Family members arrested by police

the perpetrator will claim to be a police officer and report that he has just arrested one of our family members. Victims who panic usually will immediately mention the name of the child or related relatives to confirm th news he received. Read also Famous Places to Visit in Jakarta

If that is the case, the perpetrators will be easier to carry out their actions. Like other fraud modes, the action was ended by asking the victim to send some money to free his relatives.

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