
9 Highest Waterfall in Indonesia that Wonderfully Exists

Indonesia consists of so many beautiful hills that make it has so many beautiful waterfalls. They are spreads in most of the Indonesian region and located not far from the city. Most of them even become one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia with a wonderful view.

As the technology in transportation in Indonesia becomes evolves from time to time, that makes it easier to get through the waterfall location. Even though it is right in the middle of the forest, you can easily get there with some local guide help.

This time we will bring you into the most wonderful of the highest waterfall in Indonesia. Check them out below!

1. Ponot Waterfall

Ponot waterfall becomes the highest waterfall in Indonesia with about 250 meters tall. It is located in Halado village, Pintu Pohan Meranti district, Toba Samosir, North Sumatra. It becomes the most popular waterfall in Indonesia that worth visiting and even becomes one of the most spectacular waterfalls in Indonesia.

Ponot waterfall comes from the water that comes from the Asahan river and falls into there. Around the waterfall is surrounding by so many giant rocks with tall tree clusters. That makes the air is so clean to breathe and very healthy towards your lunge.

2. Sigura-Gura Waterfall

Sigura-Gura waterfall becomes the highest waterfall in Indonesia after the Ponot waterfall. It is located not too far from the Ponot waterfall at Sigura-Gura village, Toba Samosir, North Sumatra that popular with the North Sumatran folktales. You can reach this waterfall within 250 kilometers away from Medan.

People believe that the water that comes from the Sigura-Gura is the water that comes from the Toba Lake. It has about 820 feet tall and surrounded by a true nature with a green view along with the waterfall areas.

3. Madakaripura Waterfall

Madakaripura waterfall becomes one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia that has about 200 meters tall of high. It is located in Lumbang, Probolinggo, East Java, and becomes one of the parts of the Bromo Tengger Semeru national park.

Madakaripura waterfall is so popular as the holy places by the villagers around there. People believe that the waterfall becomes the place for the popular Gadjah Mada before entering the Majapahit kingdom. That makes them keep the place as the sacred place to visit until now.

4. Nokan Nayan Waterfall

Nokan Nayan waterfall becomes one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia with about 180 meters tall. It is located in Ambalau district, Sintang, West Kalimantan that becomes of the Indonesian cities with the cleanest air at the beginning of 2020.

Nokan Nayan waterfall comes from the two different water from a different river. That makes the waterfall has beautiful scenery to look up to. Besides, the natural scenery around them contains the rain forest’s tree with a highest and green view.

Just like the Madakaripura waterfall, the Nokan Nayan waterfall also becomes one of the sacred waterfalls for the villagers around. If you visiting the waterfall, there are some rules that you need to follow for your good.

5. Tretes Waterfall

East Java not only has the highest mountains in Indonesia, but also the highest waterfall. Tretes waterfall becomes one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia with about 158 meters tall. It is located in Galeng Dowo village, Wonosalam, Jombang, East Java, and becomes the highest waterfall on Java island.

Tretes waterfall is surrounded by the beautiful scenery of some giant rocks and rain forest. To get there, you need to go through the difficult track that is not made for children.

6. Lembah Harau Waterfall

Lembah Harau waterfall becomes one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia with about 150 meters tall of high. It is located in Payakumbuh, West Sumatera, and the most popular icon for tourism visit there. It is not far from Bukittinggi which is located about 35 km away from the city.

Lembah Harau is surrounded by sturdier rock and big trees with a green view. That makes you can do rock climbing there with a guide from the local villagers. It safe to do and becomes the most popular sport for tourism visit while getting there.

7. Batang Kapas Waterfall

Batang Kapas waterfall becomes one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia with about 133 meters tall. It is located in Kampar Kiri Hulu, Kampar, Riau, and becomes part of the most popular hills in north Sumatra, Bukit Barisan hills.

Batang Kapas waterfall is surrounded by a beautiful rock with white and oranges colors. That makes the scenery there is mindblowing you. Besides, you can also enjoy the green of big trees and some floras and fauna around there.

8. Sipiso-Piso Waterfall

Sipiso-Piso waterfall becomes the highest waterfall in Indonesia with about 120 meters tall of high. It is located in Hutabaringi village, Tongging, Karo, North Sumatra, specifically right at the shore of the Toba lake.

Sipiso-Piso waterfall has a straight and vertical waterfall that makes it more beautiful to see. The rock wall of the waterfall comes straight from the top to the bottom that makes there is no barrier to the water to get fall.

9. Jarakan Waterfall

Jarakan waterfall becomes one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia with about 115 meters tall. It is located in Ngancar village, Plaosan, Magetan, East Java, and becomes the most popular waterfall in Magetan for tourism visits.

Jarakan Waterfall has beautiful scenery that mindblowing you. It is surrounded by a rain forest with true nature and has the cleanest air to breathe. On holiday season, the waterfall will always be crowded with the visitor so you need to be careful before going to the waterfall during those seasons.

So, there are some of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia that have so many wonderful sceneries. That becomes the one of reasons why you should visit Indonesia. Have you ever visit one of them?

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