Socio Cultural

9 Popular Places in West Java’s Folktales

West Java has so many myth stories, such as Central Java’s folktales. Some of them tell us about places, and the other tells about the love story. Most of them are so popular not only in West Java but also in Indonesia.

Speaking of West Java’s folktales, this time we will let you know about some of them that may familiar in some popular places in West Java. Let’s check them out below!

1. The Origin of Tangkuban Perahu Mount

Tangkuban Perahu mount’s story becomes the most famous love story between Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi in West Java. Sangkuriang doesn’t aware that his lover is his birth mother. That is why Dayang Sumbi makes so many ways to failed their marriage.

Dayang Sumbi asks Sangkuriang to made a big ship before sunrise. He agrees and makes the ship. Once he was almost done, Dayang Sumbi opens her white sheet so that the sun rises. Sangkuriang becomes so mad and kicks the ship so that it becomes a Tangkuban Perahu mount as one of the highest mountains in West Java.

2. Kabayan

Kabayan becomes the most famous man in West Java with his dodgy type of men. He married with Nyi Iteung and lives together with his mother in law. He is so lazy but has so many ways to cover up his laziness towards his mother in law madness.

3. Lutung Kasarung

Lutung Kasarung becomes the phenomenal West Java’s folktales. It tells us about a love story between Lutung Kasarung and Purbasari. Lutung Kasarung comes from the sky as a handsome prince but pretended to be a Monkey man or Lutung.

Purbasari should be the Queen of the palace, but her sister doesn’t like it. One day, her sister cursed her so that she has to be exiled in the forest. In the forest, she meets Lutung Kasarung then love spread around them.

Lutung Kasarung help Purbasari heals from the cursed, so that she became the Queen again.

4. Situ Bagendit

Situ Bagendit is one of the most famous West java’s folktales. It tells us the story about a loan shark women in Garut call as Nyi Endit. She is so cruel, stingy, and greedy. One day she held a big party but no poor people invited.

The beggar comes to the party, and Nyi Endit tries to kick her out of her house. But, the beggar dares her to pull the wooden stick from the ground. No ones can pull it out, but the beggar can do that easily.

Suddenly, there is water that comes out from the hole of the wooden stick slowly until it makes a big flood. Nyi Endit house’s drowning, and it made as a lake. People then call it as the Bagendit lake or Situ Bagendit.

5. The Origin of Tampomas Mount

Tampomas mount becomes of the most beautiful mountain in West Java. The beauty also comes with great folktales behind. People believe that the mountain used to name as the Gede mount but has eruption.

The king of the village tries to stop the eruption so that he throws a superpower natural of a ceremonial knife. After that, the king changes the mount name becomes Tampomas. It has a beautiful landscape that perfect for hiking in Indonesia.

6. The Origin of Girilawungan

Girilawungan is a great kingdom in Majalengka, West Java. The story begins when the Majapahit kingdom came there waiting for the princess Giri Larang came out from her hiding place. They do the Nglawung ritual to make the princess out from there.

7. The Origin of Telaga Warna

Telaga Warna becomes the most famous lake in West Java that comes with a beautiful story. It starts when the princess of the kingdom has a pampered attitude. One day, the king celebrates her 17th birthday so that she gets so many gifts. But her father gives all of the gifts to the people in the village.

The princess becomes so mad, but the king promised her a better gift. He gives her a beautiful necklace with so many colors. She rejects the necklace and throws it away. Her mother so sad and never stop crying so that makes her palace drowning. The place then becomes a beautiful lake with so many colors. People believe it comes from the necklace and they call it as Telaga Warna.

8. Nyi Anteh The watcher of the Moon

Nyi Anteh becomes great folktales from West Java. She is a servant of princess Endahwarni that has a beautiful face so that the prince loves her. But, he should marry the princess because of Nyi Anteh is only a princess’s servant. One day, the prince insists to come to Nyi Anteh so that she prays to God to avoid him. Suddenly, there is a supernatural power that lifts her body into the moon from her traditional house in West Java.

9. Ciung Wanara

Ciung Wanara becomes a great folktale from West Java. This folktale tells us about a prince calls as Ciung Wanara that thrown away into the river when he was a baby. His mother was exiled in the forest so that he was adopted by farmer couples.

Once Ciung Wanara grown up, he came to the palace and win the game from the king. After that, he punished the king because of his fault to exile his mother. But, the king’s son tried to make war with him.

Ciung Wanara’s mother then tries to reconcile the war and separate the kingdom into two parts. Their region is separated by the Cipamali river, between West Java and Central Java. The river becomes one of the most popular rivers on Java island.

So, there are some glances about West Java’s folktales that you should know in some popular places in West Java. Have you ever heard one of them?

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