20 Interesting Facts about the Climate in Indonesia

Indonesia is a country of many islands and a variety of climate. The climate depends on which region of Indonesia one is concerned with. Each region has its own characteristic for the overall weather and climate each year. The temperature between regions are different too. Some are cold while some are hot.

To know more about what the climate is like in the country, don’t miss out on reading these 20 Facts about the Climate in Indonesia. You’ll have more insights into the different regions and climate in Indonesia.

1. Heavy Rainfall

Indonesia may receive extremely heavy rainfall throughout the year. The places that receive an intense amount of rain are West java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra and Papua. When the heavy rain comes, small villages and big cities often experience flooding. Other areas may even face landslides that could take many lives. Rainfall makes it hard for people to set up camping in Indonesia.

2. Cooler Coasts and Mountains

In terms of the temperature, some areas are more cooler than the others. Those that are located near the coasts or close to the sea, experience a cooler climate. The same applies to mountainous regions. They usually have morning and night fogs. Moreover, the high mountainous areas in Papua are always covered in ice. People are expected to wear thicker clothing in those areas.

3. Dry Season

The dry season in Indonesia takes place in the months of June to October. These are the best months for people to explore Indonesia without rain. During the dry season, there is less occurrence of rainfall. The days are filled with bright sunshine. However, the air can become very humid and hot. Here are some recreational activities in Jakarta that you can do during the dry season.

4. Rainy Season

The rainy season spans from the month of November to March, affected by the monsoons. In this season, expect sudden rainfalls or rain that may lasts for days. The temperature becomes cooler and the sky gets cloudier. There is an occasional sunny days but they are often followed with extreme rainfall and thunderstorms. In this season, fields are green and the air is cooler. The only downside is the dirty or muddy roads in villages or smaller cities.

5. Lots of Sunshine

Although Indonesia has plenty of rain, it has lots of sunshine too. During the dry season, almost all regions can receive long hours of the sunshine. The sun lasts from 8 to 9 hours every day. On the other hand, during the rainy season the sun may only appear for around 4 or 5 hours each day. you may want to read about the best weather in Bali Indonesia.

6. Average Temperature

The average temperature in Indonesia varies. It all depends on the region and the amount of rainfall it receives. The usual temperature in the coastal areas is around 23̊ Celcius up to 31̊ Celcius. Inland areas can reach 26˚ Celcius. As for higher regions and mountainous areas, the average temperature is 23˚ Celcius.

7. El Nino

Indonesia is not excluded from the impact of El Nino. This weather phenomenon that happens every five year can cause major devastations in the country. It causes extreme drought in most areas such as Papua New Guinea.

The drought causes areas to become arid and more vulnerable to forest fires. Farmers are unable to have a high rate of success. Thus, it causes a shortage of food all over the country. It also causes people to have less drinkable water.

8. Typhoons

A number of typhoons can hit Indonesia. The months between September and December are when typhoons have a higher chance to cause extreme weather conditions. When a typhoon hits Indonesia, it is accompanied with strong winds, rain and thunders.

The winds are so strong that they are able to bring down big trees that can fall on passing vehicles or people. The thunders are also frequent and strike people annually.

9. High Humidity

The overall humidity across all regions in Indonesia is uniform. Indonesia has an average humidity of 70% up to 90%. For this reason, the temperature in Indonesia can feel very hot. In cities, one may become sweaty easily because the humidity is high. Even after a short rain, the weather can still be hot. When the humidity drops, you will feel the air becomes cooler.

10. Moderate Winds

The winds in Indonesia are frequent but moderate. They are present during both the dry and the rainy seasons. In the dry season, the winds can be very strong at daytime and night time. During the rainy season, the winds are less frequent. They do gain strength and become extremely dangerous in a rainstorm. They are able to blow off roofs and trees.

11. Drier Climate Near Australia

Islands that are located near Australia tend to have a drier climate. For instance, the island Nusa Tenggara is categorised as a dry region. Every year, it receives very little rainfall. The average rainfall in the region is estimated to be around 1.000 millimetres only. It affects what crops are able to grow in the region. They grow less rice and more corns or cassava.

12. Unpredictable Weather

The weather in most of the regions can be very unpredictable. The local winds tend to change and cause a significant impact in the weather hourly. An example of this region is in Maluku or Bali. The morning may seem sunny enough that you would not expect the rain to fall. But, the afternoon can get cloudy very quickly and the rain follows. The rain will last for an hour or two and the day will become very sunny again. Here are other kinds of weather in Indonesia you must know.

13. Monsoon Season

The monsoon season in Indonesia lasts from the beginning of November. It usually ends in March. This season bring heavy rain to many parts in Indonesia such as Sumatra. It can affect the tourism activities and the local activities in the region. Roads are slippery and it’s too wet to do anything outdoor. However, the monsoon is great for the rainforests and all of the creatures inside such as the Indonesia orangutan.

14. High Frequency of Rain Storms

Rain storms are very unavoidable in the country. Many regions have to deal with that weather. There is a city in Indonesia that hold the most occurrence of rain storms. The city is called Bogor. Annually, Bogor receives more than 300 days of rain storms.

15. High Moisture and Dampness

The regions with the most rainfall will have more moisture in the air. It will also cause the damp feeling all around. The western and the northern regions in Indonesia are very prone to this kind of climate. They include Java, Bali, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan. Each year, they receive more than 2.000 millimetres of rain.

More Facts (16-20)

Below are more facts that you should know.

  • Hot Days: In Sumatra, the days can reach up to 34° Celcius making it very hot.
  • Long Hours of Sun Shine: July and August receives the longest hours of sun shine per day. They are able to generate 10 hours of light.
  • Small Tornadoes: The rainy season is able to generate small tornadoes called ‘puting beliung’.
  • La Nina Effect: The La Nina phenomenon affects the dry season in Indonesia. It makes the season have more rainfall and damp than usual.
  • Increasing Temperature: Every year, Indonesia experiences a slight increase in temperature. It adds 1° Celcius to the average temperature of a particular region.

After knowing all these facts, it’s always a good thing to be prepared while going out in Indonesia. You can still wear light clothing but have a sweater and an umbrella ready in case of a sudden shower of rain.

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