
14 Random Facts About Indonesian Railways

In Indonesia, trains become one of the most important and useful mass transportation tools. In addition to the cheap price, the train mileage is faster than using other fleets such as buses, cars, and motorbikes. So that workers who have solid working hours are in desperate need of this one mode as a practical transport tool.

However, unfortunately, in Indonesia, the development of the railroad world is still very far from being worthy. It is still clear that every morning, human vendors work in line and jostle on this mass transit. The following are the facts of Indonesian traditional transportation must know.

No wonder it was so crowded that it was willing to ride on the roof of the train car. It’s dangerous ?, But first, nowadays people who are forced to ride on the roof of a carriage are strictly prohibited.

All illegal passengers may not enter the station area if they do not have a ticket. Well, for this time we will discuss the random facts about Indonesian railways that must be known:

1. The function of Railroad Door Cross

Some people must think that the train doorstop function is to secure road users from speeding trains. In fact, its main function is the opposite, which is securing a speeding train from road users. The train turned out to have a fairly high travel risk.

Unlike other public transportation such as buses or planes that can avoid collisions if there is a disturbance in front of them, the train can not even avoid aliases where it can not go anywhere when someone interferes with its trajectory.

Even if it is made of strong iron, of course, the safety of machinists and passengers is still threatened if there is someone entering the train track. What’s more, when a train collision occurred, surely the victims were not only passengers inside, but also people around. Hence samples of the public transportation in Indonesia you must know.

2. Check the health of machinists

Do you have to know that machinists cannot leave immediately when they are on duty?.  The engineer and his team must at least be prepared an hour in advance for health checks and referral tests.

Health checks include alcohol tests, urine tests, blood pressure, to ensure that the crew on duty are in prime condition. While the referral test is used to ensure that the crew on duty is focused on slogans (train traffic signals) that will appear during the trip.

In addition, machinists can only serve 4-5 hours a day. Of course, during the long journey, the machinist did not rest or even go to the restroom.

3. Alertness during bad weather

The random facts about other Indonesian railways are walking track guards who track the rail with a predetermined route that can be several kilometers away to ensure the condition of the rail is in good condition, starting from checking loose bolts, or even avalanches on the tracks.

Instead of taking shelter, this officer actually has to go out to make sure there are no tracks that are drowned out or submerged in floods which can also endanger passengers. Some types Indonesian traditional transportation used by Indonesian residents.

4. The phone that never stops ringing

The Railway Control and Operations Center is a team of people who control the train trip (PPKA), from departure to arrival.

In this room, the telephone never stops ringing, starting from the machinist who travels and asks for travel instructions and other situations. In addition, PPKA must also be alert to inform when there are disturbances encountered on the way.

5. DIPO as the beginning and end station

DIPO is like a house for locomotives and passenger trains that have been completed. It was there that locomotives and trains were thoroughly inspected, ranging from fuel, combustion, damage to the engine until even torn seats were tidied up here.

After an operation, locomotives and trains are washed clean and are suitable for reuse. The following is an example good and famous railway station in Indonesia you have to know.

6. The first railroad in Indonesia was built in 1864

The random facts about Indonesian railways then are the history of trains in the archipelago starting from Kemijen Village, East Semarang.

The village was the first witness to the construction of a railroad in the country. On Friday, June 17, 1864, Ir. J.P de Bordes from the Dutch railway company (Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij) led the first rail construction project.

The construction of this railroad stretches 26 kilometers from Kemijen Village to Tanggungharjo Village. This railroad is open to the public since August 10, 1867. In its development, the oldest railroad in Indonesia connects Semarang City with Surakarta.

7. Sasaksaat Tunnel, being the longest tunnel in Indonesia

Located in Sumurbandung Village, Cipatat, West Bandung, this tunnel, which is more than a century old, has a length of 949 meters. To date, the Sasaksaat Tunnel is still used as a train route for the Jakarta – Bandung route via Purwakarta, Cikampek, and Karawang.

With this size, this Dutch colonial heritage tunnel became the longest tunnel in the country which is still active today. Interestingly, with this length measure, the tunnel construction process is fairly fast, which is only for 1 year. The best and famous buildings in Indonesia which make you want to see it.

8. Cikubang Bridge, Padalarang, the longest in Indonesia

Famous by the name “Cikubang Bridge”, this train traverses along 300 meters at an altitude of 80 meters above the Cikubang River, West Bandung.

Seeing his age, this bridge is considered old because it was built in 1906. However, the bridge is still sturdy with a structure of four steel pillars weighing 110 tons which was reinforced by the addition of a metal arch structure in 1953.

9. Krakatau Merak – Kediri with the furthest route in Indonesia

The train from Krakatau is a passenger train that travels the farthest route in the country. This Indonesian-made train carries passengers traveling up to 945 kilometers one way, in 18 hours. Operating since mid-2013, the train, which is now renamed Singasari Train, is listed as the only train that passes through all provinces in Java.

Since April 1, 2017, the Krakatau train has even extended its route, which was originally only a Merak – Kediri relation to Merak – Blitar relations. The total stop stations that are passed by the train for one way reach 32 stations. And until now it still operates well. Hence the tips doing Photography in Indonesia you can use it.

10. Purwakarta Station has a photogenic train tomb

Another random fact about Indonesian railways that can be known is that the central station of Purwakarta City offers a very unique view. At this station, there are places with hundreds of old train cars piled on the edge of the railroad tracks.

The place is now often referred to as the train tomb and is the target of photographers.The existence of the carriages that piled up to as high as 7 meters was indeed very interesting because the colors of the old carriages were rarely found in other stations. Instead of being scary, many people say this tomb is photogenic and romantic.


The next thing is interesting and also the random facts about Indonesian railways that need to be known, namely:

  • The train is the only means of transportation that has no steering wheel. The train is operated with various levers and knobs so that it can drive the engines. That way the train can walk on the tracks and go fast.
  • There are 3 of the most unique train lines in Indonesia, namely: Lempuyangan-BY Pengok YK line which passes through the village route and is not barren, Purwosari-Solo City that passes on the side of the Slamet Riyadi road, now used for Sepur Kluthuk Jaladara (tourist train), and station of Madiun. Here they are things you should never do in Bali Indonesia.
  • The most luxurious train was achieved by Mutiara Utara train which is now becoming Sembrani and now replaced by Gajayana. Sembrani Railway has received new trains in particular as much as 2 times. namely blue waves with airplane windows and mud waves with airplane windows. but because Argo Bromo Anggrek lacked the series, finally the train was given to Argo Bromo Anggrek.
  • The train became the only mass transportation that attracted many passengers. Besides being fast, low-cost prices are also not too much trouble for long trips. So that the distance and travel time are shorter, Indonesian train facilities are also increasingly modern, comfortable and good. You must know the different types of grass in Indonesia.

Thus the explanation about the random facts about Indonesian railways, hopefully, useful for your knowledge and insight.

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