Socio Cultural

Beautiful But Sad, 8 Great Stories From North Sumatran Folktales

Indonesian folktales become the most stories that every child waits to hear in school. Since a long time ago, folktales have existed in most of the regions in Indonesia includes in the North of Sumatera. Not only the Indonesian soup that popular there, but also the story behind them.

Commonly, folktales connected with the myth in its region. Such as in other regions in Indonesia, in the North of Sumatera also has its folk stories.

Here we have some great North Sumatran folktales that you should know. Some of them are beautiful but a bit sad to hear.

1. The Origin of Lake Toba

Lake Toba is known as the biggest lake in the South of East Asia which located in the North of Sumatera. The lake is so huge which around with 7 regencies. They are Simalungun, Toba Samosir, North Tapanuli, Humbang Hasundutan, Dairi, Karo, and Samosir.

Toba Lake

The story of the lake begin when there was a man calls as Toba who married a goldfish woman. They have a son name Samo. Toba was agreed to marry her with one condition. He swore to have not to mention her wife as the goldfish, but then he broke it and call his son as the son of fish.

People believe that his wife cursed Toba with a hard rain that never stops in several days. Once the rain stopped, the place in which Toba live became the greatest lake ever. People start to call it as the Toba Lake and the island of its become the Samosir island.

2. The Legend of Lubuk Emas

The legend of Lubuk Emas is one of North Sumatran folktales which so popular about the beauty of Sri Pandan. The story is about the bottom of the Asahan river as the biggest river in the North of Sumatera.

Lubuk Emas Story

It calls as Lubuk Emas because people believe that Sri Pandan jumped into the bottom of the river with a lot of the gold she has. The story behind it meant so deep that shown her pure love for her slave, Hobatan. Instead of marrying the Prince of Aceh, she would rather take suicide in the Asahan river.

3. The Legend of Nai Manggale (Si Gale-Gale)

If you visiting Lake Toba, not far from the lake you will find Si Gale-Gale statue. This statue made by people there to them who died without leaving any descent. The statue made by the sculptor name Datu Panggana which then his sculpt culture become the famous culture in Indonesia.

Si Gale-Gale statue

Someday, a man called Datu Partoar makes a wish to God so the statue becomes a real woman. His wife names her as Nai Manggale with the beauty of the Ulos on its body. Then she married a man but has no descent after a long period of their marriage. She became sick and died without having any children.

4. The Legend of Princess Runduk

In the 7 century, there is a Princess call as Runduk. She famous for her beauty which can make most of the man at that time want to marry her. Even though she was married to the King of Jayadana, there are still so many men from other kingdoms who want to marry her.

Runduk Waterfall

The princess was not so happy with the situation. But, the prince of Africa name King Janggi keeps persistent to want her to be his wife. The princess runs away to the Morsala island and jumps into the sea. Her slaves were so sad and crying every day until make a waterfall around the sea.

5. The Legend of Lau Kawar Lake

In the Karo regency, there is a village name Kawar. Before the place becomes a lake there is a sad story behind it. People believe that there was a happy couple with one child who being cursed by their mother.

Lau Kawar Lake

She becomes so angry with the food that they send to her which ate by her grandchildren. She makes a bad wish for them but before he wishing come to an end, there was a huge earthquake with hard rain. The disaster burry the place turned into the lake.

6. The Legend of The White Snake Princess

In the North of Sumatera, there is a region name Simalungun. Behind the beauty of its region, there was a sad legend about it. People believe there was a kingdom that has the most princess ever. She should follow some facts about the wedding ceremony of the Batak tribe that she wouldn’t do. Before she married, her body turns to be a white snake because of her wish.

7. The Legend of Batu Gantung Parapat

Around the Toba lake, there is a mysterious stone that hangs on the hill. People call it as the Batu Gantung Parapat. There is a sad story behind it about the princess that avoids her arrange married.

Batu Gantung Parapat

She runs away to the Toba lake and wants to jump in there. But her body was stuck in the hole in the middle of the forest. Then she cried and said “ Parapat Batu…Parapat Batu…”. Her parents pray to God to save her, but the princess avoids it. So the body keep remain hanging in the cliff.

8. The Legend of Si Kantan Island

Si Kantan island is the name of the island the Labuhan Batu river, North Sumatera. There was a tragic story behind it about the man that abandoned his mother. After he married a princess in one kingdom, he forgets about his mother.

Si Kantan Island

Once his mother knew about him that becomes rich, he didn’t admit about his mother. Then she turns to be so angry and cursed him. His boat sank in the river than people call the island on it with the Si Kantan island.

So, there are some North Sumatran folktales that you should know. North Sumatera is not only about famous food in Medan, Indonesia but also some legends of its regions. Some of them have a great story but sad to hear. But, there are so many lessons about these stories we could take.

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